Week 172: Life is a choice, thanking God is the key
I am writing this very emotionally, because actually this is a personal experience taken from the story of my own parents and until now I uphold the value that life is a choice and how we have to improve that life in the midst of society's ridicule which is sometimes more frequent. makes our mental state go down to depression compared to those who always give encouragement, the reason is because POVERTY we can make them Happy, and I took part in this week's challenge with the TOPIC Would you have sex for money to feed your family if you were hungry.
Learning from the experience of my mother who was only a housemaid and my father was a rickshaw driver, I have 4 siblings who all went to university. In the past, there were no government programs like now that made education up to university free, everyone had to pay their own way if they wanted to continue their education to college. My parents once told us that they could not give us an inheritance in the form of property, because there was nothing to share with us children, my parents only fought and gave us a higher education as an inheritance for us so that we could use our knowledge. planning a better future.
However, there is a price that must be paid for our higher education, namely that we have to be able to eat as little as we can, and this is where my parents played a very important role in instilling the value of 'Gratefulness' in us because there are still many people whose lives are much more miserable than our situation at that time, I and my brother once enjoyed eating rice only with salt and the next day he had to be willing to eat just boiled vegetables, and my mother is a beautiful woman and very easy to get along with, if she chooses to sell herself to support us I'm sure she will still sell for it, but it's her CHOICE when that is NO, because life is a choice, he prefers to live with loyalty, poverty and full of gratitude and blessings presented by GOD, and it has proven successful, because all his children including me have succeeded in getting jobs and living a decent life from our education even though the struggle is very tiring.
Armed with my parents' experience raising us when we were little, I also apply the same pattern, there are many ways for us to get money to buy food as long as we want to try without having to sell ourselves for money. Especially now in the digital era. It's very easy for us to make money if we just eat. I'm sure that if we use the cellphone in our hands properly we won't be short of food, but the next reality is Many sell themselves not for food but to fulfill a hedonistic lifestyle, or want to be recognized as richer in their community.
So I have indirectly answered the question from the given topic, that I WILL NOT have sex to feed my hungry family. That is the choice of eating as I can, being grateful for the blessings that GOD has given me and I will distance myself from all social communities that can spend my money. If my parents could do it in difficult times, why can't I do it now in my life.
Children's education is the best investment. But without money, it's still difficult to study. I was a student myself and worked at night to have money. And then I already had a wife and a child.