Photography of local dancers - monomad photography chalenge


A super strong folk dance duo came to the studio and based on me photographing them, they were going to make a promotional banner and wanted to work on something that would identify them as a dance group. .
At first, I said that it would be better to have local clothes and accessories related to this dance, and after starting to photograph, it was interesting that they were a group in reality and outside of the dance group, and they complemented each other.
One of them had a calm personality and the other was a bit evil, it's pretty obvious which one it is and I don't think it needs further explanation.

I wish I had a video to show you their dance and performance, how they delighted the wedding ceremony and gathering. In the third photo, I took a photo so you can see how they use these sticks in their hands. The dance itself has its own ritual and music, which is related to the northern region of our country and is usually known all over the world.
You can watch a bunch of them by searching the internet with the word Kormanji dance.
In such photos, the important thing is that no one should be superior to the other in the photo, if they are a group that has a leader or a person who is different from others in terms of gender or age, and to create symmetry, you can. Pose to the performance figures in their standing position.
Thank you for taking the time to read the post.
From now on, I want to create a challenge with the permission of my dear friends and managers, the last photo is from my childhood, I invite two friends to this challenge. To upload your childhood photo at the end of the next post.
Photography By @menati
thank you


@hopestylist @mell79


Manually curated by EwkaW from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!


Thanks for the tagged. And your childhood picture is cute. I actually did post my childhood photos in one of my post. Ill give you the link later so I dont have to double post it.
