Ladies of Hive Community Contest #206

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Warm greetings to the #LadiesOfHive community.

Can you share a moment when you turned a difficult
situation into a valuable life lesson?

Every day is a new experience and a new life as referred by Dr. Joe Dispenza, this leads us to make the best of every day we live with all those things that we consider important and those that we do not leave aside to not hinder mental health and all that is included in it.

In this space I want to share that when we understand the importance of seeing each day as a new life we open large neural networks that pursue that good living or manifest the good living in the environment where we move or interrelate even if this environment is of few people if we talk about numbers.

Some 10 years ago a girl who had already grown up, in the middle of adolescence, fell in love, at that time she was not refused to live this romance in a clean way without her parents to keep calm about this decision.

After a few months and something like two years, that relationship was maintained to such an extent that this girl decided to emigrate with her boy, a couple who decided, she felt she was too old to make decisions of this type, although she was given options or expressed different ideas, she kept on that, leaving the country in an uncertain way, she left aside the university studies that were already advanced, she quit a job that was really going very well.

In view of what happened, my vision of what I wanted with the girl for her welfare and future was broken for several weeks, I turned over in my head so many situations that as parents we refuse to let our children go through or experience, with all this I never refused to help financially, although she did not want us to help her, we still insisted to make the trip a little more comfortable.

I maintained a posture of respect towards her choice even though inside my chemistry said the opposite. Since childhood it was said at home that everyone is responsible for the decisions they make, this thought seems to have deepened in her and on several occasions she repeated it.

One day, it seems that my brain clicked in front of what I was living, without fights or anything, if there was discomfort because it was practically not what was wanted; something inside me made me understand that everyone must live their experiences in order to grow as a person and understand the path to follow. It was not easy to accept it, then I remembered that I myself left home at the age of 19 to begin this journey in life, where my greatest possession were the principles of home, values, how to handle myself in life ... that made me remember the poetry of Khalil Gibran: Your children are not your children, they are children of life.

With the passing of the years, I know that it has not been easy for her financially, even though she is still determined to be where she is. I understood that I must look from the outside without intervening, only listen when she wants to be heard without giving opinions and without making judgments.

For me, this lesson that life put in front of me could not be more valuable, even though I had plans...there I understood that everyone loves and suffers as he/she wants and because of the lessons that he/she lives, he/she forms his/her conscience before the daily challenges that he/she has to face.

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Saludos cordiales a la comunidad #LadiesOfHive

¿Puedes compartir un momento en el que
convertiste una situación difícil en una valiosa lección de vida?

Cada dìa es una nueva experiencia y una nueva vida como lo refiere el Dr. Joe Dispenza, esto nos lleva a sacar lo mejor de cada dìa que se vive con todas aquellas cosas que consideramos importantes y las que no dejarlas a un lado para no entorpecer la salud mental y todo lo que viene incluìdo en ello.

En este espacio quiero compartir que cuando comprendemos la importancia de ver cada dìa como una nueva vida se nos abren grandes redes neuronales que persigue ese buen vivir o manifestar el el buen vivir en el entorno donde nos movemos o interrelacionamos asì este entorno sea de pocas personas si hablamos de nùmeros.

Hace algunos 10 años una chica que ya habìa crecido, en plena adolescencia le llegò el amor o el enamoramiento, en ese entonces no estaba negada a vivir ese romance de una manera limpia sin que sus padres mantuvieran la tranquilidad ante esta decisiòn.

Pasaron unos meses y algo como dos años, esa relaciòn se mantuvo a tal punto que esta chica decidiò emigrar con su chico, pareja que decidiò, ya sentìa que era muy grande para tomar decisiones de este tipo, a pesar de que se le dieron opciones o manifestaron diferentes ideas, se mantuvo en esa, salir del paìs de una manera incierta, dejò a un lado los estudios universitarios que ya estaban avanzados, renunciò a un empleo que de verdad le iba muy bien.

En vista de lo acontecido, mi visiòn de lo que se querìa con la chica para su bienestar y futuro se vio roto, varias semanas, daba vuelta en mi cabeza tantas situaciones que como padres nos negamos a que nuestros hijos pasen o experimenten, con todo esto nunca me neguè a la ayuda econòmica , aunque ella no quiso que le ayudaramos igual insistimos para hacer el viaje un poco màs còmodo.

Mantuve una postura de respeto hacia su elecciòn aunque por dentro mi quìmica decìa lo contrario. Desde niños se decìa en casa que cada quien es responsable de las decisiones que toma, este pensamiento parece que se profundizò en ella y en varias ocasiones lo repetìa.

Un dìa, parece que mi cerebro hizo clic ante lo que vivìa, sin peleas ni nada , si habìa molestia porque prácticamente no era lo que se querìa; algo dentro de mi me hizo entender que cada quien debe vivir sus experiencias para poder crecer como persona y entender el camino a seguir. No fue fàcil aceptarlo , luego recordè que yo misma salì de mi hogar a los 19 años a comenzar ese trajinar en la vida, donde mi mayor posesiòn fueron los principios de hogar, valores, de como manejarme en la vida...eso me hizo recordar la poesìa de Khalil Gibran : Tus hijos no son tus hijos, son hijos de la vida.

Con el paso de los años , sè que no ha sido nada sencillo para ella desde el punto de vista econòmico a pesar que sigue con su decisiòn firme de estar donde està. Entendìa que debo ver de fuera sin intervenir solo escuchar cuando quiere ser escuchada sin opinar y sin hacer juicios.

Para mi, màs valiosa no puede ser esta lecciòn que me puso la vida ante mi, a pesar de tener planes ...allì entendìa que cada quien ama y sufre como quiere y porque de las lecciones que vive va formando su conciencia ante los retos diarios que se deben enfrentar.

Contenido Original


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This is absolutely beautiful. You, looking at things from outside without intervening. Reading it from you really makes a whole lot of sense. I'm glad I came across it. A nice perspective I'll love to implement in my daily living from now on
