A Bus Ride To A Parallel Universe

As the clock ticked closer to midnight on December 31st, 1999, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. I had been looking forward to a joyous reunion with my childhood friends in Port Harcourt, Nigeria, to usher in the new millennium. A millennium we had almost dreaded as it meant the end of the world for us. But fate had other plans.

My forgetfulness and procrastination had left me stranded in Lagos, unable to book a flight to Port Harcourt in time. The only available flight was on December 31st, which meant that I would miss our agreed meeting spot on the 26th and that would not be funny. I knew Lagos traffic would be notorious, but I was still caught off guard. By the time I boarded a bus from Lagos to Port Harcourt, night had fallen, and my hopes of arriving on time had dwindled.



As I sat on the old, rickety bus, I reminisced about the good old days; We had grown up together, exploring the city's streets, playing games, sharing secrets, and making memories that would last a lifetime.
I longed to be with my friends, to relive old memories and create new ones with each and every one of them b but fate had other plans.

Suddenly, a blinding light filled my eyes, and I found myself transported to our old bench in front of my father's compound by the beach, surrounded by my friends laughing and dancing. I was confused, disoriented, and amazed.

"Is this real or am I dreaming?" I asked, still trying to process what was happening.
Emeka joked, "Andy, did you see a ghost?" I was certain I had
The group teased me, thinking I'd been drinking too much, but I knew what I had experienced that day. I had been transported to a different universe, one where I had arrived on time for the reunion. We danced to the latest Nigerian songs, ate traditional food, and drank soft drinks. We reminisced about old times and made plans for the future. We partied into the night, crossing over into the 21st century with excitement and nostalgia.

But when I went to the bathroom just after midnight, another blinding light appeared, and I found myself back on the bus, my wristwatch reading past 12. I realized I had indeed traveled to another universe, one where I had arrived at the reunion on time.

Thanks for reading😊

This post is in response to the dreemport/scholar and scribe August Challenge


Hahaha. You indeed travelled to another universe because I got confused, you saying you were on the bus and in the next minute, you had had your reunion.


The way you explain this reunion, I too want to travel on bus like this. At least let me see myself in a reunion party naw....


Since this happened in an African land, then it's JuJu at work 😅
