Embracing Introversion In A World Of Extroverts


I'm the kind of girl that if you don't talk to me ,I would never talk to you. That's just how I am. There are some rare cases where I walk up to people because I just like how they are. Like I said, rare cases.

Honestly even the introverts want to go out, have some fun and socialise. We all need friends to be there for us, it's just how we are. I barely make friends, so if all my current friends unfriend me, I'll be all alone. In fact right now I'm at that point in life where I'm learning to be on my own Without any friends.


I get overwhelmed when there are too many people around me. I like my circle small, the highest should be five persons plus me but if it's more than that , I'd rather stay home.

Before I started working, I would stay indoors for days, and would only come out at night to get something to eat. Most of my neighbours would ask me if I traveled hahaha.
Nope! This girl is just at home enjoying her peace and quite .
I'm currently working, so I have my Sundays for myself, which means I can go out and have fun, but No!! The introvert in me wouldn't let me 😂.

So what happened this morning was, I was on WhatsApp yh! Viewing status as usual😂. I came across a strange number and texted the person, only to find out that he was my long lost friend.
We got talking and he asked me how I spent my Sunday, and I told him how boring it was, that I was at home all day, sleeping and eating.

He sent me a voice note laughing very hard and saying he's not even surprised. He said he wanted to answer the question he asked me, because he knows fully well that I never go out of the house unless there's someone to drag me out with them. And clearly there's no one, so I'm easy to predict 😂

Honestly I love my piece of mind more than anything . Sometimes I get so tired talking to people, coz how do you guys keep up with conversations for hours?😫

It's not like I chose to be an introvert, it all just kinda happened.
So here's the thing, I'm bad at texting, calling and let's just say keeping in touch with people. This has affected my relationship with my friends a lot. They're all in school and very far away from home, so it's always an issue for me to call or even when they text me on WhatsApp, it takes ages for me to reply. It's not my fault, most times I get so tired of texting I would rather watch videos on IG than text . That's just how boring and introverted I am hehehe

Just before I draw the curtains, just know that every introvert has a little crazy side or should I say a little bit of an extrovert in them. If you're very close to me , I'm indeed an extrovert 😂😂

Image was edited by me using Canva

Thanks for reading❤️✨

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I often think we can't help being what we are. An ambivert I think is a word that applies to many people. It is not as clear cut as being introvert or extravert I think.


Yes, an Ambivert, that's the word, thank you 😅.
I can't say I'm an introvert 100%.
Thank you for stopping by and for this lovely comment ✨😊


Ahan! Na now I understand everything, hehe
Madam introvert,
Come out oooo, let's have fun, hehe
Well, well well, one cannot actually deny one's nature although we just have to make effort to coke out at times when our nature seems to be inconvenient inglés many persons around us, that's for charity sake anyway


Yes oo, I'm very shy oo😂😂.
But you're not here naw .
Exactly, just be who you are
Thanks for stopping by ☺️


Being an introvert in the world of extroverts comes with some challenges. Most people tend to prefer extroverts like them. You would be compelled to be an extrovert whereas you are not.


Exactly, that's why I just like being on my own most of the time
Thanks for stopping by dreemer


We are very similar in so many ways, so I feel and understand you perfectly! That end is so accurate, the people I am close to and free with can never support anyone that says I am a gentle person🤣 That's why I just like to call myself an Ambivert, just kinda in between, for real.



Honestly 😂😂😂, they know us better 😂
Yeah, we are for sure .
Thanks for stopping by dreemer
