Underboss Fabino fanart for Splinterlands art contest week 320

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Hello Splinterlands fans.

I hope you had a great day. Today, I'm showing you my new artwork for Splinterlands Art Contest Week 320—a Fabino underboss Fabino. This is the first time I've participated in this Roach contest so here's my new art blog post. A big shout out to last week's winners—you guys did a great job.

For this week's first power-up, I decided to caper Underboss Fabino, a character who is confident, gangster-like. And I tried to dress him up like a gangster.

To start, I sketched out a dynamic pose that reflects Underboss Fabino's commanding presence and boss persona. I tried to draw him in a new sharp suit and made sure to highlight his signature accessories like the cigar chuck ring form, as they reflect his status as a cunning underboss Fabino.

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Once the sketch was ready, I enhanced the piece in an eritre vector style. I took a key green and yellow ground to emphasize Fabino's software personality and apply a useful effect to the artwork. The fiery pink smoke from the cigar has a magical touch, hinting at his otherworldly power.

For the color part, I first came up with the original card art. The fiery red adds a menacing look, while the flaming reds are a sign of his power and influence. From his gold-colored pendant to his fedora, the details of Underboss Fabino and the main character were designed.

And much of this was done with Illustrator software. And I've included some step-by-step pictures of my art journey so you can give your feedback on how I went from a simple sketch art to this brutal presence.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on my new fanart. What do you think of my new style of underboss Fabino? Let me know in the comments. Good luck to everyone participating in this week's contest. I can't wait to see the amazing creations from the Splinterlands community. Thanks

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