Do You Need Love or Money to Have a Happy Marriage?


Hello everyone, I hope you had a beautiful day. Welcome to my blog!


To begin with, let me say that marriage is no longer just based on love or money in today's society. Numerous more factors also come into play, including:

  • Compatibility: It is important for a couple to be compatible on many levels, including their values, interests, lifestyle, and goals.

  • Communication: A happy and healthy marriage depends on effective communication. This involves having the capacity to properly and effectively communicate oneself as well as to pay attention to and understand one another.

  • Trust: Mutual trust is essential for any relationship, but especially for a marriage. Without trust, it is difficult to build a solid foundation for a lasting partnership.

  • Respect: This is essential to any successful relationship, but marriages require it most of all. Respect involves treating others with compassion and honoring their privacy, boundaries, and ideas.

  • Friendship: Any successful relationship requires a strong friendship. A couple should be able to laugh together, enjoy their time together, and feel secure enough to confide in one another.

  • Commitment: Both partners need to be committed to making the marriage work. This means making an effort to understand and meet each other's needs, as well as to work through disagreements and challenges.

  • Sexual intimacy: Sexual intimacy is an important aspect of marriage for many couples. This includes physical, emotional, and spiritual intimacy. Sexual intimacy can strengthen the bond between partners, and can be an important source of pleasure and fulfillment.

  • Shared goals: Couples who have shared goals and values are more likely to have a strong and lasting marriage. This can include things like career goals, family goals, and lifestyle goals.

It is also important to keep in mind that every relationship is unique and that these factors may not all be equally important for every couple. However, they can all play a role in making a marriage strong and fulfilling.

With all that said, it is also important to keep in mind that marriage is not just about checking off boxes and meeting expectations. It is about sharing a life with someone, and building a relationship that is unique and meaningful to both partners.

The most important thing is to find someone who you love and who loves you back, and to build a life together based on trust, respect, and mutual support. If you can do that, you will have a strong foundation on which to build a happy and fulfilling marriage.

Thus, remember that love is the most crucial ingredient, even though the other things I listed are very significant. None of the other factors truly matter without love. But with love, you can weather any storm and enjoy the journey of marriage together.

Thanks for reading...
I am @mummygo


Love will help you to respect and love your partner, love is the key to a happy family life.


Love play a lot of vital rules when it comes to marriage.


I need bountiful love oh. Love is that thing. If money is prioritized in marriage, then that marriage would probably fail. To me, I go with love, as my top priority.


Perfectly said, many factors put together completes a perfect wedding.


All the points you mentioned are valid,if love is the foundation on which all these will stand,a marriage will last.
