Happiness: Is it a Destination or a Journey?
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Throughout history, people have relentlessly sought for the idea of happiness. It is the invisible state of being that we all aspire to, and for most people, the goal that matters most. But what exactly does happiness mean? Is it a destination that we can reach, or is it a journey that we must embark on?
Many people view happiness as a destination we can go to if we work hard enough, accomplish our goals and satisfy our desires. According to this view, happiness is an external feeling that may be achieved via relationships, success, and material belongings. It's the belief that we may eventually find happiness if we just have enough money, a perfect spouse, a rewarding job, or a lovely home.
But there are numerous problems with this destination-based conception of happiness. It implies that happiness is something that we can never fully achieve and that it is something that exists outside of ourselves.
It might result in an endless cycle of going after the next big thing and constantly searching for the next temporary source of fulfillment or joy. In the end, this can cause us to feel empty and unsatisfied since we learn that happiness is difficult even when we accomplish the goals we set.
However, there is a growing trend that views happiness as a journey, a state of being that is developed internally/within as instead of something that is pursued externally. This point of view on happiness places a strong emphasis on the importance of self-awareness, self-acceptance, and consciousness in living a happy and meaningful life.
It is a belief that real happiness comes from within, that is, from living in present time, enjoying the little things in life, and appreciating them.
Research in the field of positive psychology has demonstrated that our levels of happiness are influenced by our attitudes, beliefs, and mindset in addition to external factors, contributing to the idea that happiness is a journey.
Research has shown that important determinants of happiness include things like compassion, gratitude, and connections with other people. These results show that true happiness is found in our relationships and interactions with others rather than in financial prosperity or accomplishments.
Additionally, achieving happiness is a dynamic, ongoing process rather than a straight line. It's about accepting every high and low in life, growing from what we have gone through, and facing our obstacles head-on.
It is about staying loyal to who we are and what we believe in, and it is about finding meaning and purpose in our lives. Happiness is a journey that we must do throughout our lives rather than a destination that we can eventually arrive at.
Pursuing happiness is a universal goal that is important to the life of every person. It is becoming more and more recognized as a journey that is grown from inside, even though many may still consider it as a destination that may be reached through external methods.
In the end, finding happiness is a personal journey that calls for self-reflection awareness of oneself, and a dedication to living a meaningful life.
Thanks for reading...
I am @mummygo
i have to keep on working hard to get financial freedom which is one thing that brings happiness, happiness is important in life.