Hive Music Festival Week 106 - Round 1 // Just my imaginantion (Bass Cover) By @musicandreview


I must admit that to a great extent I listen to the music I listen to today thanks to my sister. I grew up listening to The Cranberries, among other bands of the same style and in that sense the rock and pop gene was installed in me progressively. There are bands that have a unique style and that are easy to recognize just by listening to a few seconds and this band that was led by Dolores O'Riordan is one of those. Dolores was a singer who achieved a very distinctive place in the music world for her unique voice and today we continue to mourn her untimely passing.

“Just My Imagination” is one of the many iconic songs of this Irish band that managed to reach the hearts of millions of fans around the world, corresponds to the album Bury the Hatchet which was released in 1999. In this album we can find great hits like “Promises”, “Animal Instinct”, “Fee fi fo”, among others, from my point of view is one of the best. Something I really like about the song that I share with you today is its music video, it is full of beautiful colors and somehow evokes the best moments of this band that we still miss today.


Debo reconocer que en gran medida escucho la música que hoy escucho gracias a mi hermana. Crecí escuchando The Cranberries, entre otras bandas del mismo estilo y en ese sentido se fue instalando en mi de manera progresiva el gen del rock y el pop. Hay bandas que tienen un estilo único y que son fáciles de reconocer con solo escuchar unos poco segundos y ésta banda que fue liderada por Dolores O’Riordan es una de esas. Dolores fue una cantante que logró un lugar muy distintivo en el mundo de la música por su particular voz y al día de hoy seguimos lamentando su prematuro fallecimiento.

“Just My Imagination” es una de las tantas canciones icónicas de ésta banda irlandesa que logró alcanzar los corazones de millones de fanáticos alrededor del mundo, corresponde al álbum Bury the Hatchet que fue lanzado en el año 1999. En éste álbum podemos encontrar grandes éxitos como “Promises”, “Animal Instinct”, “Fee fi fo”, entre otras, desde mi punto de vista es uno de los mejores. Algo que me gusta mucho de la canción que hoy comparto con ustedes es su video musical, está lleno de hermosos colores y de alguna manera evoca a los mejores momentos de ésta banda que hoy en día seguimos extrañando.



There was a game we used to play
We would hit the town on Friday night
And stay in bed until Sunday
We used to be so free
We were livin' for the love we had
And livin' not for reality

Just my imagination (my imagination)
Just my imagination (my imagination)
Just my imagination
It was
Just my imagination (my imagination)
Just my imagination (my imagination)
Just my imagination
It was

That was the time I used to pray
I have always kept my faith in love
It's the greatest thing from the man above
The game I used to play
I've always put my cards upon the table
Never be said that I'd be unstable

Just my imagination (my imagination)
Just my imagination (my imagination)
Just my imagination
It was
Just my imagination (my imagination)
Just my imagination (my imagination)
Just my imagination
It was

There is a game I like to play
I like to hit the town on Friday night
And stay in bed until Sunday
We'll always be this free
We will be livin' for the love we have
And livin' not for reality

It's not my imagination (my imagination)
It's not my imagination (my imagination)
It's not my imagination
It was
Not my imagination (my imagination)
Not my imagination (my imagination)
Not my imagination
It was

Not my, not my (my imagination)
Not my, not my, not my (my imagination)
Not my, not my, not my
Not my, not my (my imagination)
Not my, not my, not my (my imagination)
Not my, not my, not my
La, la-la-la, la, la-la-la-la
La, la-la-la, la, la-la-la-la

My imagination, my imagination
My imagination (my imagination), my imagination (my imagination)
My imagination (my imagination), my imagination (my imagination)

To make this bass cover, I downloaded the song from the band's official channel and then I removed the original bass line that was recorded by Mike Hogan with the Moises application, I usually rely a lot on that app because it allows my lines to be perfectly distinguished in the final audio mix. By the way, in order not to make the whole thing so repetitive, I cut the song, but I left the most representative and important parts, believe me you will hear the best of this song in this cover. Faith a pleasure to share once again with the community, a big hug to all of you!

Para realizar éste cover de bajo, descargué la canción del canal oficial de la banda y luego eliminé la línea de bajo original que fue grabada por Mike Hogan con la aplicación Moises, suelo apoyarme mucho en esa app porque permite que mis líneas se distingan perfectamente en la mezcla final del audio. Por cierto, para no hacer el asunto tan repetitivo, recorté la canción, pero dejé las partes más representativas e importantes, créanme que escucharán lo mejor de ésta canción en éste cover. Fe un placer compartir una vez más con la comunidad. ¡Un fuerte abrazo para todos!



- Band: The Cranberries
- Track
- Lyrics Source

-Used tools/Herramientas usadas:

- Video recorded with: Samsung Galaxy A32
- Video edited with: CapCut
- Main image edited with: PowerPoint 2016
- Translator: DeepL Translate



It is a pity that this girl passed away so soon, but she left her musical legacy that to this day continues to sound in the hearts of her fans, an excellent cover of this beautiful song and remember that time ❤️


Me pareció escuchar algo sobre esa app que mencionas. Por ahora ando estudiando lo que puede ofrecer BandLab. Pero todas las opciones son buenas para hacer un contenido de calidad. Me encantó tu presentación tremendo ritmo chama 😎
