Phone Photography Contest - 20 - Witnessing something legendary

My response to the contest Phonography / Phone Photography Contest - 20 hosted by @untilwelearn


This is a photography contest where you need to express your feelings or share a memory through your photographs.

This is one of those very sweet memory of my life. We all know Freddie Mercury, the legend. He was the lead vocalist and pianist of the rock band Queen and everyone around the world know the band Queen because of Freddie. Freddie was a Zoroastrian by religion, which is my religion and we are a very small community, so we take great pride when people from our community make big accomplishments and Freddie's accomplishments were lager then life. I have grown up listening to his songs and I was always very fascinated by him, the way he had achieved success in music. During my last visit to Switzerland I had made it a point that I would visit Freddie's museum which is in Montreux.

When I entered the museum I felt like I was going back in time and it felt like he would enter that place any moment and greet the visitors. Though it was a museum, his presence was felt so strongly in every nook and corner of the place. When I was going around the museum, looking at his things and specially his costumes, everything of that felt so surreal. The costumes that he had worn for his songs,
now I was seeing them in real. I felt like he was standing there ready to get dressed and make his performance.

That's his fan mail, looking at this, one will wonder what a huge fan following he had all over the world. There were letters in all the possible languages. I don't think these days any fans write letters to their celebrities. Now a days people put comments on their social media page, but writing a letter had it's own charm.

This is one of his most iconic costume which was worn for his song β€˜It’s A Hard Life.’ It looks crazy but that's what he was all about.

This particular costume he had worn during the Queen's Magic Europe tour. This costume also was loud and made a big impact on his fans. It's a buckle up military style jacket.

Some of his hand written musical notes.

He was so much more then a vocalist and pianist. He set new trends in the field of music and set new fashion trends. He wore a simple vest which became a style statement of that time. There was so much more in this place, like all his musical instruments, so many more letters from his fans, his hand written notes, his costumes. I was feeling so lucky to have the opportunity to see all of this in real.

Thank you for visiting my blog. πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸŒΉπŸŒΊπŸŒΈ



"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"

Member of


Freddie Mercury sometimes dresses like Michael Jackson
The costumes look good


Reading it now ma'am and listening to their songs, I realized that ah, this band sang this song. I'm familiar with the song but the singer ma'am. Thank you for giving me idea about it.😊


Their songs are very famous and they have a huge fan following


Wow, it looks like someone is a very big fan of this artist. :)
