RE: Shoddy trademan holding my radiators hostage and HPUD Guessing Contest

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It made me sad to read you so sad and on the verge of collapse because of that man.
It's worse here. I have been building my house since 2009 and I have not been able to finish it, I know it well. There came a time when I said to myself: this is it. I am no longer living by putting up walls, fighting against people who in the end swindle me because they can neither do their job well, nor finish on time. That's why I felt very identified with your situation.
But, cheer up. Don't stop looking for solutions but without being affected by this.

Candy sticks... (I wish they could figure it out, it's all very convoluted).

And good for that power up. Good mistake, this is like complaining about something good that happened. Cool.



Since 2009!!!! That is not acceptable! I cannot imagine the pain you are going through, it must be 100 times worse than mine. How far off are you to completion?


How far off are you to completion?

I think this answer is more difficult than who came first, the chicken or the egg (I stopped thinking about it, don't worry hahahaha).

At this time of life building is a luxury, what I could do is sell this and buy something small already finished. But I would lose my yard full of fruit trees. And the comfort I have here. But half of the house is left to do.

