Reunion of friends / Reencuentro de Amigos
With this sharing of friends we began the past carnivals, as often happens what is not planned for a better sale and this was the case, this day I was at home calmly, at noon I went out to buy some things and I found myself two friends and we started talking since we hadn't seen each other for a while, after talking for a while we called another friend who lives near the place and he arrived after 10 minutes, since it was already late and we hadn't eaten we decided to go to a place that sells fried pork, While we waited we ordered some beers to refresh ourselves, when the tobo arrived I couldn't help but take a photo of its deliciousness.

Then the food arrived and everything was super good, although the best thing was the sauces.

After we finished eating we talked for a while about what we had done in all the time since we had not seen each other and telling old stories like in any meeting. At that time, one of the girls had bought two bottles of foam for her little brother, which never arrived at their destination because between the games we started to pour that foam on each other like crazy and we enjoyed that moment among friends since we had time without getting together.

Grateful to be able to participate in this exciting challenge for week 357 of #weekendsaturday
Con este compartir de amigos empezamos los carnavales pasados, como muchas veces suele suceder lo que no se planea sale mejor y este fue el caso, este dia yo estaba en mi casa tranquilo, al mediodÃa salà a comprar unas cositas en eso me encuentro a dos amigas y empezamos hablar ya que llevabamos tiempo sin vernos, luego de un rato hablando llamamos a otro amigo que vive cerca del lugar y llego a los 10 minutos, como ya era tarde y no habiamos comido decidimos ir a un local que venden cochino frito, mientras esperabamos pedimos unas cervezas para refrescarnos, cuando nos llego el tobo no pude evitar tomarle una foto esa sabrosura.

Después nos llego la comida y todo estaba super bueno aunque lo mejor fueron las salsas.

Al terminar de comer estuvimos hablando un rato sobre que habiamos hecho en todo el tiempo de no habernos visto y sacando cuentos viejos como en toda reunión. En eso una de las chicas habia comprado dos potes de espuma para su hermanito los cuales nunca llegaron a su destino porque entre los juegos empezamos a echarnos esa espuma como locos y disfrutamos ese momento entre amigos ya que teniamos tiempo sin juntarnos.

Agradecido de poder participar en este reto emocionante de la semana 357 del #weekendsaturday
Moments between family and friend are unique, you have a factory of memories for future moments
The moments we spend with friends and family are moments worth gold.