Exploring Raft Ruins: Dystopian Structures [ENG-ESP]

Greetings dear friends of Gaming photography, I have not been able to participate actively in the last contests, but have no doubt that I'm always reading and watching everything here. This time I was thinking about what structures, buildings I could share here and although at first I was going to go for the side of modern or futuristic structures I preferred to go to the dystopian side, today I bring constructions of the Raft game.

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Raft sets us in the middle of a huge ocean, wherever we look we will see a vast expanse of water and after obtaining resources and go following the thread of the story we will come across several locations that manage to pleasantly surprise as a player. One of the first ones I remember coming across is an oil base, I arrived at night and from a certain distance you could already see that it was huge and you had to equip yourself with diving equipment to investigate the flooded rooms floors below.

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Another of those that pleasantly surprised me were a series of houses on a small rugged island, the whole construction was very chaotic, there were no clear paths to reach the upper area, apparently this place was built by survivors of a global flood, that would partly explain its precariousness and chaotic layout, but apparently it was quickly abandoned by an attack from another community.

Captura de pantalla (2489).png

Later in the game I came across a gigantic dome, the richest and most powerful people were hidden in these facilities which by the way are full of robots that will attack you as soon as you enter, once inside you can go through different buildings to get items and continue with the story.

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Captura de pantalla (2545).png

Finally, and I must say that it is the construction that I liked the most of the whole game, are this pair of towers under construction, apparently at some point in the past they were abandoned, but when you arrive and walk around the whole place you feel insignificant, it is a really nice view to appreciate added to the fact that the entire internal route is a series of parkour until you reach the highest part of the game.

Captura de pantalla (2560).png

Captura de pantalla (2552).png Captura de pantalla(2563).png
What did you think of these constructions? In general, I love places abandoned in time. Personally, it makes me wonder how many people were there before, what stories happened and how it all came to be in that situation.


My 3D printing works @nit_3dprinting

Mis trabajos de impresión 3D @nit_3dprinting
Translated by DeepL
Traducido con DeepL
All images are my own
Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría

My last post #2 - "Explorando Horizontes: Techno IV" [ENG-ESP]
Mi último post #2 - "Explorando Horizontes: Techno IV" [ENG-ESP]



Great captures bro. I feel sad that this entry is not a valid one as it missed a major rule. Good luck next time and don't forget to do it in our community.


JAJAJA sisi cometi un gran error, no me di cuenta 😅 pero... ¿De los errores se aprende?


It happens, no problem. And of course, we should learn from our mistakes.
