(LOH #157)
After my first "real" blog last week sharing my life, I realized that a part of me is missing doing this. So for this week, I just wanted to participate and answer once more this week's question:
What's the one thing that people misunderstand about you?
My silence and me, wanting to create this space for me.
I am a very talkative person because I believe that through a conversation, I am able to understand a person's mindset and their principles in life.
I am not antisocial but being a creative being, I need time to reflect, process things. The process of creation does not start when my hands are already shaping the pieces together. They all start in my mind. And for me to be able to get a clear picture, I need space. Silence.
I am aware that people take this the wrong way sometimes.
I do not think that I would ever explain myself to anyone on why sometimes I needed to be silent and, why I need to have my own space. Its part of who and what I am. And,if that person wanted to be part of me, then, give me that wonderful gift of space, silence. The heart knows what words cannot often express.