Splinerlands - Magic Range Melee Ultimate Combo - Social Media Challenge


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Beautiful day,

How are you doing, my dear explorers, on Pretoria Land?

Is your season going forward as you planned it? My progression has been faster than the last season.

My trip on the mountain has shown me the powerful battle that I am studying on the regular pace.

Let's discover without any delay the outcome of this offensive battle.


Battle Rulesets

Unprotected: Monsters do not have any armor and do not get armor from Abilities or Summoner Buffs.

Counterspell: All Monsters have the Magic Reflect ability.

Maneuvers: All units gain reach.

Mana Cap: 60

A - Teams of fighters on the battlefield

--- First Team Composition ---

Kelya Frendul Lv8Arkemis the Bear Lv1
Coeurl Lurker Lv2Baakjira Lv3
Kulu Mastermind Lv4Deeplurker Lv5
Supply Runner Lv6


Overview of the combat as the first round started.


The warriors on the battlefield had no protection to maintain their life point as long as the battle evolve.

Second Team Composition


  • The best performing team
Quix Devious Lv4Drybone Barbarian Lv1
Carnage Titan Lv2Iziar Lv3
War Pegasus Lv4
Djinn Renova Lv5Gobson Bomber Lv6

B - Hero in the arena

In this battle where no shield or armor could serve as a barrier against melee and range attacks, we have triage or healing abilities that played a vital role in the strategy to take control in the arena.

Quix selection had warriors from melee magic and range category, striking with serious damage to the water team on the opposite side.

Water warriors were very strong after reviewing the attack statistic, but with not healing support, Kelya team saw a reduction of their members one after the other round after round.



My opinion on this battle

Water against Light combat had always been exciting moments to witness in the arena of Splinterlands.

The absence of shield as a ruleset was a major factor in the success of the battle plan from the light team.

Provide some abilities to help warrior recovery or bring back to life, one's card is the winner strategy

Water melee warriors had tremendous offensive potential, but they offered no healing advantage to their teammate.




It was a great battle in my opinion, where strategies built considering the ruleset could not be defeated in combat.

The counterspell active ruleset in this battle weakened the magic warrior's life reserve during the combat. Despite this limitation, the magic strikes from Renova destroyed enough cards on the board.


Thanks for taking the time to read this report on my last encounter in Splinterlands Arena.

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Warm regards

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Resource: Background soundHolizna In the Spotlight Winter Lofi 2023 Album
Holizna patreonCC0 1.0 Universal

I am looking forward to counting you among the readers of the coming social media challenge in Splinterlands.


==Disclaimer:== This Article's purpose is only educational and has no intention to make fun of any players of Splinterlands in the community. My publications relay valid information based on my personal experiences for your edutainment.

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Hi, I like "Iziar" and "Carnage Titan" in "Counterspell", nice game my friend.👍👍👍
