A space to call my own and how I would like it to be.
Hello, everyone.
Owning a space of our own is something we all dream of, and at some point in our lives, we must have come across a house or an apartment that forced the statement "that is a beautiful house; I somehow wish I could own something like that someday" out of our mouths. Somehow, we did not even know how it came out, but it just did. When it comes to owning a house or a space to call our own, we have different preferences. I know a friend who said instead of building a bungalow, he would stay in a tenant house that is a mansion, and then there are people like me who do not fancy the big and extravagant houses.
There are people who believe that if they don't own a mansion, then they are yet to own their dream house; then there are those who just want a space of their own and don't care if it is a bungalow, a duplex, or a mansion; all they want is just to own a place to call their own and a place where they do not have to answer to anyone. Owning a space of your own comes with a different feeling; you get to do what you want and how you want to do it, unlike living in rented apartments where you have to live by the landlord's rules and regulations so you don't get thrown out. Many people have had bad experiences with landlords, and it motivated them and forced them to do all it takes to get a space of their own.
I visited my uncle's newly built house in the village this past holiday season, and I just loved how he had it all arranged. He has a space for vegetation where he planted flowers and a few trees that will be trimmed from time to time, giving the compound the type of aesthetics I would love my own space to have. He did not build a mansion, and it was exactly the type of house I have in mind for myself; he built a duplex with a big sit-out, or should I say a balcony on the one on top. From there, you can enjoy the view of the entire village at night, and with his house close to the road, there was a lot to keep your eyes busy with.
I don't want a house so big since I am not a fan of that; I just want me a duplex that would bring me all the comfort I look forward to having in a space of my own. A house where there would be vegetation, flowers, trees, possibly a garden in the back where we can get fresh fruits from, and can also sit in to enjoy and admire nature. I do not intend to own a house that lacks that touch of green and natural grass, so having a space to put in place all the aesthetics I have in mind in my house is one of the things I look out for when it comes to my dream house.
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i love the way you picture your favorite house small but mighty
Nature is a good feature i.love in every house..it gives the building a unique touch and beautify the whole environment..weda bungalow or duplex or mansion...it's a must to have feature
I also love portable home but if u dash me a mansion..I will collect oo 😂
A bigger house with bigger maintenance