Haunted Spider: week 319 splinterlands contest

haunted spider8.png


haunted spider.png

haunted spider1.png

haunted spider2.png

haunted spider3.png

haunted spider4.png

haunted spider5.png

haunted spider6.png

haunted spider7.png

haunted spider8.png

With the cartoons I watched this week I no see spider as a unique animal. Then I randomly searched spider characters on splinterland, I saw some tho but I could only get two stuck in my head and they are Haunted Spider and Lava Spider but the Lava spider seemed complicated so I went with the haunted spider. Used a reference image which I believed would be the best.
After drawing the spider it was time for the background and I stayed for almost twenty minutes drawing different backgrounds but didn't get satisfied, as soon as I draw one I get rid of it and try again until I was satisfied with this one although it wasn't what I pictured.

