
My first assignment ever during my early days as an intern broadcaster was to read the news for the hour, which I did and recorded. Immediately I finished reading the news for the hour I knew yes this is the end I'm done with whatever that brought me here cause I felt like a failure there I was so ashamed that I flopped on my first assignment ever, I cried all and i was like I'm not going back even though i have not been told by the H.O.P ( head of programs) that it is over I just concluded in my heart that it's over, I'm done for, I'm not going back there

Image by tonodiaz on Freepik

I went home crying and kept on saying I have failed to make matters worse. I was called and told that I did a bad job with my pronunciations, confidence, voice e.t.c. but it is not the end, I can continue with practice I'll be fine, for a few days I was down and I decided to talk to a friend and he said to me

If I had not failed I would not go far, falling is not the problem but staying on the floor is the problem.

Please try to understand that it's not compulsory to fail in life before you make it but in case of failure you just have to pick up your pieces left and move on. That is not the end of the road.

The following day, after staying home for some days, I went back to work and to my surprise I was given the same role to read the news of the hour and I did it perfectly well not after much trial and error at home, that was when I remembered the saying that.

Failing is not the issue but remaining on the floor where you fell is the issue.

That was how I picked up myself and moved on. I kept on reading the news and I was getting it gradually. I even went ahead to add the pidgin english news to my plate, it wasn't easy but I was determined to do it and I did it.

Image by benzoix on Freepik

Not to brag but among everyone who were with me at the time of my internship are no longer here because at one point in time we all failed but it is the ability to rise up and dust yourself that matters.I kept on pushing and stretching myself beyond my limits and here I am doing well although I'm not longer reading the news but running shifts and doing well although not so perfectly well aiming to attain a better height.

So in all the lessons I learned from my failing on the first day is that :
*Failure is a step and not a destination
*Failing is not the issue but what you do after failing matters a lot.

See you tomorrow. Same time, same account, same writer.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. See you soon. 🤗

peace out ✌️

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Awww, this was actually very beautiful to read, thank God you have that kind of friend in your circle. Indeed, it doesn't matter how many times we fall, what matters is how we rise up every time we fall.

So, you are pro now eh? That is so beautiful, keep up the good work.


Not really a pro 😁 but I'm getting there for sure


This is amazing. I love that you didn’t fail to pick up yourself after failing. Failing is just giving room for improvement, I’m glad to see that you have improved.


Wise words from a good friend


This was a beautiful read dear, glad you didn't give up and you improved on yourself.


I'm glad I did dear.
Thanks for stopping by
