LOH Contest #202
Greetings to all the ladies of our community and to all who participate in our contests, I am very happy to participate, this week we will talk about:
*Hair loss
* A quality conversation
With everyone's permission, I'm going to start talking about Quality Conversation, a quality conversation is characterized by being meaningful, respectful, empathetic and constructive, for this it is required to comply with some guidelines for effective communication, including listening, speaking clearly, concisely and respectfully.
A quality conversation can significantly improve our daily interactions and establish more meaningful and enriching connections with others.
I remember a conversation with my mother that made me react immediately, I was very depressed about the death of the father of my young children, it hurt me a lot how my little girl missed him, felt him and looked for him.

My mother with love and with a lot of solidarity helped me to understand what my position should be before the situation she is living, she told me to thank life for your children, if you collapse they collapse and you cannot help them, you have to accept things, look for solutions and see that you have many people willing to support you and who love you but the first one who must be willing to help is you.
If I tell you that in my pain I could not see or act clearly and that it was that conversation with mommy that was my ray of light that showed me the way, I sought professional support, I always tried to do things that would give joy to the children and that their laughter and joy would be the healing balm for my wounds.

There are conversations that inspire you, that heal and help to clarify misunderstandings, that is why it is vital to talk openly and frankly, valuing with respect the experiences and criteria of others, showing empathy and solidarity, encouraging active listening, free of prejudice.
Regarding my hair, I like to have it long because I have options to style it, I have never had it very short, although I have had to give it my good haircuts for several reasons, among them I have used some product that has caused it to fall or due to tense situations that have caused my hair to fall out.

When that happens, I try to accommodate, change my hairstyle, I try to look good and feel good with my image, without it being a problem.

Thanks for reading and commenting, my special thanks to @amberkashif, because the proposed topics are very interesting and I think many of us have had our experiences in both topics, it would be very very good to share our experiences because as I always say, we all support each other, we learn and grow as people.
Images are my own.
I used the translator DeepL

🌺🌺🌺 Español 🌺🌺🌺
Saludos a todas las ladies de nuestra comunidad y a todos los que participan en nuestros contest, me siento muy feliz de participar, esta semana hablaremos acerca de:
*La caída del cabello
* una conversación de calidad

Con el permiso de todas, voy a comenzar tratando sobre la Conversación con Calidad, una conversación de calidad se caracteriza por ser significativa, respetuosa, empática y constructiva, para ello se requiere cumplir con algunas pautas de la comunicación efectiva, entre ellas saber escuchar, hablar de forma clara, concisa y respetuosa.
Una conversación con calidad permite mejorar significativamente nuestras interacciones cotidianas y establecer conexiones más valiosas y enriquecedoras con los demás.
Recuerdo una conversación con mi madre que me hizo reaccionar de inmediato, estaba muy deprimida por la muerte del padre de mis niños pequeños, me dolía mucho como mi niña lo extrañaba, lo sentía y lo buscaba.

Mi madre con cariño y con mucha solidaridad me ayudó a entender cuál debía ser mi posición ante la situación que está viviendo, me dijo agradece a la vida por tus hijos, si te derrumbas se derrumban y no lo puedes ayudar, tienes que aceptar las cosas, buscar soluciones y ver que tienes muchas personas dispuestas a apoyarte y que te quieren, pero la primera que debe estar dispuesta a ayudarse eres tú.
Si les digo que en mi dolor yo no podía ver ni actuar con claridad y que fue esa conversación con mami mi rayo de luz que me señalo el camino, busqué apoyo profesional, trataba siempre de hacer cosas que les dieran alegría a los niños y que sus risas y alegría fueran el bálsamo sanador de mis heridas.

Hay conversaciones que te inspiran, que sanan y que ayudan a clarificar malos entendidos, por eso es vital conversar franca abiertamente, valorando con respeto las experiencias y criterios de los demás, demostrándoles empatía y solidaridad, fomentando una escucha activa, libre de prejuicios.
En lo que respecta al pelo, me gusta tenerlo largo, pues tengo opciones de peinarlo, nunca lo he tenido bien cortico, aunque he tenido que darle mis buenos cortes por varias razones, entre ellas que he utilizado algún producto que me ha provocado su caída o producto de situaciones tensas que han hecho que se me caiga el cabello.

Cuando eso sucede, pues me voy acomodando, cambio de peinado, me lo recojo de forma diferente trato de lucir bien y sentirme bien con mi imagen, sin que sea un problema.

Gracias por leer y comentar, mi especial agradecimiento a @amberkashif, porque los temas propuestos son muy interesantes y creo que muchas hemos tenido nuestras vivencias en ambos tópicos, sería muy muy bueno compartir nuestras experiencias porque como siempre les digo entre todas nos apoyamos, aprendemos y crecemos como personas.
Las imágenes son de mi propiedad.
Utilicé el Traductor DeepL

So sorry about the death of your husband. I pray you are given the strength to take good care of your children. It is good to have that talk with your mum cause it definitely helped you see life after your husband's death in a different life
Thank you dear @oluchi31 I appreciate your words, truly there are conversations that mark you by their meaning. Have a nice weekend
Gracias querida @oluchi31 aprecio tus palabras, verdaderamente hay conversaciones que te marcan por su significado. Lindo fin de semanas
Losing your partner is one of the worst crisis a lady goes through in her life. Thankfully your mother was there to help you through your tough times.
Thanks for sharing your experience with us.
Thank you for your solidarity. Have a nice weekend🤗
Loosing a loved one can be so terrifying especially when there are kids to raise all by one self, accept my condolence ma'am. glad you were able to talk to your mum and it did help you over come that trying period.
Thank you for your words, it was very hard, thank God I had a lot of support, especially my mother.A hug