RE: Taste Of Syracuse - Yearly Event

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I'll have to try to be there next year! I have never attended this I don't think. My family hardly ever went to Syracuse, except to buy feta cheese now and then. And the airport.

I'm glad you made a post of it. YOu've made it look like a lovely day, and a good reason to make a little drive to the big city nearby.


Thank you @owasco!
Both days of the event were lovely, the second day was better for me and I stayed much longer.

There's a few events like this throughout the season, as well as farmers markets. I'm trying to be more active and social this summer and so it's pretty cool to have close access to these things.

I hope you'll make a trip here this year. I'll keep you posted with the cannabis grow too, should be late July / early August I'll have a nice harvest, as long as everything continues going good with the current grow. That post is coming soon, maybe today.
