Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun: round 209
Hey there my Hive friends and followers!
Welcome to the 209th round of my special weekly photo challenge known as Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun :)
Important note: I have been hosting this challenge in the same format for almost 4 years but I recently decided to introduce some major changes to it so please read all the updates below. The essence of this challenge stays the same though so the intro part will be the same as it was before.
I know a lot of photo contests with nature as the main theme were/are/will be hosted by various people on the Hive blockchain but I wanted to come up with something more than just another photo contest where participants would submit their best natural photos. Therefore, I decided to go for quite an unusual concept that I am going to introduce in the following lines.
The aim of the Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun photo challenge is not to make you dig up your photo archives and submit the best pictures of nature that you have ever taken. Instead, I want you guys to go out and appreciate the beauty of our nature right now.
The internet (and the Hive blockchain as well) is flooded with picture perfect shots of landscapes, mountains, forests, beaches etc. taken years ago. But this is not what I want to see in this challenge. I want to see shots that may not be necessarily stunning but they must be fresh, proving that you have just physically spent some time outdoors in the fresh air. But remember that nature comes in many forms. It doesn´t have to be a pristine jungle or a deep remote forest. An urban park, a botanical garden, a little grove on the outskirts of your town - pretty much any place with some trees, plants, rocks, bodies of water or any other natural features would be just as fine ;)
Originally, the prizes for the winners were just my full upvotes given to their entries but since, unfortunately, I lately had to power down significantly, my upvotes are not that big and motivating anymore so I decided to reward the winners of each round with additional 1.5 Hive each. So now, the winners get my full upvotes on their entries plus 1.5 Hive each. All of the other valid entries will be rewarded with some smaller (usually 50%) upvotes too so that all participants get rewarded for their engagement in this challenge.
In the past, I usually hosted this challenge on Thursday but because of the reasons described below, I cannot guarantee that anymore so now, I may roll out the new round on Thursday, Friday or even Saturday so if you guys don´t want to miss out on the fun here, please check out my blog regularly.
Also, in the past, I always tried to lead by example and thus open each new round with my own fresh natural photo taken during the previous 7 days. However, as you might now from my recent posts, me and my wife are now taking care of our newborn baby and it takes just so much time and energy that I simply don´t have the time to go out and take fresh natural photos anymore (btw late autumn and winter here in Central Europe are not favorable seasons for natural photography anyway) so instead, I will be using my old photos from cool natural places around the world that I have been to. Hopefully, in a few months, I will be able to go out to nature regularly again and take a nice fresh picture for each round just like I did it over the years but before that happens, I will show you some beautiful natural places that I got to see during our travels. It will also be a nice way for me to remember and relive those moments from the times when it was just me and my wife, traveling around the world - happy, young and free :)
I want to keep the rules of this challenge as simple and benevolent as possible so let´s agree on just this:
Only one entry (photo) per person per round.
The photo must be yours and not older than 7 days.
Add a few lines about the photo (at least 50 words) including the date and location.
You can start submitting your entries to this round in the comment section below from now until the next round. If you want to create a separate post as your entry, you can do that but please always remember to submit your entry in the form of a comment here under this post as well. I only check the entries submitted here as comments.
Prior to publishing the next round, I will pick 3 winners, give my full upvotes on their entries and send them 1.5 Hive each as the prize. The winning entries will be featured in the next round of the challenge. I also give smaller upvotes on the other valid entries as I mentioned before.
So that´s it. Let me now open the new round of my photography challenge called Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun :)
Time for another sweet Azorean memory. The Azores, an amazing volcanic archipelago located in the North Atlantic, some thousand miles from continental Portugal that they belong to, are famous for their incredible natural beauties. We had the privilege to live very close to one of the most iconic places on the Sao Miguel Island, a magical area known as Sete Cidades. Lush forests, green hills, magnificent volcanoes, giant craters, crystal clear lakes, mysterious foggy landscapes and other stunning natural landmarks scattered on an area of just a few square miles, this is Sete Cidades. People from all over the world come there to see this extraordinary place and we were so lucky to live just a short hike from there. I loved to roam around this fairy tale like landscape...
In the last round of this challenge, we had 8 participants. After some thorough consideration, I decided to pick these 3 winners:
@delishtreats with this entry from Switzerland:
Having promised myself to go out for a walk every day I've started to find new places in places that I have visited many times before. Last Thursday, I took a new path in Rheinau, Switzerland which took me around the village and along the river Rhine. The sky was blue, the river crystal clear, some flowers started to pop up already, and I enjoyed one hour on my own surrounded by nature. It was a great day!
@franzpaulie with this entry from the Philippines:
It's always awesome to participate here and I'm happy to share with you my entry. I had the opportunity to visit once again our famous Casaroro waterfalls in Valencia Philippines today. It was unexpected. Our original plan was to hike above it but since my friend hadn't seen it and I know she'll love it; of course, it didn't fail her. Along the way, this beauty has appeared. Yes, it's an itchy little thing.
@hadrianwild with this entry from Thailand:
My entry this week. There are so many leaves around us that sometimes perhaps we forget to appreciate them. Those wonderful little energy transformers. The original solar panels. So many shapes and sizes and so much beauty, from the scale of shimmering forests down to the little detail of their veins. This one is a mango leaf from our garden in Petchaburi, Thailand, taken a few days ago. All the new leaves on this tree start life wearing autumnal colours before turning green. An unexpected but beautiful sight.
Congratulations guys! It was my pleasure to give you 100% upvotes on your entries and send 1.5 Hive each, you can check that out in your wallets :)
I am looking forward to what you all will come up with in this round :) Have fun everyone and don´t forget to... Appreciate Beauty of Nature!
I post this series in the Amazing Nature community, a great community for all nature lovers. Feel free to check it out ;)
This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.

Life has been a little busy lately and I haven't had the opportunity to spend some time in nature properly but 2 days ago I was able to so it's the perfect opportunity to participate in this round!
I took this photo in the Tachira mountains, on the rural side of this state. My attention was drawn to the fact that there were two women working with the cows and as I got closer I realized that they were milking the cows.
I love how everything is natural in this photo, even the road was made of stone.
I hope everything is going well with your family!
Hey mate, good to see you here again after a while :) Nice entry, thank you!
Congratulations to all three entries, rightfully so, nature is amazing.
Thanks for checking them out and for joining us again in this round! :)
You're welcome friend.
These entries are really so amazing and beautiful to really behold
Thanks for your feedback.
I really can't stay away from you, so I come to you with a picture I took in my own garden.
Here in the west of Romania I can say that on some days spring came, this led to the rapid flowering of apricots, they are always the first to bloom in my garden.
I'm glad that until now the temperatures during the night have not dropped below zero degrees, this would obviously lead to the freezing of the flowers and the decrease of apricot production.
Maybe this year we will be lucky and we will be able to eat apricots from our garden, honestly for several years apricot production was almost zero because of the frost.
I really enjoy sitting and watching how hard working these bees are, it's honestly so relaxing to sit and watch them.
Thank you all for stopping by and I wish you a wonderful Sunday.
I think this will be one of the winners! 😍 The photo is pure spring..
Ohh, thank you very much for the appreciation.
I really wanted to participate in this contest, which has as its subject the appreciation of nature, so I decided to take a walk in the garden of my house and capture nature without any editing.
You know, I'm amazed at how different the weather is this time compared to years past, I feel like the weather is constantly changing.
I'm lucky to have nature at home, hehe.
Have a wonderful week ahead.
Taky to tak vidím, že jednoho vítěze už asi máme :D
I can see you already got some nice feedback on this amazing entry so let me just say that I love it too! :) Really nice shot. When did you take it?
Ah, I'm sorry that I omitted to write the date when I took the picture, yes, the picture as I wrote I took it in my garden on 05.03.2024.
Excellent, thank you :)
You're welcome.
The three entries are superb
They all did a great job
Thanks for leaving this kind comment here for our winners.
Tlaková níže na Azory nejspíš "přivane" do Čech tvůj obrázek jako pozvánku na výlet s ATW :-)
Asi to tak opravdu bude :) Nejen do Čech, ale dokonce i na Moravu a do Slezska :D ;)
Jak jinak :-)
Asi to víš, ale jen pro jistotu připomínám, že Čechy jsou jen jedna ze tří části Česka. Dost lidí ale tyhle dva výrazy (Čechy a Česko) zaměňuje :)
Sedím v jižních Čechách, takže opravdu myslím Čechy
Pak je vše v naprostém pořádku :)
The volcanic area is so beautiful. Your photography is mind-blowing.
Thank you :) Sete Cidades is a special place indeed.
I have click this beautiful scenery about 5 days ago at 6 March and this location is near to my hometown.
At Kalabagh (Pakistan) area I captured this beautiful weather and clouds looking beautiful and looks like cotton balls.
At this point there is also a bridge and weather is also looking beautiful.
About two months ago, I have visited this place and weather was same like now.
This time I visit this place with my family and enjoy alot.
Hope You like my contribution.
Have a great day.
Very nice and peaceful scenery, thanks for your contribution! :)
Ďakujem, ďakujem musím sa zúčastniť častejšie 😉
Nemáš vůbec zač, je mi jasné, že pro tebe jsou výhry v této soutěži opravdu jen symbolické, ale Švýcarsko tu fakt nebývá často, takže soutěžní příspěvek od tebe tu vždy moc rádi uvidíme ;)
La foto de Suiza está hermosa y la del insecto está interesante es la que más me gustaron .
Gracias por tu comentario! :)
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 46/56) Liquid rewards.
The first shot is simply awesome.
The first winning entry or the first picture in this post? :D
The first picture in the post :P
So you mean the one that is mine then, thank you :D
Oh yeah I get it, it's yours :D
Good one btw and welcome :)
All the entries are really superb. So superb
Glad to know that you approve of my picks! :)
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100k coming soon! Thanks for the info guys! :)
That's great @phortun! We're excited to see your progress on Hive! We can't wait to see you achieve this next one!
very beautiful natural beauty...
Indeed. Feel free to join the fun with your own entry.
Good friend. Have a nice day
Congratulations to the winners! Cheers!
Let's go again this week,😃 I promise I'll win this time 😜
Cool so where is your entry? :)
I hope you like my contribution
The rainbow is a wonderful phenomenon that we can enjoy a few times in life and under specific conditions.
Near my mother's house in a building is this beautiful tree that has flowers of various colors as if it were a beautiful rainbow.
Thus this tree shows various colors like a natural rainbow that we can see at any time.
Thanks for your contribution but please remember to add where (location) and when (to make sure it´s not older than 7 days) you took the picture ;)
Hello @amazingnature community, this is my first entry in this contest and I couldn't be more excited. A few days ago I visited a nursery that I have heard a lot about, it is actually a beautiful garden and they sell mostly fertilizer and vitamins. The nature of the site is impressive, although due to the dry season and they are not selling plants, that is why I was only able to capture a few fleeting photographs, here I share:

Location: Jesus Soto Avenue, Ciudad Bolívar, Venezuela 🔗
Welcome to my challenge! That´s an interesting entry, thank you, the only thing that we lack now is the location :)
Done! Thank you 😅 I'm new here
No problem ;) Thanks!
Do angry birds qualify? I hope so! These two were sitting on a lookout halfway to Castillo de Gibralfaro, a fortress above the city of Málaga, Spain. Cool gang, huh? I guess some people feed them for posing, because they (or maybe two others of their kin) were there even when we descended back into town about two hours later. The photo was taken on Saturday.
Angry Birds samozřejmě berem, byť teda tihle drsní chlapíci vypadají spíš jako vystřižení z coveru nějakého devadesátkového hiphopového alba :D
Btw vím, že na to moc nejsi, ale tahle fotka si vyloženě říká o trochu té editace. Asi ti zrovna moc nepřálo počasí, takže bych jen malinko upravil stíny, kontrast a barvy a srovnal ten lehoulince padající skyline v pozadí a byla by to fotka jako víno! Španělské víno, samozřejmě :) Moc dobře vím, jak bujná dokáže být zimní zeleň na jihu Evropy, což tady na tom snímku skoro není vidět... Ale v pohodě, i tak to nejspíš bude stačit na výhru ;)
Na hip hop jim chybí řetězy, jen jeden měl kroužek na noze :)
Vím, já si asi pořídím nový notebook a na něj i nějaký software. Ale teď to ještě není na pořadu dne.
Kvůli (základní) editaci fotek nepotřebuješ ani nový notebook ani speciální software. Já své fotky upravuju na postarším HP a úplně mi k tomu stačí programy, které byly součástí Windows ;) Jen to chce si ty nástroje trochu osahat a ty efekty nepřehánět...
Nu dobrá, mrknu na to :)
Hello again sir @phortun a pleasant morning to all the hivers. From my water world Bulacan Philippines. For my today's entry let me amazed you by this magical sunrise. The big house you see is my aunt's and the small is ours. Last week my husband went home for his day off but he needed a boat so I need to bring my kids in the road and returned it back home. But if his not around, I can let the kids bring the boat and just wait for them to come home. The disadvantage of that set-up; all we wish is nothing bad will happen. Well we have a escape route LoL 😂. My aunts house, decades ago we are called neighbors but the changes made us look far from each other. At the back we will soak in water, the level at legs and the mud its sure deep. But anyways I love it's color who can resist its beauty? It's like it will give a positive day to start with. And the most beautiful start it all started with this sunrise 🌄🌻.
Thank you very much for another very interesting entry. To make it valid though, please make these edits:
Please keep these rules in mind for your future entries too. Thank you ;)
Thank you sir and I'll remember this all till my next entry. Have a good day 😍
You can still edit this entry too, it´s a really nice one and I would like to include it in the winning collection ;)
Thank you again it's my honor to share it here. 🙏🏻😍
Excellent, thank you :)
Hello phortun!
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