Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun: round 211
Hey there my Hive friends and followers!
Welcome to the 211th round of my special weekly photo challenge known as Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun :)
Important note: I have been hosting this challenge in the same format for almost 4 years but I recently decided to introduce some major changes to it so please read all the updates below. The essence of this challenge stays the same though so the intro part will be the same as it was before.
I know a lot of photo contests with nature as the main theme were/are/will be hosted by various people on the Hive blockchain but I wanted to come up with something more than just another photo contest where participants would submit their best natural photos. Therefore, I decided to go for quite an unusual concept that I am going to introduce in the following lines.
The aim of the Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun photo challenge is not to make you dig up your photo archives and submit the best pictures of nature that you have ever taken. Instead, I want you guys to go out and appreciate the beauty of our nature right now.
The internet (and the Hive blockchain as well) is flooded with picture perfect shots of landscapes, mountains, forests, beaches etc. taken years ago. But this is not what I want to see in this challenge. I want to see shots that may not be necessarily stunning but they must be fresh, proving that you have just physically spent some time outdoors in the fresh air. But remember that nature comes in many forms. It doesn´t have to be a pristine jungle or a deep remote forest. An urban park, a botanical garden, a little grove on the outskirts of your town - pretty much any place with some trees, plants, rocks, bodies of water or any other natural features would be just as fine ;)
Originally, the prizes for the winners were just my full upvotes given to their entries but since, unfortunately, I lately had to power down significantly, my upvotes are not that big and motivating anymore so I decided to reward the winners of each round with additional 1.5 Hive each. So now, the winners get my full upvotes on their entries plus 1.5 Hive each. All of the other valid entries will be rewarded with some smaller (usually 50%) upvotes too so that all participants get rewarded for their engagement in this challenge.
In the past, I usually hosted this challenge on Thursday but because of the reasons described below, I cannot guarantee that anymore so now, I may roll out the new round on Thursday, Friday or even Saturday so if you guys don´t want to miss out on the fun here, please check out my blog regularly.
Also, in the past, I always tried to lead by example and thus open each new round with my own fresh natural photo taken during the previous 7 days. However, as you might now from my recent posts, me and my wife are now taking care of our newborn baby and it takes just so much time and energy that I simply don´t have the time to go out and take fresh natural photos anymore (btw late autumn and winter here in Central Europe are not favorable seasons for natural photography anyway) so instead, I will be using my old photos from cool natural places around the world that I have been to. Hopefully, in a few months, I will be able to go out to nature regularly again and take a nice fresh picture for each round just like I did it over the years but before that happens, I will show you some beautiful natural places that I got to see during our travels. It will also be a nice way for me to remember and relive those moments from the times when it was just me and my wife, traveling around the world - happy, young and free :)
I want to keep the rules of this challenge as simple and benevolent as possible so let´s agree on just this:
Only one entry (photo) per person per round.
The photo must be yours and not older than 7 days.
Add a few lines about the photo (at least 50 words) including the date and location.
You can start submitting your entries to this round in the comment section below from now until the next round. If you want to create a separate post as your entry, you can do that but please always remember to submit your entry in the form of a comment here under this post as well. I only check the entries submitted here as comments.
Prior to publishing the next round, I will pick 3 winners, give my full upvotes on their entries and send them 1.5 Hive each as the prize. The winning entries will be featured in the next round of the challenge. I also give smaller upvotes on the other valid entries as I mentioned before.
So that´s it. Let me now open the new round of my photography challenge called Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun :)
First of all, let me guys apologize for rolling out this round so late. I have been super busy this weekend, sorry about that. So what do we have here? Some spectacular panoramic views! To enjoy these views, you need to climb up to the top of a massive inselberg known as El Penon de Guatape or simply just El Penon or La Piedra. Found just outside of the picturesque Colombian city of Guatape, this iconic natural landmark is a popular tourist attraction as there is a staircase with more than 700 steps carved into it, allowing the visitors to get to the very top of the inselberg. From up there, you can admire this stunning landscape full of crystal clear lakes, lush forests, green hills and majestic mountains. Colombia is such an amazing country!
In the last round of this challenge, we had 5 participants. After some thorough consideration, I decided to pick these 3 winners:
@itznur with this entry from Bangladesh:
Hello, this is my first time participating this type of contest. I was not prepare for this. So, I had no nice nature photo in my gallery that is 7 days old. However, I clicked this photo when I was going to my tuition this afternoon. I captured this photo without any purposes. It was random. I think this photo has a deep meaning. If I describe like this, nature is dying day by day because of the urbanisation. You can see a dying tree which has no leaf on it. Again you can see some bricks beside the tree for building construction. The photo was taken on 18 March 2024. Location: Bangladesh.
@nenio with this entry from Chile:
I flew recently from Santiago (Chile) towards the north, early in the morning. The view was very interesting: there was a thick layer of clouds that covered everything with the exception of some of the high parts of the mountains. I share here some of the photos that I took in this occasion in this post.
@tecnologikom with this entry from Venezuela:
From Venezuela today 20/03/2024 I took this photo of this plant in the middle of the city of Caracas, specifically Chacao. With certain frequency I take photos of plants because I am a botanist and one of my passions is to identify the taxonomy of plants. Here I bring you a plant considered a weed a Malvaceae of the genus Melochia. I am always amazed with the plants that manage to thrive in extreme places like the sidewalks of the streets as in the case of this plant. Greetings.
Congratulations guys! It was my pleasure to give you 100% upvotes on your entries and send 1.5 Hive each, you can check that out in your wallets :)
I am looking forward to what you all will come up with in this round :) Have fun everyone and don´t forget to... Appreciate Beauty of Nature!
I post this series in the Amazing Nature community, a great community for all nature lovers. Feel free to check it out ;)
This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.

As I wrote, I will also come today with a picture I took at my place in western Romania.

After only a few kilometers by car, I reached the area of the hills near me, the area where I had planned to visit a friend who decided to implement his vision of developing the area.
As for his vision, I can tell you that what he does will enhance this amazing place.
Very close to the area where he owns his property, a developer has created a mansion, which today is very visited, here at the mansion for now you can only serve meals in an elegant setting with a very sophisticated menu.
So I didn't think twice and raised the drone to take some pictures of this place in early spring.
I took the picture on Saturday 24.03.2024.
I hope you like my picture from this round.
Until our next meeting, I wish you an amazing week ahead.
You said you would join and you definitely didn´t disappoint :) That´s a very cool picture and I can imagine that in a few more weeks, when all the vegetation will be brimming with lush colors, it will look even more beautiful. Great entry my friend, thank you!
Ah, thank you very much and I'm glad you like it.
And yes, you're right, in a few weeks this whole area will be wearing different clothes.
I'll probably try to take another picture from the same position in a few weeks to see the transition.
That will be cool :) I hope to see that shot here in this challenge again :D
If all goes well, I hope to add this photo, which I will in a few weeks😉
Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun: round 211
Amazing views 🥰
Good evening @phortun!🙂
Here I took the time to present you spring on Vršački breg!🤗
I caught this on Sunday afternoon, which was warm and nice for a walk! The path was surrounded by greenery and flowers, which were scattered on the hillside, along the path I was walking on!
Greetings from the Banat Plain, which has the Vršac Hills! ☀️🌸
Hi Suzana, good to see you here again but it seems that you forgot to upload the picture, I cannot see any :)
Ajoj 🤣
Now I can see it. Beautiful, thanks :)
My pleasure @phortun 🥰🌸
While the Czech mountains have lacked snow for almost the entire winter this year, the real ones offer great skiing adventures even now. It's true that it rains in the village of Aprica (about 1,200m), but at around 1,500m the rain turns to snow. Heavy snow. This hut is located at an altitude of about 1 800 metres and you can definitely appreciate the power of nature around here, if not the beauty. Taken earlier today.
Heh, čekal jsem takové to možná až lehce kýčovité panoramatické alpské azuro, ale beru i tohle. Kvalitní chumelenice, taková u nás bude k vidění opravdu už jen párkrát za zimu :)
V tomhle ohledu máme smůlu, sněží a sněží :)
Greetings once again and in my case for the second time to everyone in this community and especially to those of you who converse here.
This time I bring you a photo of a plant that took me a while to identify for various reasons (work, occupations, errands, problems, etc.) but finally I identified it walking with my mom on the University Avenue in Caracas Venezuela where there were several specimens, the light and my new phone helped me take this picture that I think was very well in sharpness and detail of the flowers of this tree, it was the species:
Terminalia buceras
Common name: Olivo negro, ucaro, ...
Taken on 20/03/2024
I hope you like it
That´s another very nice flower close up, thank you for your contribution! :)
Hi @phortun :)
Today has been a very busy day but I couldn't get your contest out of my head and I knew I had to make a stop before getting home. So, I went to Palermo's Lake of the Woods, I wanted a photo that combines nature, some landscape and also the human element.
It was a pretty spontaneous photo, actually. A couple of girls enjoying a ride on the lake on a pedal boat, You can see a row of boats behind and a lot of vegetation around, since it's a forest.
Although I'm not sure it's a valid entry since it's not 100% nature, I hope you enjoy it 😊
Location: Palermo Forest Lakes, Buenos Aires, Argentina 🇦🇷
Date: Today, March 26, 3 hours ago 😃
Hey there! Well, usually, the pictures submitted here captures only nature or mostly nature so we rarely here photos of people here but that´s ok, I can see some greenery and a lake in your shot too so it qualifies, no worries ;) Thanks for your contribution!
Thank you @phortun Next time I will make a better selection :)
I took this photo at my house which is in Mariperes and I took it at 7 at night on March 26
Insects are the most abundant genus of animals of all existing species. They walk among us taking care of their lives and having a greater impact than we imagine.
Wasps and bees pollinate the plants, many of which we use for our food, and in the process produce the sweet honey that we love so much.
Apart from that, insects also have a perfect beauty hidden among the shadows and that is just waiting for us, with our cameras, to capture it as if it were a beautiful painting.
This image is an example of this, since this wasp that was in my house upstairs hidden in shadows, this allowed me to take a photo of it, just as if it were posing and there you can see how the light makes a beautiful shadow complementing a painting that has a particular beauty.
What do you think, I hope you like it.
Nice entry, thank you, but you forgot to tell us where and when you took the picture ;)
gracias por recordarme se me paso ya lo edito
listo ya edite colocando la informacion faltante
This is an ordinary day going out to our vegetable garden checking out the vegetables growing healthily and bearing fruits already. This is a picture of a string beans in full bloom with its fruits growing. Enjoy!
Taken this morning 03/25/24
Location: Tabogon, Cebu
Cool, thanks for your entry! :)
Thank you for appreciating.
From Aceh.Indonesia
Today I was at my mother's residence, and happened to be sitting on the wall beside the village road.
In front of me there are ornamental plant leaves that were deliberately planted by local residents as roadside decoration plants and also small trees that support the fence of the neighbor's house.
Apart from that, the most interesting thing is the big tree which has thick leaves, this tree existed before I was born.
25 March 2024
Looks like a nice place with a lot of greenery, thanks for your entry! :)
You're welcome 😉
I like your shot :)
Thanks! :)
@phortun thanks for choosing my photo. Really nice photo that you posted of "El Peñón de Guatape"
Congratulations to @itznur, @tecnologikom
My pleasure! Thanks for your participation :) Well, Penon de Guatape is such a cool place. Have you been there?
No, I have not been in this part of Colombia.
It´s a very interesting region. Guatape is just a short bus drive from Medellin ;) You know, the "Escobar´s Medellin" :D ;)
Thank You than You @phortun
Gracias gracias @phortun
Con mucho gusto amigo! :)
Jejejeje gracias 😸
I want to show other photos that I thought about entering in the contest but I already published them in other communities, this one is a reflection but it could also be in this community I also appreciate it
This other photo was also posted by bird lovers in the link to the respective story.
Nice shots bust just one entry per person per round please ;)
sorry, I wasn't entering it in the contest, I just wanted to show it to the community, sorry, if it bothers you, I said this, I published it in other communities, but I wanted to show it, warning that I'm not entering it, I'm participating with the first one I published about the bee, sorry.
This is a great selection of photos, congratulations to the winners, nice shots from Venezuela, Chile and Bangladesh. congratulations also to all the participants. Excellent contest @phortun I hope to participate this time :)
!discovery 35
Thanks for your kind feedback and support! It would be a big honor for us if such a great photographer joined us :) We will be looking forward to checking out your entry!
Thanks for the compliment @phortun friend :) I will try to do my best 🙏🏻
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Many many congratulations to the winners.
Thanks for checking out the winning collection from the last round :)
Most welcome dear.
What a beatitud landscapes i would like be there
Thanks for your feedback. Feel free to show us some natural beauties of your region :)
Tak jsem tu Šárku nestihl. Ale tenhle týden si ujít nenechám ;)
Škoda, to minulé kolo bylo dost slabé, Šárka by měla vítězství jisté :) Kdo ví, co bude v kole novém... Každopádně na tvé Alpy se budem těšit ;)
Congratulations to all the winners who have been selected 🌹🌹🌹
Thanks for checking out their entries!
Hello phortun!
It's nice to let you know that your article will take 4th place.
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Pictures makes the world go round, these ones are beautiful.
Wow what an amazing view:)
It is :) Thanks for swinging by and feel free to join us with your own entry :)
Yes I will thank you:)
Congratulations to all the winners.
Thanks for checking out their winning shots :)
You do so well on photography @phortun ! Thank you for sharing!🤗
Thank you but this challenge is not about my photography, it´s about our participants who show us amazing natural places from all over the world :)
It's a beautiful place and I like photography like this
Which one? :)
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 47/57) Liquid rewards.
$PIZZA slices delivered:
@dimascastillo90(1/5) tipped @phortun
4 years is a long time, wow. Long way to go and congrats to the winners...
Yeah, this challenge has been around for quite some time already and I´m happy to see that people still enjoy it :) Thanks for stopping by!
The panoramic views are really lovely
The views are breathtaking
Wow, kudos to the winners as they have done a remarkable job.
They did :) Thanks for checking out their contributions.
Congratulations to the three winners, I can't wait to add a picture in this round.
Awesome, we cannot wait to see another beautiful place from your country :)
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Yay! Thank you so much guys! :)
Thank you so much. It was unexpected. :)
You are welcome :)