A Life Where One is Fulfilled, Happy, and Loved//LOH Contest#200

"World I want to leave you better

I want my life to matter
I am afraid I have no purpose here..."

These are the lyrics that popped up in my mind when I saw this prompt. These lyrics are from a popular artist, Sia, and the title of the song is Courage to Change.

1️⃣ How do you define a meaningful life, and do you feel you are living one?

A meaningful life is a life of purpose. A life where one is fulfilled, happy, and loved.
As humans, I see those italicized words as what could be used to define us. Most times we are saddened by the situation of things; at some point, we may even become discouraged. What measures our strength are these challenges; our ability to stand up and keep fighting defines who we truly are and therefore defines our lives.

If one is able to discover his or her purpose, there's a tendency for that person to feel fulfilled. Because what is a journey without a direction? We may have the destination in our head, but when the purpose and direction are not well defined, there would be a chance for confusion, feelings of emptiness, and regret.

Happiness can never be bought with money, no matter how rich you are. One can have all that he wants and still feel like he hasn't had enough while another can have just a few and feel happy and satisfied with what he has.
There's no problem in wanting more, but there's a problem when the need for more obstructs the flow of gratitude and happiness.

Naturally, I feel happy that I'm alive.
I wake up every morning with plans in my head, set to work, and get most of the plans done, which in turn makes me happy.
I see my loved ones; they are happy and thriving; they care about me as much as I care about them.
I see the beautiful things nature has blessed me with:—the flowers, birds, animals, the sky—count them.
And above all, I have this feeling that I'm heading somewhere in life to become that person in my dreams.

These few things have made me appreciate life; they give me reasons to live. So at the end of every day, when I climb back into my bed, I feel happy, blessed, and fulfilled because I know I'm making something out of myself. This is my definition of a meaningful life, and I can boldly say that I am living it.


2️⃣ How do you handle failure, and what do you learn from it?

How I deal with failure has gotten better over the years. I wasn't the type to dwell on failures; I was the type that would brush them off and attribute them to "maybe that's how it was meant to be." This was because I believed I had given my best and still failed in the end.

This mindset almost made me accustomed to failures until my dad intervened after I failed a quiz competition.
I remember telling him that God must have had a reason for my failure, and perhaps winning that prize wasn't meant for me.
He had pushed down his glasses, gave me a serious look, and told me

"never, in your life, make excuses for failures again".

Since that day, I've learnt to accept failure.
I began to see them as a product of my efforts, just like successes.
I've learned from every mistake, disappointment, and failure. I perceived them as opportunities to grow and improve myself.
Whenever I fail, I take a step back, analyse what went wrong, or what steps I missed, and there will always be reasons to try again. So, I can confidently say that failure isn't the end of everything but rather the dawn of hope for those who embrace it and learn from it.

A big thank you to @priyanarc for coming up with these amazing questions for the ladies of Hive contests.

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A meaningful life is a life of purpose

Absolutely agree with you. When you have a purpose, you can achieve many things and that actually gives life a proper meaning. Achievement, growth, purposes, love, happiness, and developing values are what make life complete...Your father really gave you an important lesson that changed your whole perspective of seeing failure...

Thanks for your participation...


Oh yeah, that is it.
Thank you for taking time to read and comment. I really appreciate it.


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To be alive on each day means, I am living a meaningful life.
A life of purpose, full of hope, values and direction is a meaningful life.
Thank you for sharing


I'm just seeing my reply to your comment didn't go through, I'm very sorry.

I appreciate that you stopped by to share your thoughts, thank you ❤️
