Heineken Beer to Begin The Month


Good day my fellow Hiveans, I hope everyone is doing great in this year 2025. Today, marks the first day in the wonderful month of March, where everyone goes with the slogan matching forward. Coincidentally, today is the beginning of Ramadan, the Muslim fasting month. Today, I did go to the mall myself and among the things that I bought, I ensure I got myself a bottle of a very cold Heineken beer. Loving Heineken as well as Loving it here, posting with joy on this #beersaturday by @detlev.

Heineken Premium larger Beer is a beer that has been in existence for quite some decades since 1873 to be very precise. one thing that I love about this one is that the bottle is portable, with a net content of 45CL and alcohol by volume of 5% and with this volume I can take up to four bottles and still be fine. When I mean being fine I mean not being intoxicated by it. It is clearly stated in the bottle that it is Brewed with Water, Malted Barley, Hops and those are the natural ingredients. From my point of view is is healthy and safe for consumption.

When I went to the mall today, I did not only buy Beer, I also bought two bottle water, two bar soap of choice for my wife and one bottle of Eagle Dry Gin. Everything costing total of $4.81. My bottle of beer cost $0.65. something that used to be $0.27 about two years ago. This simply means that the price has been increased with over 100% in less than 3 years. The rapid increase in things this days is alarming.

In whatever you do today, just ensure that you drink responsible. As this community is a community that represent respect in all manners.

If you must drink, do not drive
If you must drive, do not drink

All photographs are mine, taken with my Samsung A23
