Getting closer to wild animals is tough

Hello and Welcome back to my blog!

This Week's Contest theme from the Gaming Photography Community on Hive is "Virtual Wildlife Photography" and this is perfect for me as I love to play thehunter: Call of the Wild and that game is all about Wildlife.

But it is more focused on killing animals with ranged weapons like Rifles and it is not easy to take photos of the animals especially the close-ups. They get spooked easily and have good senses. But I still got some interesting encounters with the wildlife in my last session and let me share it with you.

I started with the Layton Districts and went straight to one of the biggest lakes on this map. I have had success in the past there hunting some deer. It was an early morning, a bit foggy and too early for deer drinking time but there were a couple of bears on the other side of the lake.

I tried to get closer but one of them sensed me from a long distance and left the scene. The other one went into the woods and almost jumped on me. But it ran passed me. I took a couple of shots hastily and the best one was this where you can see him running away.

It surprised me and I tried to run behind but these bears are not slow. It disappeared as I reached the top of this little hill. But there was another surprise waiting for me there.

It was a Moose busy in feasting on the grass. There was another one a lot closer to me. I was surprised that this one didn't hear my footsteps.

I didn't get a good shot on the closer one. So, when I tried to change the angle and go around and get the heat into the frame. But that spooked this female and she tried to get away. So, I took her down with my arrow.

This created a bit of panic in the other moose as well and it ran away. At the same time, a turkey lifted off the ground and flew past across the sky.

I tried to look for that other moose but it was long gone. I went to the centre of the map but couldn't find deer. I was really hoping to get a good shot of a Whitetail but I guess I was unlucky. After searching for another 10 mins I decided to switch the map but not before taking the photo of Sheru. He was looking cute.

I went to the Silver Ridge Peaks to shoot some Bisons. They are big enough to not hide like the smaller deer.

I saw a small herd travelling to someplace. Sadly, they were not coming towards me. My guess was they were going to a nearby lake. Anyway, I tried to follow them and take some shots.

They didn't let me get close. If I tried to get close they would sense me and start

I got frustrated and took down one of them. They were 4 when they started their journey and now only three were left. I let all the other three go.

I went to another place but just one female was going away from the lake. This wasn't going as planned.

I have some Turkey decoys which are supposed to attract more turkeys but they never seem to work. I should look it up online and see how those decoys really But the decoy models look exactly like the Turkeys in the game.

I switched back to the Layton Lake District and this time I saw a big mythical level bear drinking water along the river shore. This one being a big one and a mythical level had even better senses and the wind was against me too. It got spooked from like 150 meters.

But I was able to take a clear shot when he was running away. This was as good as I could get to this one I guess.

There are a lot of other wildlife in this game but all of them are supposed to behave like the real world and get spooked from a long distance. It is not easy to get close and take good shots.

I hope you liked those shots. Let me know which one is your favourite!

Thanks for reading...

Until next hunt...


  • All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.
  • Screenshots are from the game, theHunter: Call of the Wild.


Oh god now that I saw it is a game!! after reading, I was asking you if you moved to the US lol the animals are perfect lol


LOL, you are not the first to think that... I would love to come to the US and visit some good national parks. I would love to go to Yukon Valley (Alaska) someday.


Thank you very much for participating in our theme brother, your screenshots were great.

Written by lionsaturbix
