Light Healer and MiuMiu Holozing Fanart
Good morning friends. Greetings to all Holozing Community. How are you all? Hope you are well.
Greetings to @holozing, @acidyo, @kstreet , @zingcontent many many thanks.
Today I will share the art of the two characters that are Light Healer and Miumiu.
Friends, today Light Healer is a schoolgirl and her partner is our beloved Miumiu. They both go to school together. Let's make a fun art full of such friendship.Miumiu is sitting very nicely on the Light Healer school bag. The two of them are very happy. In that context, today's scene.I tried to make some unique art. Friends, today's art is made in a different way. Color works are done in a different way. I hope you all like this art. So let's get started.
Let's take a look friends. How I did the art. I have shown it step by step below.
Hope you all like my fun art today. Comment it and say. Everyone will be fine and healthy. Thank you