LOH Community Contest #192: A universe of shared emotions.
Hola Hola! Aquí vengo con muchas ganas de participar. Para quienes me conocen, saben lo mucho que me gustan estas iniciativas que tocan el alma. Así que, aquí vamos!
1️⃣ ¿Cuánto significa para ti la amistad? ¿Puedes hacer nuevos amigos con facilidad?
La amistad, ese tesoro invaluable que la vida nos regala, ha sido para mí un refugio seguro, una fuente inagotable de alegría y una luz que ha iluminado mi camino en los momentos más oscuros. A lo largo de mi vida, he tenido la fortuna de cultivar amistades entrañables, cada una con su propia melodía y ritmo, componiendo una sinfonía de emociones que enriquece mi existencia.
Mis amigos son como hermanos y hermanas que la vida me ha dado por elección. Son compañeros de aventuras, confidentes de mis secretos, cómplices de mis locuras y pilares inamovibles en los momentos difíciles. Con ellos comparto risas que contagian, llantos que liberan, abrazos que renuevan y componen nuestras partes rotas y sueños que inspiran.
Recuerdo con cariño los primeros amigos que tuve en la infancia. Éramos una pandilla inseparable, explorando el mundo con ojos llenos de curiosidad y corazones rebosantes de ilusión. Compartíamos juegos, travesuras y confidencias, creando un vínculo indestructible que perdura hasta el día de hoy.
A medida que crecía, nuevas amistades fueron floreciendo en mi vida. En la adolescencia, conocí a esos amigos con los que compartía gustos musicales, inquietudes intelectuales y sueños de un futuro brillante. Juntos descubrimos la música que nos movía el alma, los libros que nos abrían nuevos mundos y las ideas que nos desafiaban a cambiar el mundo.
Hello Hello! Here I come with a lot of desire to participate. For those who know me, you know how much I love these initiatives that touch the soul. So, here we go!
1️⃣ How much does friendship mean to you? Can you make new friends easily?
Friendship, that priceless treasure that life gives us, has been for me a safe haven, an inexhaustible source of joy and a light that has illuminated my path in the darkest moments. Throughout my life, I have been fortunate to cultivate close friendships, each with its own melody and rhythm, composing a symphony of emotions that enriches my existence.
My friends are like brothers and sisters that life has given me by choice. They are companions of adventures, confidants of my secrets, accomplices of my follies and immovable pillars in difficult moments. With them I share laughter that is contagious, tears that liberate, hugs that renew and make up our broken parts and dreams that inspire.
I fondly remember the first friends I had as a child. We were an inseparable gang, exploring the world with eyes full of curiosity and hearts brimming with excitement. We shared games, pranks and confidences, creating an indestructible bond that endures to this day.
As I grew up, new friendships blossomed in my life. As a teenager, I met those friends with whom I shared musical tastes, intellectual concerns and dreams of a bright future. Together we discovered music that moved our souls, books that opened up new worlds and ideas that challenged us to change the world.
En la universidad, la vida me presentó a amigos con los que compartía aulas, proyectos y sueños profesionales. Entre debates acalorados, trabajos en equipo y noches de estudio interminables, forjamos un lazo de complicidad y respeto que trasciende las paredes del aula.
Con el paso del tiempo, he tenido la dicha de conocer a amigos de diferentes edades, culturas y experiencias de vida. Cada uno de ellos ha aportado algo único a mi vida, ampliando mi visión del mundo y enriqueciendo mi perspectiva.
Mis amigos son mi familia del alma. Son el espejo en el que me reflejo, la voz que me anima cuando flaqueo y la mano que me sostiene cuando tropiezo. Son testigos de mis alegrías y mis tristezas, de mis triunfos y mis fracasos.
La amistad, para mí, es una danza de almas que se encuentran, se reconocen y se entrelazan. Es un diálogo sin palabras, una comprensión profunda que va más allá de las palabras. Es un refugio donde puedo ser yo misma, sin máscaras ni pretensiones.
Agradezco con todo mi corazón la fortuna de tener a mis amigos en mi vida. Son ellos quienes me hacen sentir realmente viva, quienes me inspiran a ser mejor persona y quienes me llenan de amor incondicional.
At university, life introduced me to friends with whom I shared classrooms, projects and professional dreams. Between heated debates, teamwork and endless nights of study, we forged a bond of complicity and respect that transcends the walls of the classroom.
Over time, I have had the joy of meeting friends of different ages, cultures and life experiences. Each of them has brought something unique to my life, broadening my view of the world and enriching my perspective.
My friends are my soul family. They are the mirror in which I reflect myself, the voice that encourages me when I falter and the hand that holds me when I stumble. They are witnesses to my joys and my sorrows, my triumphs and my failures.
Friendship, for me, is a dance of souls meeting, recognizing and intertwining. It is a dialogue without words, a deep understanding that goes beyond words. It is a refuge where I can be myself, without masks or pretense.
I am grateful with all my heart for the fortune of having my friends in my life. They are the ones who make me feel truly alive, who inspire me to be a better person and who fill me with unconditional love.
Mis amigos son mi tesoro más preciado, el regalo más valioso que la vida me ha dado. A ellos dedico estas palabras, como un pequeño homenaje a su presencia en mi vida, a su amistad incondicional y a la alegría que traen a mi corazón.
My friends are my most precious treasure, the most valuable gift that life has given me. To them I dedicate these words, as a small tribute to their presence in my life, to their unconditional friendship and the joy they bring to my heart.
2️⃣ ¿De qué cosa vieja y desgastada no puede desprenderse?
De nada, no soy de las personas que se aferra a las cosas materiales, porque venimos al mundo sin nada y sin nada nos vamos. Hay que disfrutar cada momento. Pienso que guardar viejas y desgastadas, no nos permite evolucionar, porque inconscientemente nos ata al pasado. Hay que dejar ir lo viejo, para dar paso a lo nuevo. No me gusta acumular nada "por si acaso", si no lo he necesitado antes, no lo voy a necesitar después. Me gusta ser práctica en ese sentido.
2️⃣ What old, worn-out thing can you simply not part with?
Nothing, I'm not one of those people who clings to material things, because we come into the world with nothing and we leave with nothing. You have to enjoy every moment. I think that keeping old and worn out things does not allow us to evolve, because unconsciously it ties us to the past. We have to let go of the old to make way for the new. I don't like to accumulate anything "just in case", if I haven't needed it before, I won't need it later. I like to be practical in that sense.
Esta ha sido mi entrada al concurso #192 de Las Damas de la Colmena.
Gracias @merit.ahama por esta sacudida de bonitos momentos, de esos recuerdos que están adormilados en un rinconcito de nuestra mente.
Quisiera invitar a mis amigas @antoniarhuiz, @zhanavic69, @esthersanchez, @syllem y @osismi a participar en este concurso.
This has been my entry to the #192 Ladies of Hive Community contest.
Thank you @merit.ahama for this jolt of beautiful moments, of those memories that are dormant in a little corner of our mind.
I'd like to invite my friends @antoniarhuiz, @zhanavic69, @esthersanchez, @syllem and @osismi to participate in this contest.
100% proprietary content.
The photographs are my property and the photo frames are from Canva.
Translation made with DeepL, free version.
Gracias querida@purrix por la invitación, coincido contigo cuando dices que estas iniciativas nos sacuden el alma, como siempre es un gran placer leerte.❤️🤗🌹
Totalmente, son sanadoras. Gracias por las flores :)
Muy agradecida por t invitación querida @purrix!
Muchas bendiciones para tu vida, hoy y siempre!
Amén, bonita. Que tus bendiciones y buenos deseos, se multipliquen para ti ;)
Agradecida por la invitación. La edición de esta semana está llena de sentimiento. Saludos.
Así es, querida Toña :)
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tokens.@ladiesofhive, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @purrix and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (9/30 calls)
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tokens.@purrix, You have received 1.0000 LOH for posting in Ladies of Hive. We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hodl LOH tokens over a long period of time.
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tokens.@sacra97, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @purrix and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (3/4 calls)
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That's interesting to know about you and I think you're right, holding on some things won't let us evolve.
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tokens.@merit.ahama, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @purrix and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (9/17 calls)
Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.
It is true. I don't like to stay tied to the past. I remember when mom died, I cried a lot and when it was my turn to take her personal things out of her bedroom, I cried my eyes out, feeling disloyal. But something made me react and realize that it was only material things, that my love for her would remain intact in my heart, no need to keep her favorite blanket or her glasses.
Breaking it down into ages makes it easy to realize our formative years we may remain friends with. Along life's road we most definitely meet many more people who become friends in different points of our lifestyle, each offers us a different view into the lives we live.
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tokens.@joanstewart, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @purrix and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (4/19 calls)
Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.
It is true, I have two dear friends, with whom I studied since kindergarten and later, when we were 18 years old, we lived together for three years, but the situation in my country forced them to emigrate at the end of the 90's and although we have not seen each other again face to face, we keep in touch and the friendship is still intact.
Special friendships like that are hard to find.
Have an amazing day.
Keep up the good work. 👏🎵
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