Qurator's Mischievous Mondays | The Flavor Inventor


Welcome to Qurator's Mischievous Mondays!

This will be a weekly competition that we will be hosting every Monday. We want to see a little more engagement and fun when it comes to some of our competitions so this will be a simpler and shorter competition. Easy to enter, but maybe not so easy to win. ;) This competition will be similar to the Monday Missions we had a long time ago, but instead of writing posts to enter we will now consider only the comments and answers on this blog as your entry to win.

Why Mischievous?

We all could use a little fun in our lives. We would even say that we deserve it, let loose a little and have a go at making everyone laugh or think a little, even if it is a little over the top or pure silliness. Go all out and let your creative juices flow.

This week's theme : The Flavor Inventor

You’ve been hired to create a new, wildly unique ice cream flavor. What is it, and what does it taste like? (Google your flavor to make it has not been done before.)

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  • Write a comment in this post, your comment will be your entry.

  • Only comments that fit the theme and style.

  • It has to be done by you, no plagiarism.

  • All entries will be reviewed by the Qurator team.

  • Only one entry per account.

  • Deadline: By the end of Friday

  • Your entry will not count if you aren't following the above-mentioned rules.

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1st Prize
2nd Prize
3rd Prize
4th Prize
5th Prize
30% upvote
25% upvote
20% upvote
15% upvote
10% upvote

The winning comments will receive the upvote on a recent post/comment. If comments are too close to payout we will upvote a recent post.

The previous theme : Everyone is gone

You wake up to find that you're the only person left on Earth. Everyone else has disappeared. As you explore a world completely devoid of other people, you realize you have total freedom. What will you do with the rest of your life, now that you are the last person on Earth?

1st Prize - 30% Upvote



2nd Prize - 25% Upvote



3rd Prize - 20% Upvote



4th Prize - 15% Upvote



5th Prize - 10% Upvote



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Congrats to the winners!

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The Qurator project is brought to you by:

@scrooger | @ewkaw | @ackhoo | @brumest

Like what we do? Consider voting for us as a Hive witness.

Active Witness rank: 60


I love coffee so a coffee would be perfect for it. However, I wouldn't make it a sweeter one. Maybe add a little sugar but not much so it would be bitter. Not only that, a little amount of sourness, just like tasting a one piece of lemon fruit. I wonder what it would taste like. Lol


I would go for the taste of love:
Color: Red (ofcourse, what else?!)
Taste: Sweet, in general it will be a rather sweet taste. There will be some crunch inside as well. As there is no love story which has never some issues in it to crunch. But when you bite through the crunch, you'll get even more sweet taste inside.
Availability: It will be a secret recipe, will do my utter best to make it as unique as possible. So it won't be easy to replicate. It will be available through February and on request.
Marketing: Just love it!

Keep coming up with these original topics, I love them! ❤️


Thanks for the prize 😄. Really happy to see my creativity worked

Hey guys! Have you people ever thought of some taste which could bring you an imagination of that you are eating something from heaven. If not then today the chef Ahmed (chef for a while) brings you a delightful, sweet, melodious, expensive, sensitive, yet really delicious heavenly cloud flavour of ice cream.

This flavour is like it comes from heaven so we need some things which are rarely available and not in the reach of everyone. So we will take the following things


  1. Camel milk

  2. Cloudberries

  3. Manuka honey

  4. Mushroom from heaven

  5. Gold leaves for a little garnish in the end


We will bring the camel milk from a secret dealer who deals illegally across the world and put that milk in a bowl. Can't tell you his location so that my flavour can't be made again. Then we will search the cloudberries in the Amazon jungle fighting with the king Kong and in the end making him a friend so that he can be helpful in finding cloudberries. Those berries will be then put in the camel milk. After that we will go after manuka honey which is guarded by a huge queen bee in Africa. She wasn't willing to give honey but we offered her some flowers in return so she agreed. Added that in the mixture too. Ah the most difficult thing was to kill one of our pious friend so that he can send us some mushrooms from heaven. The mushrooms also becaume the part of our mixture. Then the final step was to meet the professor from money heist so that he can help me rob the bank and i can buy some gold leaves for garnishing.

Final touch

After so much hardwork and effort, finally here is our heavenly cloud flavour. The taste is just amazing 😍. You won't stop licking your own fingers after having a taste.



Explosão de Sentimentos ice cream is a delicious product, it is creamy and made up of mini air bubbles, in its consistency, that explode in the mouth of whoever tastes it, she active when they come into contact with saliva human. These air bubbles contain unique substances, produced in the laboratory, capable of causing the sensation of human feelings such as: joy, pleasure, fear, pain, happiness, among countless others. It's a true lottery of feelings, each time you taste it you can access a different feeling, which makes the product something unique and extremely beloved. Having access to an unexpected sensation is something many customers want.
