Qurator's Mischievous Mondays | The Secret Society of Snails


Welcome to Qurator's Mischievous Mondays!

This will be a weekly competition that we will be hosting every Monday. We want to see a little more engagement and fun when it comes to some of our competitions so this will be a simpler and shorter competition. Easy to enter, but maybe not so easy to win. ;) This competition will be similar to the Monday Missions we had a long time ago, but instead of writing posts to enter we will now consider only the comments and answers on this blog as your entry to win.

Why Mischievous?

We all could use a little fun in our lives. We would even say that we deserve it, let loose a little and have a go at making everyone laugh or think a little, even if it is a little over the top or pure silliness. Go all out and let your creative juices flow.

This week's theme : The Secret Society of Snails

Create a story about a secret society where snails are the members. What are their missions?

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  • Write a comment in this post, your comment will be your entry.

  • Only comments that fit the theme and style.

  • It has to be done by you, no plagiarism.

  • All entries will be reviewed by the Qurator team.

  • Only one entry per account.

  • Deadline: By the end of Friday

  • Your entry will not count if you aren't following the above-mentioned rules.

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1st Prize
2nd Prize
3rd Prize
4th Prize
5th Prize
30% upvote
25% upvote
20% upvote
15% upvote
10% upvote

The winning comments will receive the upvote on a recent post/comment. If comments are too close to payout we will upvote a recent post.

The previous theme : Picturing Personality

Share a picture of your personality without actually showing yourself in the picture. This can be any kind of picture, extra points if its a meme.

1st Prize - 30% Upvote



2nd Prize - 25% Upvote



3rd Prize - 20% Upvote



4th Prize - 15% Upvote



5th Prize - 10% Upvote


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Congrats to the winners!

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The Qurator project is brought to you by:

@scrooger | @ewkaw | @ackhoo | @brumest

Like what we do? Consider voting for us as a Hive witness.

Active Witness rank: 61


The secret society of snails.
The codes and traditions of this secret society are kind of fun. First of all, we must understand that snails are beings with a very complex social organization. They have clear hierarchies and strict rules that govern their behavior. For example, did you know that the largest snails always have the last word in any argument? Imagine having to deal with an oversized arrogant snail! Another interesting aspect is their way of communicating. Snails use a combination of body movements and slime emissions to transmit messages. It's like having a secret code only understood by them! As for their traditions, snails are very ceremonial creatures. For example, every time they find a new home or food, they do a little celebratory dance. Imagine seeing a group of snails dancing around a fresh lettuce! In short, the codes and traditions of the snails are a very fun topic to explore. So the next time you see one of these curious little animals, remember that behind their shell there is a whole world of customs and rules that make them unique. Snails to power!


In the depths of a leafy forest hides an ancient secret, known only to a privileged few: The secret society of snails. This mysterious brotherhood of shell creatures has existed since time immemorial, watching over the balance of nature and protecting the mysterious powers that reside in the world of snails.

Members of this society are said to possess extraordinary abilities, such as the ability to communicate with other forest creatures through their soft, undulating movements, or to heal wounds with the power of their secretions. But their greatest gift is the ancestral wisdom that resides in their shells, which allows them to foresee the future and protect the inhabitants of the forest from any imminent danger.

However, the secret society of snails faces a threat never seen before. A dark force has infiltrated the forest, endangering both its members and the harmony they have protected for centuries. Now, the snails must join forces and use all their powers to face this new threat and preserve the secret of their society.

With the bravery and determination of its members, the secret society of snails will embark on an epic adventure to keep alive the magic and mystery that lie in the deepest corners of the forest. Only together can they overcome the challenges before them and ensure that their legacy endures for generations to come.



Snails are part of a group of animals that live peacefully in nature, despite being defenseless, ancient snails carry messages in their shells that transcend human existence. Those ancestors are creatures that are hidden in the depths of the planet, they command by all snail lineages in the world, they do not have the habit of "walk" the Earth's surface, they avoid any type of danger, they protect the information they carry at all costs. They believe that the world's information has been lost over time and they have an obligation to provide this knowledge to future generations.

All snails know that they are fragile creatures, simple prey for their predators, but they seek knowledge of the golden shell, an "armor" capable of protect them from all the dangers on the planet. In the search for knowledge of the world's information, essentially the existence of this item capable of guaranteeing the survival of its species amidst predators. Their movements are slow, but faith, the desire for survival and the yearning to use this incredible shell makes all species' faith in the elders grow over time.

Their lives currently have these two purposes, gathering information and hunting for the golden shell. When the quest for all the knowledge in the world is complete, they will... "Confidential information of the elders!"
