Whale Skin Rocks - A Month of Daily Haiku (Day 15)


Similian Island.jpg
Picture taken in 2010, on a dive excursion to the Similian Islands, Thailand.

Tiny Dory dart
in a sandy universe -
we climb whale skin rocks.


Today marks the start of the third week in my month long challenge to write a daily haiku and blog on a weekly theme. This week I am going to explore my love of travel, sharing a different picture of my travels each day and writing a Haiku inspired by that image.

The wonder inspired by travel is as ancient as it is timeless. From the dawn of pre-history humankind has been a migratory species. Tribal societies followed seasonal journeys to reside in the places of most abundance, and in many instances climatic or environmental changes forced people to look further afield as a matter of survival.

In both examples, the human spirit of exploration was bolstered by very real concerns of survival beyond the sheer wonder of seeing a new place, or the comfort of finding bountiful resources. But I imagine that the wonder of travel that we feel today was only amplified in our ancestors by the practical concerns attached to their journey.

This wanderlust, and seeking for something better, has become deeply engraved in the collective unconscious, manifesting in modern times through the many people who embrace a nomadic lifestyle.

Some of my most cherished memories are of travel; sitting quietly on a newly discovered beach to greet the dawn, hustling my way through the heat of evening city streets in Chiang Mai, even that bubbling feeling when you first set out on a trip as the airplane takes off into the blue beyond, all of these things make up the journey, far greater in their whole than the destination.

“It is better to travel well than to arrive.”

― Buddah

Pictures taken in 2010, Doi Suthep temple, Chaing Mai, Thailand

These musings on travel seem essential to me right now as my chronic illness has hit a point where I'm barely able to complete the walk to do my weekly shopping, let alone take a thousand mile journey across the world. Living the wonders of travel in memory is far better than forgetting them based on the bitterness borne of limitation. Hopefully, these blogs and haiku about my travels will provide the hope to forge on and find healing.

I have decided to challenge myself for a month to post a daily Haiku on Hive. Each week will have a different theme based on a picture prompt.

This week's broad theme is The Wonder of Travel.

To read more about the aesthetics of true haiku, and the difference between haiku and senryu, please check out my post: Haiku Vs Senryu - The Aesthetics of Form

I would like to give a big shout-out to @stickupcurator (and @stickupboys) for their amazing contribution to supporting music, art, imaginative writing, and all things creative on hive. If you haven't already, you should go check out their account for music, crypto podcasts and much much more 🙂👍

All images in this post are my own property. If you have enjoyed this Haiku, please check out my homepage @raj808 for similar content. Thank you.


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