Fiction: A light of hope (Una luz esperanza) [EN/ES]

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A light of hope

Peter took a deep drag on his cigar, as dusk gave way to night, the smoke came out through the dirty bars and disappeared into the infinite dark, his honey-colored eyes were fixed on the evening show, it seemed that the stars were dancing with each other in a cosmic dance.

Peter's mind was lost in passing thoughts and he remembered the infamous betrayal of Angus, his robbery partner. That infamous situation had put him in that stinking and filthy cell. He was clenching his fist with anger and hitting the cobblestone wall leaving a small trail of blood.

Years ago...

"Angus, remember we have to leave in 30 minutes before the police arrive." Peter was reminding his partner of the plan.

"Don't worry, Peter, don't think I'm stupid. I have everything recorded here." Angus was touching his head with his index finger in a continuous side-to-side motion.

"Don't get mad, I just want this robbery to go well." Peter was trying to lower the tension of the moment.

Angus nodded and they began walking, planning to ambush the guards as soon as they arrived for the morning shift. They hid in some bushes that decorated the facade of the imposing banking structure. They were waiting for dawn to come, the anxiety of the thieves made them think that would never happen.

They patiently waited for the hours to pass, until at last, the sun began to show its shining face in the firmament of the new day. The black van would arrive and leave the alternate guards. Peter was looking at his companion and in an inaudible communication, they came out of the bushes and aimed at the four guards, who had no choice but to do as ordered by the robbers.

"Very well, beasts, I hope you will be quiet and obedient to us."Angus was threatening the guards with the gun.

Peter was on his way to the vault with one of the guards. They came up to the imposing metal door. "Alright buddy, open the door and you can leave without any problems."

The guard followed Peter's orders, and the large door to the vault was open. The thief's eyes marveled at the golden and green banknote spectacle. Behind the off-white mask, the smile was present, as the two men entered the vault.

The smell of new banknotes, and the characteristic shine of the metal, reached the nostrils and eyeballs of Peter, who gloated over the happiness product of the good future that awaited him, far from that horrible cold city and that only brought him bad memories.

A voice invaded the moment, taking Peter out of the ecstasy of his thoughts of a tomorrow that now did not seem so far away. "Peter, Peter, we have to hurry, we're running out of time." Hurriedly and with dilated pupils Angus approached.

"Don't worry, Angus. We'll start emptying the vault now. Keep an eye on the guard while I get the bags out." Peter was hurrying out to the car to get the bags.

At that moment, four shots were heard. Peter was running back to the bench, adrenaline was starting to flow through every fiber of his being, and breathing was becoming more profuse and distressing.

Peter arrived to meet his companion and saw the dantesque scene, an icy cold began to run down his spine, and after a few seconds he was able to outline some words, "What have you done, Angus?».

"Hey we can't leave witnesses, it's too dangerous," Angus would reply angrily.

"We agreed that we wouldn't use the guns, we just came to take the valuables."

"You know how this business is. There's no need to leave witnesses. Now hurry up. The cops won't be long in arriving." Angus was going into the vault with the sacks and Peter was following him.

After a few minutes, the sacks were full of money and with some gold bars. The cart was loaded with the big booty and Peter was on his way back to see Angus.

"Well, Peter, that was all. Now we're going to get out of this horrible hole." Angus was motioning for his partner to come out.

"I'm ready, Angus. Let's get out of here." Peter would take the last sack and leave the vault.

"Wait a minute, Peter." As the man turned around, Angus punched him in the back of the head and locked him in the vault. "Don't take it personally, my friend. We should give the police a culprit, haha."

After a while, Peter would open his eyes and out of the shadows he would look at the police who were coming to arrest him. It was learned from Angus that he had crashed while trying to flee and had lost his life.

In the present...

A betrayal that he will not forget and although Angus got his comeuppance, Peter will not forget that low act that make him live locked within those four walls. Now he is waiting for the liberating tomorrow that although it seems so far away in that melancholy instant of time, will arrive at any moment. Peter longed so much for that tomorrow to come that he would give anything to feel the caress of the sun for the last time.

The dawn was beginning to peek over the horizon. Peter had not closed his eyes all night looking out of that small barred window, perhaps searching in the breeze for a halo of comfort. The morning had come without haste, the one I had been waiting for so long, a bright morning, full of hope. The guard knocked on the cell door and Peter got ready to leave. He walked down that cold corridor and entered the chamber, closed his eyes, felt the needle stick, then opened his eyes and saw himself flying towards the light a glimmer of hope of a desired tomorrow.

The end



Una luz esperanza

Una profunda calada a su cigarro dio Peter, mientras el ocaso daba paso a la noche, el humo salía por entre los barrotes sucios y se perdía hacia el infinito oscuro. Sus ojos color miel se fijaban en el espectáculo nocturno, parecía que las estrellas danzaban unas con otras en un baile cósmico.

La mente de Peter se perdía en pensamientos pasajeros y recordó la infame traición de Angus, su compañero de robo. Aquella situación infame lo había puesto en aquella celda apestosa y mugrienta. Apretaba el puño con irá y golpeaba la pared de adoquín dejando un pequeño rastro de sangre.

Años atrás...

«Angus, recuerda que debemos salir en 30 minutos, antes que llegue la policía». Peter le recordaba a su compañero el plan de asalto al banco.

«No te preocupes, Peter. No pienses que soy estúpido, todo lo tengo grabado aquí». Angus tocaba su cabeza con el dedo índice en un movimiento continuo de lado a lado.

«No te enojes, solo quiero que este robo salga bien». Peter trataba de bajar la tensión del momento.

Angus asentía y empezaban a caminar esperando emboscar a los guardias, en cuanto recibieran el turno de la mañana. Se escondieron en unos arbustos que decoraban la fachada de la imponente estructura bancaria. Esperaban a que llegara el amanecer, la ansiedad de los ladrones los hacía pensar que eso no ocurriría jamás.

Pacientemente esperaban que transcurrieran las horas, hasta que al fin el sol empezaba a asomar su reluciente cara en el firmamento del nuevo día. Llegaba la camioneta negra y dejaba a los guardias suplentes. Peter miraba a su compañero y en una comunicación inaudible salieron de los arbustos y encañonaron a los cuatro guardias, quienes sorprendidos no tuvieron más opción que hacer lo ordenado por los ladrones.

«Muy bien, bestias, espero que estén callados y sean bien obedientes con nosotros." Angus amenazaba con el arma a los guardias.

Peter por su parte se dirigía a la bóveda con uno de los guardias. Llegaban hasta la imponente puerta de metal. «Muy bien, amigo, abre la puerta y podrás irte sin problemas».

El guardia seguía las órdenes de Peter, la gran puerta de la bóveda era abierta. Los ojos del ladrón se maravillaron ante el espectáculo dorado y de verdes billetes. Detrás de la máscara blanquecina, la sonrisa se hacía presente, en tanto los dos hombres entraban a la bóveda.

El olor a billetes nuevos, y el brillo característico del metal, llegaron a las fosas nasales y globos oculares de Peter, quien se regodeaba por la felicidad producto del buen futuro que le esperaba, lejos de aquella horrible ciudad fría y que solo le traía malos recuerdos.

Una voz invadía el momento sacando a Peter del éxtasis de sus pensamientos de un mañana que ahora no se veía tan lejano. «Peter, Peter, hay que darnos prisa, se nos acaba el tiempo». Presuroso y con las pupilas dilatadas se acercaba Angus.

«No te preocupes, Angus. Ahora empezaremos a vaciar la bóveda, vigila al guardia mientras saco las bolsas». Peter salía presuroso hacia el auto para coger las bolsas.

En ese instante, cuatro disparos se oyeron. Peter corría de vuelta al banco, la adrenalina empezaba a fluir por cada fibra de su ser, la respiración se hacía más profusa y angustiante, en tanto la nueva mañana se asomaba presurosa y los minutos caminaban.

Peter llegaba al encuentro de su compañero y vio la escena dantesca, un frío helado empezó recorrer su espina dorsal, al cabo de unos segundos pudo esbozar algunas palabras, «¿Qué has hecho, Angus?».

«Oye no podemos dejar testigos, es muy peligroso», Angus respondía con enojo.

«Quedamos en que no usaríamos las pistolas, solo veníamos a llevarnos los objetos de valor».

«Sabes como es este negocio, no hay que dejar testigos, ahora apresúrate los policías no tardan en llegar». Angus se internaba en la bóveda con los sacos y Peter lo seguía.

Después de unos minutos, los sacos quedaban llenos de dinero y con algunas barras de oro. El carro estuvo cargado con el gran botín y Peter regresaba a ver a Angus.

«Bueno, Peter, eso fue todo. Ahora vamos a salir de este hoyo horrible». Angus indicaba a su compañero para que saliera.

«Estoy listo, Angus, salgamos de aquí». Peter tomaba el último saco y salía de la bóveda.

«Espera un momento, Peter». Mientras el hombre se daba la vuelta, Angus le daba un golpe en la nuca y lo encerraba en la bóveda. «No lo tomes personal, amigo. Debemos darle a la policía un culpable, jaja».

Luego de un tiempo, Peter abría los ojos y de entre sombras miraba a la policía que llegaba a arrestarlo, de Angus se llegó a enterar que se había estrellado al tratar de huir y había perdido la vida.

En el presente...

Una traición que no olvidará y aunque Angus tuvo su merecido, Peter no olvidará ese acto tan bajo que lo había condenado a vivir encerrado en esas cuatro paredes. Ahora espera el mañana liberador que aunque parece tan lejano en ese instante de tiempo melancólico, llegará en cualquier momento. Peter ansió tanto que llegara ese mañana que daría lo que fuera por sentir la caricia del sol por última vez.

El amanecer empezaba a asomarse por el horizonte. Peter no había cerrado los ojos en toda la noche mirando por aquella pequeña ventana con barrotes, tal vez buscando en la brisa un halo de consuelo. La mañana había llegado sin apuros, aquella la que tanto había estado esperando, una mañana brillante, llena de esperanza. El guardia golpeó la puerta de la celda y Peter se preparó para salir. Caminó por aquel frío pasillo y se internó en la cámara, cerró los ojos, sintió el piquete de agujas, después abrió los ojos y se vio volando hacia la luz. Una luz de esperanza, de un mañana deseado.



Sources of the covers images Source 1 Source 2
Edited by Rincón Poético.

The text of this post was originally translated from Spanish to English with the translator DeepL
Original content


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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


It's indeed unfortunate that Peter ended that way—though it became sooner for him because of his traitorous friend. I like how you vividly described the settings because, for me, it's something that's really hard to write... Thanks for sharing such a brief yet interesting story...


In the end, both thieves got what they deserved 😅. Excellent story as always @rinconpoetico7 🤗.


Thank you for leaving your kind comment, always a pleasure to read from you, friend.

Every action has a reaction, everything we do will have a positive or negative effect on our life.

Happy Sunday!


I am struck as I read this excellent story by the parallels between two tomorrows. Peter first looks forward to the coming of dawn so he can commit his robbery. His senses are filled with the sight and odor of the money he is about to steal. His second tomorrow he waits for dawn again, this time he waits for his death. These two tomorrows are connected, as on a thread. The first led inexorably to the second. Once again, as he waits for tomorrow, his sense are filled, this time by the odor and sight of his filthy prison cell.
It is a grim ending you offer, a somber tomorrow. But you give us a bit of lift with your last thought: "saw himself flying towards the light a glimmer of hope of a desired tomorrow."

I read your story late last night but was too sleepy to comment. This morning I look with fresh eyes and am impressed once again with your writing.

Great job!


Wow, your comment is really very significant for my story. Your words fill me with great joy and encourage me to continue sharing stories with more enthusiasm.

Thank you very much for taking your time to read, analyze and dedicate your words to history. I feel very honored.

Excellent day!


Hello, @rinconpoetico7

A tale of bank robbers - what a story! It captured my attention from the very beginning. The exquisite narrative and accurate descriptions made me enjoy it beyond the implied violence. Of course, crime doesn't pay. Tomorrow always brings hope. if only to see the last light.



Thank you for stopping by and leaving your kind comment. I'm glad you liked the story.

Crime does not pay, that is true, the thieves had to pay with the most precious thing, their lives.

Good day.
