Fiction: Behind the laughter (Detrás de la risa) [EN/ES]

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Behind the laughter

It was a radiant day. The clouds had hidden in the blue firmament. The heat was beginning to burn the wills of the grown-ups who were drinking beers. The children were enjoying the colorful balloons, provocative pastels, a decoration that stole the eye with its splendor, cleverly combined with the deep green of the grass.

Risoto called out to the children, "Come children, come. I bring you lots of fun and laughter." The colorful afro-style wig swayed in the breeze, and his big red nose beeped when he pressed it.

The children gathered around the clown, laughing non-stop at the witticisms and jokes. He would call out to the birthday boy who would obediently attend.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Clown," said the child, drawing a smile from between the corners of his lips.

Risoto laughed and welcomed the child. He began to do his tricks and tell his jokes. After a few minutes, the child's parents arrived with the cake, decorated with a spider man on top and a little red candle in the shape of a 7. They lit the candle and then sang the famous 'Happy Birthday' to the child.

At that moment of merriment, Risoto's phone rang with intensity a cheerful and very loud melody flooded the festive atmosphere of the birthday. The clown left the place and answered the call. "Hello, brother, I'm talking to you from the 'Hispanoamerica' clinic. Our mother is in a delicate state of health. She suffered a traffic accident. As soon as you can, come immediately to the hospital. Our mother needs you."

Risoto was in shock after hearing such terrible news, but at that instant, a voice brought him out of his hypnotic trance and brought him back to reality. "Mr. Risoto, you are needed at the party." A girl of short stature and plump body gave him a warm smile.

"Don't worry, I'm coming as lightning." Risoto smiled in correspondence to the girl's smile.

The clown ran to the bathroom to touch up the paint on his face. The whitish substance had run, forming a furrow where a squalid tear had appeared. The finger impregnated with the white color, covered for a moment the harsh reality that made him shudder.

He took a heavy sigh and returned to the party, polishing his laughter, which would come out fallaciously before the audience that was innocent of his pain. Risoto remembered that song that said, 'The show must go on'. Like a good clown, he would go out and give his best performance, even if his heart was about to break into a million little pieces.

"All right, guys, your friend Risoto is back to continue celebrating Carlos' birthday. Let's keep singing and laughing, this is a very happy day. Haha." Risoto went on with his routine as if nothing was happening to him, but deep inside his heart was crying, and his mind wanted to run away from that place. Balloon animals were the next scene, nimble hands folded the latex, creating surreal animals that delighted the small audience.

Risoto looked into the children's expectant eyes and could see himself as a hero, a hero of the bombs, bringing balloon animals to life. Each little one passed by to receive a balloon being, at the call of the clown.

The party went on, and Risoto could not stop thinking about his dear mother's health, but there were only a few hours left to go to the meeting that was becoming an agonizing desperate echo.

The magic act came suddenly and gave way to illusion, deception, and mystery. Each trick made the children open their mouths in an almost infinite 'O'. Doves flew, and rabbits jumped vigorously out of hats, which in turn was accompanied by a game of cards, kings, flowers, and spades made for visual delight in a well-organized farce.

The hours continued to tick by, and Risoto kept his composure, still praying silently for his dear mother, although he knew nothing of how the accident had happened. He looked at a round clock hanging on the opaque yellow-painted wall, it was exactly one hour to go, and he would leave for the longed-for meeting.

Risoto would close with a series of jokes and dynamics that would make the most daring blush. Laughter flooded the room at every occurrence. He moved freely around the room, moving his big red shoes as in a military parade, and then the red pants danced loosely while Risoto kept jumping and spinning. The red nose was ringing non-stop, and the end was finally here.

The clown had given his best show, and among applauses and cheers, he said goodbye to the party, to then assume the hard reality that had distressed him during the whole presentation. He left with his clothes on, heading quickly to the clinic where his beloved one was.

When he arrived, his sister received him and told him everything that had happened. "Due to the traffic accident, she suffered a head trauma that left her in a coma, and the doctors expect her to react at any moment, it could be days, months, or years, but the doctors do not give a definite time."

"It can't be, my dear mother." Tears ran down Risoto's makeup. "May I go in to see her?"

The sister would nod, and the clown would enter the room. He looked at her in that bed silent witness to the tragedy, took a few steps, and caressed the mother's face. The wrinkles were docile to the touch, he leaned over and kissed her on the forehead, leaving the red of the makeup marked.

A few tears fell again, and an I love you floated in the aseptic air of the room. He removed the flower from his red coat with black stripes and put it on the side of her pillow. He turned and was heading for the door, then heard, "Where are you going, son?"

The end



Detrás de la risa

Era un día radiante, las nubes se habían escondido en el firmamento azul. El calor empezaba a quemar las voluntades de los mayores quienes tomaban cervezas. Los niños disfrutaban del colorido de los globos, pasteles provocativos, una decoración que robaba la vista con su esplendor, combinado astutamente con el verde profundo del césped.

Risoto llamaba a los niños, «Vengan niños, vengan. Les traigo mucha diversión y risas». La peluca colorida estilo afro se movía al son de la brisa y su gran nariz roja emitía un pitido cuando la presionaba.

Los niños reunidos alrededor del payaso, reían sin parar ante las ocurrencias y bromas. Llamaba al cumpleañero quien asistía obediente.

«Buenas tardes, señor payaso», decía el niño dibujando una sonrisa de entre la comisura de sus labios.

Risoto reía y daba la bienvenida al niño. Empezó a hacer sus trucos y a contar sus chistes. Luego de unos minutos, llegaban los padres del niño con el pastel, decorado con un hombre araña en la parte superior y una velita roja con la forma del 7. Encendían la velita para luego cantar al niño el famoso "Happy Birthday".

En ese instante de jolgorio, el teléfono de Risoto sonaba con intensidad, una melodía alegre y muy ruidosa inundaba el ambiente festivo del cumpleaños. El payaso abandonaba el lugar y atendía el llamado. «Hola, hermano, te estoy hablando de la clínica "Hispanoamérica". Nuestra madre está en un delicado estado de salud, sufrió un accidente de tránsito. En cuanto puedas, ven de inmediato al hospital. Nuestra madre te necesita».

Risoto quedaba en shock después de escuchar tan terrible noticia, pero en ese instante una voz lo sacó de su trance hipnótico y lo devolvió a la realidad. «Señor Risoto, lo requieren en la fiesta». Una muchacha de estatura baja y cuerpo regordete le regalaba una cálida sonrisa.

«No se preocupe, voy como de rayo». Risoto esbozaba una sonrisa en correspondencia a la de la muchacha.

El payaso corría al baño a retocar la pintura del rostro. La sustancia blanquecina se había corrido formando un surco por donde una lágrima escuálida se había hecho presente. El dedo impregnado del color blanco, tapaba por un momento la dura realidad que lo hizo estremecer.

Tomó un fuerte suspiro y volvió a la fiesta, puliendo su carcajada, que saldría falazmente ante el público que era inocente de su dolor. Risoto recordó aquella canción que decía, "el show debe continuar". Como buen payaso saldría a dar su mejor presentación, aunque su corazón estuviera a punto de quebrarse en millones de pedacitos.

«Muy bien, chicos, su amigo Risoto volvió para seguir festejando el cumpleaños de Carlos. Vamos a seguir cantando y riendo, que este es un día muy feliz. Jaja». Risoto siguió con su rutina como si nada le estuviera pasando, pero muy en el fondo el corazón lloraba y su mente quería salir escapando de aquel lugar. Los animalitos de globos fueron la siguiente escena, las manos ágiles doblaban el látex, creando animales surrealistas que encantaban al pequeño público.

Risoto miraba los ojos expectantes de aquellos niños y pudo reflejarse en ellos como un héroe, un héroe de las bombas, que daba vida a animales hechos con globos. Cada pequeño pasaba a recibir un ser de globo, ante el llamado del payaso.

La fiesta seguía su curso y Risoto no dejaba de pensar en la salud de su querida madre, pero solo faltaban algunas horas para salir al encuentro que se convertía en un agonizante eco desesperado.

El acto de magia llegó súbitamente y dio paso a la ilusión, el engaño y el misterio. Cada truco hacía que los niños abrieran la boca en un “O” casi infinito. Las palomas volaban y los conejos saltaban vigorosamente de los sombreros, que a su vez era acompañado por un juego de cartas, reyes, flores y picas hacían el deleite visual en una farsa bien organizada.

Las horas seguían corriendo y Risoto conservaba la mesura, sin dejar de orar en silencio por su querida madre, aunque no sabía nada de cómo había ocurrido el accidente. Miró un reloj redondo colgado de la pared pintada de un amarillo opaco, faltaba una hora exactamente y saldría al encuentro añorado.

Risoto cerraría con una tanda de chistes y dinámicas que harían sonrojar al más atrevido. Las risas inundaban el salón ante cada ocurrencia, él se movía con soltura por el recinto, moviendo sus grandes zapatos rojos como en un desfile militar, luego el pantalón rojo bailaba con holgura mientras Risoto seguía brincando y dando vueltas. La nariz roja sonaba sin parar y el final por fin llegaba.

El payaso había dado su mejor espectáculo y entre aplausos y vítores se despedía de la fiesta, para luego asumir la dura realidad que lo había acongojado durante toda la presentación. Salió con su vestimenta puesta, dirigiéndose rápidamente a la clínica donde estaba su querido ser.

Al llegar, su hermana lo recibía y le comentó todo lo sucedido. «Debido al accidente de tránsito, ella sufrió un trauma en la cabeza que la dejó en coma y los médicos esperan que reaccione en cualquier momento, pueden ser días, meses o años, los médicos no dan un tiempo definido».

«No puede ser, mi querida madre». Las lágrimas corrían por el maquillaje de Risoto. «¿Puedo entrar a verla?».

La hermana asentía con la cabeza y el payaso entraba en el cuarto. La miró en aquella cama testigo silencioso de la tragedia, dio unos pasos y acaricio el rostro de la madre. Las arrugas eran dóciles al tacto, se inclinó y un beso le dio en la frente, dejando marcado el rojo del maquillaje.

Algunas lágrimas volvieron a caer y un te amo flotó en el aire aséptico de la habitación. Se quitó la flor de su saco rojo con franjas negras y se la puso a un lado de la almohada. Se dio media vuelta y se dirigía hacia la puerta, después escuchó, «¿A dónde vas, hijo?»



Sources of the covers images
Source 1 Source 2
Edited by Rincón Poético.

The text of this post was originally translated from Spanish to English with the translator DeepL
Original content


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Wow, she got better with his presence. Honestly, this got me emotional and it must have been challenging for Rosito to remain at the birthday knowing that his mother needed him while she was admitted to the hospital.

I am glad his presence made a difference after all...


Thank you for stopping by and leaving your kind comment.

I'm very glad you liked the story. In truth, the job of a clown is very difficult, no matter what happens, he must be there until the end of the show.

A good day.


Esta historia me sacó una lágrima, hasta quiero una segunda parte donde la mamá esté ya recuperada 😥. Saludos, @rinconpoetico7 🤗, excelente relato como siempre 🤗.


Thank you for stopping by and leaving your beautiful comment.

I am very happy to be able to move so many emotional fibers with the story. Always a pleasure to read you, friend.

A strong hug!
