Fiction: Fiery footsteps (Pasos de fuego) [EN/ES]
Fiery footsteps
“And the runners are coming around the bend. The finish awaits the winner coming in front of the peloton. Number 13 comes in winning with a big lead. There seem to be no surprises in this race. He comes running without many setbacks. Y... Here's the winner, everyone's favorite, Jerry Jenkins.”
The athlete had a big smile on his face. One more win for his trophy case. No human being could beat him in the 100-meter dash. For a long time he had had supremacy and every race was like going for a walk.
“Excellent race, Jerry. There seems to be no one who can dethrone you.” A skinny reporter giddily accosted the athlete.
“Careful, these legs are worth gold, buddy.” The sky-clear blue eyes were fixed on the skinny man. “Truly no one can beat me, I'm the best and I owe it all to my discipline. Hears me well, journalist, no one can defeat me. I am the greatest in the world, haha.”
“Sure, champion, but there is a young Jamaican, he calls himself Thunderbolt and he is the sensation, he has been defeating everyone who comes his way. Aren't you curious to meet him?”
“Yes, I've heard of him, I'm not impressed. The media has overrated him, he's just a runner and I can beat him with no problem.” An ironic smile revealed white teeth like perfect ivory.
“The world will come to a standstill to watch you guys run.”
“For me, it'll be a routine race and that little boy will meet his nightmare. The great Jerry Jenkins. Haha.” The great athlete would walk away shaking his hand haughtily.
After a few days, Jerry was training, warming up his pair of legs that looked like two logs and muscles like steel. Just then a strapping lad arrived, wearing a hooded sweatshirt that covered his head. “Greetings, old man, would you mind if I trained around here?”
“Who do you call old, insolent boy? I'm the great Jerry Jenkins.” The athlete posed haughtily while crossing his arms.
“I know you, old man, but you don't look as fast as they say. The years are weighing on you, and in every race, you're running your times up. Soon you'll reach the finish line sticking your tongue out. Haha.”
“Hey, spoiled boy, who are you, and why are you provoking me?” The colors were rising in Jerry's hard-faced face.
“Calm down, old man. I'm nobody and I came to run for a while, do you dare or are you afraid?” The boy would start jogging without moving forward.
“Haha, I'll make you eat dust, insolent boy, come on.”
Both runners would get into position and after a count of three would take off running at full speed. Jerry took the lead and got a big head start on the boy, he laughed as he admired the scenery and as he lay submerged in thought he felt a breeze ruffle his brown hair back and forth.
Jerry looked at the boy ahead of him and could not believe it. He ran faster, but he couldn't catch up. His heartbeat was racing even faster and the muscles in his legs seemed to explode. After a while, the boy crossed the finish line.
“Too slow, old man. And that's when I barely got fatigued. Haha.”
“Ok, boy, tell me who the hell you are.” Jerry was trying to catch his breath after the mammoth effort.
The boy would take off his hood and reveal his dark-colored face, eyes as black as night, and braids falling over his temples. “I'm Thunderbolt and I enjoyed racing with you. See you at the race in a week. See you later, old man. Haha.”
Jerry fell to his knees and felt something inside him crack. All self-assurance and confidence had been shattered. He lost so overwhelmingly he couldn't believe it. He struggled to his feet as sweat beaded on the clay floor.
The dejected athlete headed home with so many thoughts tormenting him. He was still trying to digest what had happened, but it was like a hammer hitting him again and again. He lay in bed and spent the whole day watching television in an almost vegetative state.
In the evening, Jerry's wife arrived. A long work trip had kept her away from home. “Hi, honey. I'm back. Finding no answer, she went to the bedroom and found Jerry between the white sheets. “Honey, what's wrong?”
“Hi, love.” Jerry gave his wife a fleeting glance and then turned the other way.
She approached the depressed man and ran her hand over his head. “Tell me, honey, what's got you like this?”
The athlete told his wife what had happened and she listened attentively as Jerry poured his heart out. Then she felt that he needed her support and love, to get out of that state of sadness and discouragement.
Days went by and Jerry was still mired in depression. Then she reminded her husband of many things and why he is so precious to their family, no matter what happened in the race.
“Cheer up, love. It's not the end of the world if you lose, that's what life is all about, you win and you lose. You're up or down. The important thing is to overcome and have humility to know how to accept defeats and victories. This has taught you that you must change and respect your opponents because, after all, they are human beings who feel, just like you. Lift your spirits and start fighting.” His wife kissed him so lovingly that Jerry woke up to a new reality.
Jerry trained again, much harder, but now everything was different, he would run no longer for ego and personal satisfaction, but out of passion for athletics and love for all his loved ones. The day of the race had arrived, the stadium was packed, and nobody wanted to miss the great duel between Thunderbolt and Jerry.
The runners took their positions and the midday sun caressed the sweaty skins of the men. Jerry looked at Thunderbolt and the boy winked at him. Nerves flowed like torrents of water through everybody. A hush fell over the track, while in the grandstands, all was jubilation.
The gun sounded and the runners took off like lightning. Jerry and Thunderbolt took the lead and went head to head. A fascinating duel was taking place on the track. Hearts were pounding and sweat was flying through the air.
“The runners are heading into the last quarter of a lap and the two favorites are neck and neck. Neither wants to give away an advantage. They are still running with all their might, approaching the finish line. They're eating up the track and... They cross the finish line together. This is unbelievable! What a race we've just witnessed!” An elated commentator narrated the end of the race.
After analyzing the photo finish, the judges decreed that Thunderbolt had won by a braid and the stadium cheered in jubilation. Jerry didn't feel bad because he gave it his best shot, walked over to Thunderbolt, and shook his hand.
“Great race, boy. Congratulations.” Jerry extended his hand in a gesture of friendship.
“Great race, Jerry. You've improved a lot since that time, you almost beat me, haha.” The young man vigorously shook his rival's hand.
“Haha, thanks for opening my eyes and I'll beat you next time, insolent boy, haha.” Jerry would turn around and leave with his wife.
“Hey, old man, not a chance. Haha.”
The end
Pasos de fuego
«Y vienen los corredores al final de la curva. La meta espera al ganador que viene delante del pelotón. El número 13 viene ganando con una gran ventaja. Al parecer no hay sorpresas en esta carrera. Viene corriendo sin muchos contratiempos. Y... Aquí está el ganador, el favorito de todos, Jerry Jenkins».
El atleta esbozaba una gran sonrisa. Un triunfo más para su vitrina de trofeos. No había ser humano que pudiera ganarle en los 100 metros planos. Durante mucho tiempo había tenido la supremacía y cada carrera era como ir de paseo.
«Excelente carrera, Jerry. Al parecer no hay nadie quien pueda destronarte». Un flacucho periodista abordaba de forma atolondrada al atleta.
«Cuidado, estas piernas valen oro, amigo». Los ojos azules claros como el cielo se fijaban en el hombre flacucho. «En verdad que nadie puede conmigo, soy el mejor y todo se lo debo a mi disciplina. Nadie, óigalo bien, periodista, nadie puede derrotarme. Soy el más grande del mundo, jaja».
«Claro, campeón, pero hay un joven jamaiquino, que se hace llamar Thunderbolt y es la sensación, viene derrotando a todo el que se le atraviese. ¿No le da curiosidad conocerlo?».
«Sí, he escuchado de él, realmente no me impresiona. Los medios lo han sobrevalorado, es un corredor cualquiera y yo puedo vencerlo sin problemas». Una sonrisa irónica dejaba ver los blancos dientes como un marfil perfecto.
«El mundo se paralizará para verlos correr».
«Para mi será una carrera de rutina y ese muchachito conocerá a su pesadilla. El gran Jerry Jenkins. Jaja». El gran atleta se alejaba sacudiendo la mano con altivez.
Luego de pasados unos días, Jerry estaba entrenando, calentaba su par de piernas que parecían dos troncos y los músculos como el acero. En ese momento llegó un muchacho fornido con una sudadera con capucha que le tapaba la cabeza. «Saludos, viejo, ¿te molestaría si entreno por aquí?».
«A quién llamas viejo, muchacho insolente. Yo soy el gran Jerry Jenkins». El atleta posaba con altivez, mientras cruzaba los brazos.
«Te conozco, viejo, pero no pareces tan rápido como dicen. Los años te van pesando y cada carrera vas subiendo tus tiempos. Pronto llegarás a la meta sacando la lengua. Jaja».
«Oye, muchacho malcriado, ¿quién eres? ¿Y por qué me estás provocando?». Los colores se subían al rostro de facciones duras de Jerry.
«Calma, viejo. No soy nadie y vine a correr un rato, ¿te animas o tienes miedo?». El muchacho empezaba a trotar sin avanzar.
«Jaja, te haré comer polvo, muchacho insolente, vamos».
Ambos corredores se ponían en posición y después de contar hasta tres salían corriendo a toda velocidad. Jerry tomó la delantera y le sacó una gran ventaja al chico, reía mientras admiraba el paisaje y cuando yacía sumergido en sus pensamientos sintió una brisa que despeinada su cabello castaño de atrás hacia adelante.
Jerry miraba al chico adelante de él y no podía creerlo. Corrió más rápido, pero le era imposible alcanzarlo. Sus latidos se aceleraban aún más y los músculos de sus piernas parecían estallar. Luego de un tiempo, el muchacho atravesaba la meta.
«Muy lento, viejo. Y eso que apenas me fatigue. Jaja».
«Ok, muchacho, dime quién demonios eres» Jerry trataba de recuperar el aliento después del esfuerzo descomunal.
El muchacho se quitaba la capucha y mostraba su rostro de color oscuro, ojos negros como la noche y unas trenzas que caían sobre sus cienes. «Soy Thunderbolt y me gustó mucho correr contigo. Nos vemos en la carrera dentro de una semana. Hasta luego, viejo. Jaja».
Jerry calló de rodillas y sintió que algo dentro de él se quebraba. Toda la seguridad y confianza en el mismo habían sido destrozadas. Perdió tan abrumadoramente que no lo podía creer. Se levantaba con mucho trabajo, mientras el sudor caía en el suelo de arcilla.
El desanimado atleta se dirigió a casa con tantos pensamientos atormentándolo. Seguía tratando de digerir lo ocurrido, pero aquello era como un martillo golpeando una y otra vez. Se recostó en la cama y paso todo el día mirando la televisión casi en un estado vegetativo.
Ya en la noche, llegaba la esposa de Jerry. Un largo viaje de trabajo la había tenido fuera de casa, «Hola, amor. Ya regresé». Al no encontrar respuesta, se dirigió a la habitación y encontró a Jerry entre las sábanas blancas. «Cariño, ¿qué te sucede?».
«Hola, amor». Jerry le regaló a su mujer un vistazo fugaz y luego se volvió para el otro lado.
Ella se acercaba al hombre desanimado y le pasaba la mano por la cabeza. «Cuéntame, cariño. ¿Qué es lo que te tiene así?».
El atleta le contó lo sucedido a su esposa y ella atentamente escuchaba como Jerry se desahogaba. Luego sintió que él necesitaba su apoyo y su amor, para poder salir de ese estado de tristeza y desánimo.
Pasaron los días y Jerry seguía hundido en la depresión. Luego ella le recordó a su marido muchas cosas y porque es tan valioso para su familia, pasara lo que pasara en la carrera.
«Animo, amor. No es el fin del mundo si pierdes, de eso se trata la vida, ganas y pierdes. Estás arriba o abajo. Lo importante es sobreponerse y tener humildad para saber aceptar las derrotas y las victorias. Esto te ha enseñado que debes cambiar y respetar a tus contrincantes porque después de todo son seres humanos que sienten, al igual que tú. Levanta es ánimo y empieza a luchar». Su esposa lo besaba con tanto amor que Jerry despertó a una nueva realidad.
Jerry volvió a entrenar, mucho más duro, pero ahora todo era diferente, correría ya no por ego y satisfacción personal, sino por pasión al atletismo y amor por todos sus seres queridos. El día de la carrera había llegado, el estadio estaba a reventar, nadie quería perderse el gran duelo entre Thunderbolt y Jerry.
Los corredores se colocaban en sus posiciones y el sol del mediodía acariciaba las pieles sudorosa de los hombres. Jerry miraba a Thunderbolt y el muchacho le guiñaba un ojo. Los nervios fluían como torrentes de agua por cada cuerpo. Un silencio recorría la pista, mientras en las tribunas, todo era júbilo.
Sonaba el disparo y los corredores salían como rayos veloces. Jerry y Thunderbolt tomaron la punta e iban cabeza a cabeza. Un duelo fascinante se llevaba a cabo en la pista. Los corazones latían al máximo y el sudor volaba por los aires. «Los corredores se dirigen al último cuarto de vuelta y los dos favoritos están cabeza a cabeza. Ninguno quiere dar ventaja. Siguen corriendo con todas sus fuerzas, se aproximan a la meta. Vienen devorándose la pista y... Pasan juntos la meta. ¡Esto es increíble! ¡Qué carrera hemos presenciado¡». Un exaltado comentarista narraba el final de la carrera.
Luego de analizar la foto de llegada, los jueces decretaron que Thunderbolt había ganado por una trenza y el estadio gritaba en júbilo. Jerry no se sintió mal porque dio lo mejor de sí mismo, se acercó a Thunderbolt y le estrecho la mano.
«Gran carrera, muchacho. Felicitaciones». Jerry extendía la mano en gesto de amistad.
«Gran carrera, Jerry. Mejoraste mucho desde aquella vez, casi me ganas, jaja». El joven estrechaba enérgicamente la mano del rival.
«Haha, gracias por abrirme los ojos y te ganaré la próxima, muchacho insolente, haha». Jerry se daba media vuelta y se iba con su esposa.
«Oye, viejo, ni lo sueñes. Haha».
Source 1 Source 2 Source 3
Edited by Rincón Poético.
The text of this post was originally translated from Spanish to English with the translator DeepL
Original content

¡Thanks for you reading!
Finally jerry won, hehehe.... But that little boy taught him some lessons.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving your kind comment. In life we always find people who do not bring out the best version of ourselves.
Happy new week.
Thanks for passing and leaving your comment.
A Excellent start week.
Welcome. ☺️
What a charming story, @rinconpoetico7. Jerry is transformed in this story, from an arrogant person who feels he will always have the crown to a person who has respect for others. It is a lesson in humility! Nicely done. Be sure to engage with other writers' stories. Thank you!
Thank you for taking your time to read my story. The background of the story was to show that, humility. Always grateful for all the enriching analyzes you leave us.
I always take a look at each writing leaving in our beautiful group.
A hugs @theinkwell
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