Fiction: Mr Never (Señor Nunca) [EN/ES]

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Mr. Never

A black car stopped, and from inside some hooded men got out and captured a man who was walking without many worries. Desperate screams could be heard that were drowned out by a handkerchief stuffed in his mouth. A black cloth bag was placed over his head to prevent him from looking.

The man continued to writhe while he was still being held so that he would not move. After an indeterminate amount of time, the car stopped, and then he was abruptly lowered and taken into a house.

Then the black bag was removed from his head, and his friends shouted, “Surprise, Trebor!”

Trebor surprised and furious at the practical joke, could not resist cursing his companions. Fatigued breathing slowed down, and after a few minutes, his best friend approached. “Calm down, Trebor. I recognize that we went too far. Can you excuse us, please?”

“But how could you think of that, you assholes, you almost scared me to death.” Trebor was breathing slower trying to digest the bad moment.

“Tebor, don't take this the wrong way, we just wanted to get you out of the routine, you live glued to work, you don't have any excitement in your life. Live on the edge now that you're young,” Marty would tell him.

“Don't ever tell me that, I have fun in my way. My life has enough fun in it.” Trebor would get up angrily and leave the house.

As he opened the door he looked at a beautiful landscape, there were leafy trees that seemed to touch the sky, the shades of green blended in infinite harmony with the landscape, and the sound of birds delighted the urban eardrums.

“Alright guys, can you tell me what we are doing in this place?” Trebor would turn around scanning the gazes for an answer.

“We're here because we're going up that mountain.” Larry would grab Trebor's shoulder as he showed him the majestic mountain.

“No, no, no, I will never go to that, never, never. Did you understand me?” He was leaving the house to go back to the city.

“Don't get all worked up, calm down, buddy,” Marty was approaching trying to mediate the situation. “Let's have some fun, we need it. Stress is never good.”

“But I've never climbed a mountain, besides I'm not physically fit for that monumental effort.”

“Don't worry, Trebor, we're going with a guide and slowly just to enjoy this ride.” Marty was grinning from ear to ear.

Trebor with nothing else to do and not the remotest idea where he was, it was up to him to very reluctantly agree. “Okay, boys, but remember, I'll never agree.”

“Don't worry, Trebor, it'll be worth it, haha.”

The next day, the men were getting ready for the encounter with their nemesis. The men prepared to leave for the great peak. After walking for an hour, they arrived at the foot of the mountain.

Eyes were both awed and intimidated at the same moment. “We'll never make it to the top. Never.” The voice was dying away in a repetitive echo into emptiness.

“Never say never, my friend, we will not give up. We've come this far to prove to ourselves that we do deserve to walk this beautiful planet.” Marty was addressing the five friends to motivate them, especially Trebor.

“All right, but I'll tell you, we'll never get to that summit, it's too high.” Trebor shifted his gaze to the infinite sky.

At that moment, the guide arrived and greeted everyone, then they began the climb, each man's face reflected nervousness, expectation, and excitement. The feet guided the men and like ants, they got lost in the mountain.

After a few hours of walking, the altitude began to take its toll on each body exposed to the challenge. Trebor was the first to start complaining. “We shouldn't have come, we'll never make it, it's a superhuman effort. We'll never get there.”

On the other hand, Marty was encouraging the group. “Come on folks, we'll make it, we just have to put all our willpower into it.”

The hours continued to pass, and the summit seemed farther and farther away as if they were trying to reach a rainbow. In the same way, the men kept going, although their strength was diminishing rapidly, and Trebor, with his constant complaints, made the others start to lower their morale.

After continuing to walk for many hours more, some clouds began to form, and at once a few drops of rain fell on each man, it seemed that the mountain did not want to let the expeditionary climb to the summit.

“I told you, we'll never make it, the water is getting in everywhere and won't let us walk smoothly.” Trebor wrung the water out of his shoes. “I would be at home, comfortable, without wet clothes and enjoying delicious tea.”

The men looked like zombies and kept walking without missing a beat, always listening to Marty. The guide told them that there was another hour of walking left to reach the end, although the conditions were increasingly harsh, and the lack of oxygen further undermined the men's will.

“I told you, we'll never make it, the summit is impregnable. Let's get back before it's too late.” Trebor's words seemed to be received by the tired and discouraged men.

Marty in a moment of anger advanced on Trebor and they began a struggle, the optimistic man had grown tired of Trebor's negative words and now they were engaged in a fight of emotional venting, as the others tried to separate them, the rain stopped, and the sky cleared.

The summit was only a few meters away, everyone's eyes lit up, and they began to run to the end of the mountain. Laughter flowed like a chorus of angels. Trebor and Marty got up and followed the group.

The wonderful view intoxicated the expeditioners and the ever-negative Trebor discovered something new, the joy of living. He looked at Marty and smiled, then said, “Thanks for the hijack, for putting up with me and finally showing me the beauty of life, haha.”

The bright sun bathed the men and as they continued to enjoy that beautiful scenery, Marty said, “Never say never, ever, you heard, Trebor. Haha.”

The end



Señor nunca

Un carro negro se detenía y del interior unos encapuchados salían y capturaban a un hombre que iba caminado sin muchas preocupaciones. Gritos desesperados se escuchaban que luego fueron ahogados por un pañuelo metido en la boca. Una bolsa de tela negra le colocaron en la cabeza para evitar que mirara.

El hombre se seguía retorciendo, mientras lo seguían sosteniendo para que no se moviera. Se podía escuchar sollozos ahogados por la tela, después de un tiempo indeterminado, el carro se detuvo y después fue bajado bruscamente e ingresado en una casa.

Luego le quitaron la bolsa negra de la cabeza y sus amigos gritaron, «¡Sorpresa, Trebor!».

El hombre sorprendido y furioso por la broma pesada, no resistió en maldecir a sus compañeros. La respiración fatigosa se fue haciendo más lenta, después de unos minutos se acercaba su mejor amigo. «Calmate, Trebor, reconozco que nos pasamos, puedes disculparnos, por favor».

«Pero como se les ocurre, bola de asnos, casi me matan de un susto». Trebor respiraba más lento tratando de digerir el mal momento.

«Tebor, no lo tomes a mal, solo queríamos sacarte de la rutina, vives pegado al trabajo, no tienes ninguna emoción en tu vida. Debes vivir al límite, ahora que puedes», le decía Marty.

«Nunca me digas eso, yo me divierto a mi modo. Mi vida tiene suficiente diversión». Trebor se levantaba furioso y salía de la casa.

Al abrir la puerta miró un bello paisaje, había árboles frondosos que parecían tocar el cielo, los matices de verde se mezclaban en una armonía infinita con el paisaje y el sonido de los pájaros deleitaban los tímpanos urbanos.

«Muy bien muchachos, pueden decirme, ¿por qué estamos aquí?». Trebor se daba media vuelta esculcando entre las miradas una respuesta.

«Estamos aquí porque vamos a subir a esa montaña». Larry se acercaba y tomaba del hombro a Trebor, mientras le mostraba la majestuosa montaña.

«No, no, no, Nunca iré a eso, nunca, nunca. ¿Me entendiste?». Salía de la casa e iba a buscar transporte para volver a la ciudad.

«No te sulfures, cálmate, amigo», Marty se acercaba tratando de mediar en la situación. «Vamos a divertirnos, lo necesitamos. El estrés nunca es bueno».

«Pero yo nunca he subido a una montaña, además no estoy en estado físico para ese esfuerzo monumental».

«No te preocupes, Trebor, vamos con un guía y caminaremos despacio solo para disfrutar de este paseo». Marty sonreía de oreja a oreja.

Trebor sin más que hacer y sin la más remota idea de dónde estaba, le tocó aceptar de muy mala gana. «Bueno, muchachos, pero recuerden que nunca estaré de acuerdo con eso».

«No te preocupes, Trebor, valdrá la pena, jaja».

Al día siguiente, los hombres se alistaban para el encuentro con su némesis. Preparados para el momento el grupo de amigos salió para subir la gran montaña. Después de caminar por una hora, llegaron al pie de la montaña.

Los ojos se mostraban maravillados e intimidados al mismo momento. «Nunca llegaremos a la cima. Nunca». La voz se iba extinguiendo en un eco repetitivo hasta el vacío.

«Nunca digas nunca, amigo, no nos rendiremos. Hemos venido hasta aquí para probarnos que sí merecemos andar por este bello planeta». Marty se dirigía a los cinco amigos para motivarlos y sobre todo a Trebor.

«Muy bien, pero les diré que nunca llegaremos esa cumbre está muy alta». Trebor desplazaba su mirada hacia el firmamento infinito.

En ese momento, el guía llegaba y saludaba a todos, luego emprendían la subida, cada hombre reflejaba en su rostro, nerviosismo, expectativa y emoción. Los pies guiaban a los hombres y como hormigas se iban perdiendo en la montaña.

Luego de algunas horas de caminata, la altura empezaba a hacer mella en cada cuerpo expuesto al desafío. Trebor era el primero en empezar a quejarse. «No debimos venir, nunca llegaremos, es un esfuerzo sobre humano. Nunca llegaremos».

Por otro lado, Marty animaba al grupo. «Vamos amigos, lo lograremos, solo hay que poner de nuestra parte toda la fuerza de voluntad».

Seguían pasando las horas y la cumbre se veía cada vez más lejana, era como si se tratara de alcanzar un arcoíris. De igual forma los hombres seguían adelante, aunque sus fuerzas iban disminuyendo rápidamente y Trebor con sus constantes quejas hacía que los demás empezaran a bajar la moral.

Después de seguir caminado por muchas horas más, unos nubarrones empezaron a formarse y al momento unas gotas de lluvia caían sobre cada hombre, parecía que la montaña no quería dejar subir a los expedicionarios hasta la cumbre.

«Se los dije, nunca llegaremos, el agua se mete por todos lados y no deja caminar con fluidez». Trebor escurría el agua de sus zapatos. «Estuviera en casa, bien cómodo, sin ropa mojada y disfrutando de un delicioso té».

Los hombres parecían zombis y seguían caminando sin perder el ritmo, siempre escuchando a Marty. El guía anunciaba una hora más de caminata para poder llegar aunque las condiciones se hacían cada vez más duras, la falta de oxígeno mellaban aún más la voluntad de los hombres.

«Se los dije, nunca llegaremos, la cima es inexpugnable. Volvamos antes que sea demasiado tarde». Las palabras de Trebor parecían tener acogida en el cansancio y los ánimos bajos.

Marty en un momento de ira se avanzó sobre Trebor y empezaron una lucha, el hombre optimista se había cansado de las palabras negativas de Trebor y ahora estaban enfrascados en una lucha de desahogo emocional, cuando los demás intentaban separarlos, la lluvia cesó y se despejo el cielo.

La cima se encontraba a unos metros nada más, los ojos de todos se iluminaron y empezaron a correr hasta el fin de la montaña. Las risas fluían como un coro de ángeles. Trebor y Marty se levantaron y siguieron al grupo.

La maravillosa vista embriagaba a los expedicionarios y el siempre negativo Trebor descubrió algo nuevo, la dicha de vivir. Miró a Marty y sonrió, luego dijo, «Gracias por el secuestro, por aguantarme y por último mostrarme lo bello de la vida, jaja».

El sol radiante bañaba a los hombres y mientras seguían disfrutando de aquel paisaje hermoso, Marty dijo, «Nunca digas nunca, jamás, oíste, Trebor. Jaja».



Sources of the covers images
Source 1 Source 2
Edited by Rincón Poético.

The text of this post was originally translated from Spanish to English with the translator DeepL
Original content


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Trebor has crazy friends haha. Making it look like he was kidnapped and taking him on an adventure up the mountains.

I would have shit my pants if it were to be me. Nice story.


Haha, his friends sure did get Trebor's adrenaline pumping. I think I would have gotten a scared too.

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment.

Good day.


I was already scared 😂

Trebor was the negative one. But then, we don't always know what or how it is, not until we give it a trial. Just that the one Marty and his friends put him up to was risky. What if anything had happened? 🤔


Many times we need to try new things to make our life fun.

Thank you for leaving your kind comment and taking your time to read the story.


Like Trebor, I would really be furious at my friends if they did that practical joke on me. I would really fight my way out if it were me hahahaha, then it would be a pity afterwards if I discovered that that's just their surprise... Anyway, I was really irked by Trebor's incessant complaints but was really glad he realized how beautiful the world looked outside his house and workplace. Thanks for sharing such an entertaining read, @rinconpoetico7!


Thank you for stopping by and leaving your kind comment. I'm glad you found the story entertaining. After all, only true friendship is the most important thing.

Excellent day.


The title and the development of the call for proposals are well @rinconpoetico7

Trebor, Mr. never at the beginning almost died of fright at the abduction. His friends only wanted to help bring about a change in him. Marty got nowhere with the fight. But apparently he only made it when the rain cleared the picture. there was the majesty that his companions tried to explain to him.
Trebor is one of those individuals who has to see to believe....
