Fiction: The Secret of the Light (El secreto de la luz) [EN/ES]

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The Secret of the Light

“Come back, come back, don't go away!”

“Doctor, I request permission to use the AED.”

“Discharge. Now!”

Her heart rate would return to normal, and a sigh of relief would come from Melinda, she would gesture for her team to return to their stations. Then, she told him, “Honey, how are you feeling?”

Darwin would slowly open his eyes, “Why did you do it, I was so close to reaching the light.”

“You were about to die, one more second and I couldn't bring you back.” Melinda was frowning at the convalescent man. “You were close to five minutes, you know what that means, don't you.”

“I know that love, but it's just that I was so close to discovering the secret of light.” Darwin held Melinda's hand in a gesture of peace.

“We shouldn't keep trying this experiment, you may die.” Tears welled up in her green eyes.

The couple embraced in that laboratory of dimmed skylights, computer equipment, and medical instruments. The cold place was filled with the love of the scientists, who for several years had been searching for the secret of light after death.

Darwin was obsessed with discovering the secret in each ‘deep sleep’, as the scientists called it, which consisted of lowering the heart rate and going into cardiac arrest, after 5 minutes there would be irreparable damage to the test subject. The short time was a great obstacle to discovering the secret.

“Tomorrow we try again, hoping that time will be enough to reach the light.” Darwin would get up from the gurney and put on his clothes.

“No, I won't allow it, you must recover for at least a week, your body won't withstand another deep sleep in such a short time.” Melinda would tap the man's chest subtly.

“Love, you know we have a short time to show results. Otherwise, they won't keep giving us money for research.” Darwin hugged the distraught woman tightly. “You know we depend on those sponsorships, back me up on this, my love.” He would kiss Melinda.

Darwin and Melinda said goodbye to all the employees and left for the parking lot. A black car was approaching at full speed, the frightened couple ran to take shelter in their vehicle. After a few moments, the car stopped. A tall figure got out and a few words were heard, “I'm sorry, doctors, I didn't mean to scare you.”

Darwin would poke his head out and recognize one of his sponsors. “Mr. Landiu, good to see you here.”

“I can't say the same, Doctor Larson. It's been several months and we see no progress with your research, We have considered withdrawing from your project if there is no significant progress this month.” An austere countenance was visible on the man's face.

“Mr. Landiu, we have already made several discoveries and we are about to know the great enigma.”

“Larson, we can't wait any longer, it must be within this month or we withdraw our support.” Mr. Landiu pointed menacingly at Darwin.

“Don't worry, Mr. Landiu, we will have concrete results in these days, what's more, tomorrow we will do another deep sleep session.”

“Very interesting. can I be present at that session? I am very interested in understanding deep sleep.”

“Of course, you can come.” Darwin shook the Man's hand.

“I'll say goodbye, see you tomorrow, Larson.” The Man would get into the car and disappear into the darkness.

“Love, but you know we haven't concluded yet.” Melinda's face showed a gesture of concern.

“Don't worry, I'm sure that tomorrow we will find something and that puppet will be satisfied. Haha.”

The next morning, Darwin and Melinda arrived at the lab, ready to begin a new deep sleep session, and Mr. Landiu was waiting for them at the door. The couple and the work team looked nervously at the man.

“Dr. Larson and Mrs. Melinda a good day I hope this will be a day of great discoveries.” A faint smile was reflected in the parsimonious countenance.

“Welcome Mr. Landiu, we hope you feel at ease in this deep sleep session,” Melinda said taking the floor with a soft accent of kindness.

“Thank you very much, but let's get to what we came for, start soon, please.” Mr. Landiu sat down and silently began to observe.

The team was preparing everything to put Darwin to sleep. Melinda would order the tub of ice and the anesthesia. All the machines were attached to the body to check his vital signs. The time had come and the team quietly finished their work.

“Remember, love, before five minutes we bring you back, so try to reach for the light.” A kiss on Melinda's forehead was the farewell.

“Don't worry, love, I'm sure I will.” Darwin would get into the tub and then the anesthesia mask would be placed on him.

He slowly faded and his heart rate began to drop rapidly. He reached the point of cardiac arrest and Melinda would set the timer. The time was ticking down and sweet words floated, “Good luck, love.”

Darwin would return to that surreal place of white and gray tones, watch silhouettes moving around him, then see the light. He was starting his journey, flying as fast as he could, but the light looked closer and closer, he was seconds away from arriving and started to feel electric shocks, “Love, one more minute, just one more minute, I'm about to...”

“Discharge... 1,2,3,4...” Melinda was beginning to revive Darwin.

“Just a minute, madam, give Dr. Larson another minute.” Mr. Landiu's hand was touching Melinda's shoulder.

“It is not convenient, when he passes the five-minute barrier, he will suffer irreversible damage. I won't allow it.”

“Come on, Madam, you must trust your instincts.” Mr. Landiu applied more pressure on the situation.

Meanwhile, Darwin was just a few feet away and still flying at an unimaginable speed. He reached the light and saw what no other being could and said, “¡Aha!”

“That's enough, I won't allow it, you can do anything with your money, I will bring my husband back.” Melinda would remove her hand from his shoulder and begin the resuscitation process. “Discharge... 1,2,3,4,5... Discharge...”

Darwin was perplexed by what he was looking at, it was a field of wheat and silhouettes frolicking, a large sphere of light radiated peace and happiness. The silhouettes caught Darwin and pulled him towards the sphere.

At that moment Darwin was pulled out of that place, and the electric shocks were stronger. It was a power struggle between one side and the other.

“Let me go, no!” Darwin shouted.

From among the silhouettes appeared Mr. Landiu. “Come back, come back to the world of the living.” The silhouettes released Darwin and he returned to the laboratory. He opened his eyes slowly and saw Melinda crying into his chest. Mr. Landiu said, “Miracle!”

Melinda saw Darwin and hugged him tightly. “Love, I thought I had lost you.”

“Almost eight minutes, just barely and you lose your life, Dr. Larson, it was a miracle, this will make you a believer and you will discover that not everything makes logic.”

Mr. Landiu came out of the lab laughing. Melinda and the team celebrated Darwin's return to life, but the doctor paid a high price to see the secret of the light, he was never able to speak again.

The end



El secreto de la Luz

«¡Vuelve, vuelve, no te vayas!».

«Doctora, solicito permiso para usar el DEA».

«Aplique descarga. ¡Ahora!»

El ritmo cardíaco volvía a restablecerse, y un suspiro de alivio soltaba Melinda, hacía gestos a su equipo para que volvieran a sus puestos. Luego le hablaba a su amor, «Cariño, como te sientes».

Darwin abría lentamente los ojos, «Por qué lo hiciste, estaba tan cerca de alcanzar la luz».

«Estabas a punto de morir, un segundo más y no podía regresarte». Melinda fruncía el ceño ante el convaleciente hombre. «Estabas cerca de los cinco minutos, sabes lo que significa, ¿verdad?».

«Ya lo sé, amor, pero es que estaba tan cerca de descubrir el secreto de la luz». Darwin tomaba de la mano a Melinda en un gesto de paz.

«No deberíamos seguir intentando este experimento, puedes morir». Unas lágrimas brotaban de sus ojos verdes.

La pareja se abrazaba en aquel laboratorio de luces celestes atenuadas, equipos de cómputo e instrumentos médicos. El frío lugar se llenaba con el amor de los científicos, quiénes desde hacía ya varios años buscaban el secreto de la luz después de la muerte.

Darwin estaba obsesionado con poder descubrir el secreto en cada "sueño profundo", como lo llaman los científicos, que consistía en bajar el ritmo cardíaco y entrar en un paro, pero que al pasar los 5 minutos habrían daños irreparables para el sujeto de prueba. La limitante del tiempo era el más grande obstáculo para descubrir el gran secreto.

«Mañana lo volvemos a intentar, esperando que el tiempo nos alcance para llegar a la luz». Darwin se levantaba de la camilla y se colocaba la ropa.

«Noooo, yo no lo permito, debes recuperarte por lo menos una semana, tu cuerpo no resistirá otro sueño profundo en tan poco tiempo». Melinda golpeaba el pecho del hombre con sutileza.

«Amor, sabes que tenemos poco tiempo para mostrar resultados. De lo contrario no nos seguirán dando dinero para la investigación». Darwin abrazaba fuertemente a la angustiada mujer. «Sabes que dependemos de esos patrocinios, apóyame en esto, mi amor». Un beso le regalaba a Melinda.

Darwin y Melinda se despedían de todos los empleados y salían hacia el parqueadero. Un carro negro se acercaba a toda velocidad, la pareja asustada corrían a resguardarse en su auto. Después de unos instantes el automóvil se detenía. Una figura alta y escuálida se bajaba y unas palabras se escuchaban, «Lo siento, doctores, no quería asustarlos».

Darwin asomaba la cabeza y reconocía a uno de sus patrocinadores. «Señor Landiu, que gusto verlo por acá».

«No puedo decir lo mismo, Doctor Larson. Ya han pasado varios meses y no vemos progreso con su investigación, Estamos pensando en retirarnos de su proyecto si no hay un avance significativo en este mes». Un semblante austero se hacía ver en el rostro del hombre.

«Señor Landiu, ya hemos hecho varios descubrimientos y estamos a punto de llegar a conocer el gran enigma».

«Larson, no podemos esperar más, debe ser en este mes o retiramos nuestro apoyo». El señor Landiu apuntaba amenazante a Darwin.

«No se preocupe, Señor Landiu, tendremos resultados concretos en estos días, es más, mañana haremos otra sesión de sueño profundo».

«Muy interesante. ¿Puedo estar presente en la sesión? Me llama mucho la atención saber cómo se hace eso».

«Claro que sí, puede venir». Darwin estrechaba la mano del Hombre.

«Me despido, hasta mañana, Larson». El hombre se subía al auto y desaparecía entre las tinieblas.

«Amor, pero sabes que aún no hemos llegado a una conclusión». El rostro de Melinda mostraba un gesto de preocupación.

«No te preocupes, estoy casi seguro que mañana encontraremos algo y ese monigote quedará satisfecho. Jaja».

A la mañana siguiente, Darwin y Melinda llegaban al laboratorio, listos para empezar una nueva sesión de sueño profundo, en la puerta los estaba esperando el señor Landiu. La pareja y el equipo de trabajo veían con nerviosismo al hombre.

«Doctor Larson y Señora Melinda un buen día espero este sea un día de grandes descubrimientos». Una sonrisa tenue se reflejaba en el parco semblante.

«Bienvenido, Señor Landiu, esperamos se sienta a gusto en esta sesión de sueño profundo», Melinda tomaba la palabra con un suave acento de amabilidad.

«Muchas gracias a ustedes, pero vamos a lo que vinimos, inicien pronto, por favor». El señor Landiu se sentaba y en silencio empezaba a observar.

El equipo preparaba todo para hacer dormir a Darwin. Melinda pedía la tina con hielos y la anestesia. Todas las máquinas eran conectadas al cuerpo para verificar sus signos vitales. El momento había llegado y el equipo en silencio terminaba de hacer su trabajo.

«Recuerda, amor, antes de los cinco minutos te traemos de vuelta, así que procura alcanzar la luz». Un beso en la frente de Melinda era la despedida.

«No te preocupes, amor, estoy convencido que lo haré». Darwin se metía en la tina y luego le colocaban la máscara para la anestesia.

Lentamente se fue desvaneciendo y su pulso cardíaco empezaba a bajar rápidamente. Llegó al punto del paro cardíaco y Melinda colocaba el cronómetro. El tiempo empezaba a correr y unas dulces palabras flotaban en el aire, «Suerte, amor».

Darwin volvía a ese lugar surrealista de tonos blancos y grises, miraba siluetas moviéndose alrededor de él, luego veía la luz. Empezaba su viaje, volaba tan rápido como podía, la luz se veía cada vez más cerca, estaba a segundos de llegar y empezó a sentir choques eléctricos, «Amor, un minuto más, solo un minuto más, estoy a punto...».

«Descarga... 1,2,3,4...». Melinda empezaba a reanimar a Darwin.

«Un momento, señora, deje un minuto más al doctor Larson». La mano del señor Landiu tocaba el hombro de Melinda.

«Imposible va a pasar la barrera de los cinco minutos, sufrirá daños irreversibles. No lo permitiré».

«Vamos, Señora, debe confiar en su instinto». El señor Landiu aplicaba más presión sobre la situación.

En tanto, Darwin estaba a unos escasos metros de distancia y seguía volando a una velocidad inimaginable. Llegó hasta la luz y vio lo que ningún otro ser pudo y simplemente dijo «Aja».

«Ya es suficiente, no lo permitiré, usted puede hacer lo que sea con su dinero, yo traeré de vuelta a mi esposo». Melinda retiraba la mano de su hombro y empezaba el proceso de reanimación. «Descarga... 1,2,3,4,5... Descarga...».

Darwin estaba perplejo por lo que estaba mirando, era un campo de trigo y siluetas jugueteando, una gran esfera de luz irradiaba paz y felicidad. Las siluetas atraparon a Darwin y lo llevaban hacia la esfera.

En ese momento Darwin era jalado fuera de aquel lugar, los golpes eléctricos eran más fuertes. Era una lucha de poderes entre un lado y otro.

«¡Déjenme ir, noooo!», Darwin gritaba.

De entre las siluetas apareció el señor Landiu. «Vuelve, regresa al mundo de los vivos». Las siluetas soltaron a Darwin y este volvió al laboratorio. Abrió los ojos lentamente y vio a Melinda llorando en su pecho. El señor Landiu dijo, «¡Milagro!».

Melinda vio a Darwin y lo abrazó fuertemente. «Amor, pensé que te había perdido».

«Casi ocho minutos, por muy poco y pierde la vida, Doctor Larson, fue un milagro para que usted crea y que no todo se ciñe a la lógica».

El señor Landiu salía del laboratorio riendo. Melinda y el equipo celebraban el regreso de Darwin a la vida, pero un alto precio pagó Darwin por ver el secreto de la luz, nunca pudo volver a hablar.



Sources of the covers images
Source 1 Source 2

Edited by Rincón Poético

The text of this post was originally translated from Spanish to English with the translator DeepL
Original content


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What a great story with a sad ending. the price was too high to pay. However, I'm glad the doctor didn't lose his life.


Thank you for stopping by and leaving your kind comment.

He had to pay a very high price for discovering the secret of light.
Excellent day.


Unraveling things that you aren't supposed to indeed come with a steeper price. The way it ended wasn't really that sad because I think that even though the doctor lost his ability to speak, he can still write and marvel about his extraordinary experience of discovering the secret of the light. Thanks for sharing such an interesting read, @rinconpoetico7!


It has a tragic twist at the end but the story is very imaginative and entertaining. Near-death experiences are a mystery of science. Whether those experiences are "real" in the spiritual sense or an outcome of the neurobiology of our brain is still an open question.

Meanwhile, Darwin was just a few feet away and still flying at an unimaginable speed. He reached the light and saw what no other being could and said, “¡Aha!”


Thank you for leaving your comment and taking the time to read the story. I'm glad you enjoyed the story. Always a pleasure to read you, my friend.

Excellent Wednesday.


I read till the end wishing to hear what the secret of light was but unfortunately I read a different things, the doctor wasn't able to speak again.
I felt disappointed but I enjoyed the story.


Thank you for stopping by and leaving your kind comment.
In some ways it is better to let life's great mysteries remain mysteries.

Good day.



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