Fiction: Time lapse (Lapso de tiempo) [EN/ES]
Time lapse
The evening was beautifully setting over the orange sunset of autumn in its end, on the road, a gliding car was moving on the asphalt road.
"Please, David, slow down." The wife was saying to him with a hint of concern.
"Don't worry, woman, I'm going at a normal speed, these sliding cars are safe." A smile was painted on David's face.
At that instant, a sharp curve came into view on the horizon. "Slow down, David, you're going too fast." Panic gripped the woman.
"I'm trying, woman, but the air brakes aren't responding." David was making strenuous efforts to stop the car, but nothing was working.
They approached the curve at full speed, David had lost control of the sliding car, The woman was screaming and tears were falling from her eyes. "David, noooo!". The slider crashed into the mountain and caught fire...
The alarm clock was ringing and Kevin woke up startled, a cold sweat was running down his forehead and the tremors in his body were taking over. "Kevin, love breakfast is ready, come downstairs soon". The boy would hear a familiar voice coming from downstairs.
"Hello, Aunt Lian. I had the nightmare again, that vision of the accident keeps haunting me." A sob was letting itself escape from between her lips.
"My love, you must put that aside now, forget that accident, or else it will traumatize you for the rest of your life." The aunt caressed Kevin's reddish hair.
At that instant, Lian's husband walked in and looked at Kevin, "Hey, boy don't forget to report to the company, I need you to sign some papers, they are very important, don't forget."
"I won't Barry, I'm going after college." David would grab his backpack and leave the house.
After college, David would head to the company 'Globo Tech', specializing in cutting-edge technology, slider cars, smart homes, state-of-the-art appliances, and other futuristic gadgets. The doors opened automatically and David entered the place, he looked around and at that moment a robot was approaching.
"Zero, four, six, ID, please, beep."
"I'm Kevin Frasac, son of David Frasac, here to see Barry Sincler." The boy presented the barcode implanted on his forearm to the robot's cybernetic eye.
"Positive identity confirmation, go ahead Mr. Frasac, beep."
At that instant, a clueless scientist running desperate to get into his lab, inadvertently collided violently with Kevin and they fell to the ground, everyone saw the funny scene and laughter broke out spontaneously.
The scientist would look at Kevin and say "Sorry, kid, let me help you."
"Don't worry, I'm fine it was just the fall." Kevin got up and then helped the scientist stand up and rearrange all the papers on the floor.
He walked the scientist into the lab, he looked at the place and the many fantastic objects in awe. The scientist laughed and explained what each object did, "By the way, my name is Popalupulus." The man in the white coat and grayish hair introduced himself.
"Nice to meet you, Popalupulus, I'm Kevin." After introducing himself, an object caught his attention. "Hey, Mr. Popalupulus, I have some virtual reality goggles just like those. Hahaha."
"They are not virtual reality glasses, they are glasses to see the past, I still have it in development, but when it works well it will be my great triumph."
"How do they work?" Kevin would ask opening his deep blue eyes like two saucers.
"You put on the glasses and through this computer, a memory can be chosen which is picked up by neurotransmitters that send the information to the neural command center, then the glasses project the scene from the past with details unknown to the recipient, helping them visualize their memory in a larger context."
"I want to try it, Mr. Popalupulus." Kevin was telling him with unbridled enthusiasm.
Popalupulus was reluctant to try his invention on the boy, but at Kevin's pleas, he agreed to do so. The scientist's face decorated with some wrinkles gave his consent, he proceeded to turn on the machine, gave the boy some indications, and started with the transmission of memories.
"Very well, Kevin, you will say what part of your past you want to see."
"I want to see my parents' accident, I still don't understand how it could have happened, and besides I need to close that chapter in my life." Kevin let out a few tears.
The scientist ran the program and the machine started running, everything was strange lights and sounds. Kevin put on his glasses and began to mentally transport himself to the point in his desired past. The images began to rotate through the glasses.
Kevin watched the car down the road, his mother's despair and his father's helplessness. Kevin was screaming for them to stop, but it was impossible the car crashed into the mountain, and a large fireball devoured the car. The boy shed some tears and closed his eyes, but the images passed without stopping.
Scenes from the funeral, then he looked at Barry, he was reading a document, Kevin focused on the paper, it was his parents' will. Barry was pounding the table and saying "I have to get rid of the kid so I can keep the Frasac's company."
"You can't do that until the boy is of age and gives you power of attorney over all the Frasac's belongings." A smartly dressed, tie-wearing man was talking sense into him.
"Damn my luck, so I got rid of the parents for nothing, argh!" Barry roared with rage.
At that instant, the machine was overheating and Popalupulus ran to disconnect Kevin from the glasses. The boy blacked out for an instant but was slowly coming back from the shadows. After a few minutes, Barry would enter the lab with some papers.
"Kevin, I've been looking for you boy, please you must sign these papers, I'm in a hurry."
The colors rushed to his face and Kevin lunged at Barry, "You're a bastard, you killed my parents, I'll make you pay for what you did."
The two men got into a fight, Barry was furious and said "I don't know how you found out, but now you are going to sign the papers whether you want to or not." Barry would pull out a disintegrator gun and point it at Kevin and Popalupulus. "Come on, boy, I promise I'll let you go with this mad scientist, don't do anything stupid."
Kevin took the pen and signed the papers, then passed them to Barry, who looked at them and saw written on them: 'Go to hell'.
Barry angrily aimed the disintegrator gun and fired, Popalupulus got between the beam and Kevin and was instantly disintegrated. Barry watched in astonishment and within seconds the boy pounced on the man with the gun, who lost his weapon and watched as Kevin overpowered him.
Within seconds the police were on the scene, arresting Barry. Kevin wept bitterly for the death of Popalupulus and deep down he was grateful for the sacrifice of that brave scientist. After a few days, Kevin and his beloved aunt visited his parents' grave and closed a difficult chapter of his life.
After a few years, Popalupulus' machine was perfected and brought to the market as the 'Time Machine Popalupulus or TMP' in honor of its discoverer.
The end
Lapso de tiempo
La tarde bellamente se iba ocultando sobre el ocaso anaranjado de un otoño en su fin, sobre la carretera un auto deslizador se movía sobre la asfaltada carretera.
«Por favor, David, más despacio». La esposa le decía con un dejo de preocupación.
«No te preocupes, mujer, voy a una velocidad normal, estos autos deslizadores son seguros». Una sonrisa se pintaba en el rostro de David.
En ese instante, una curva cerrada se veía al horizonte. «Disminuye la velocidad, David, vas muy rápido». El pánico se apoderó de la mujer.
«Eso trato, mujer, pero los frenos de aire no responden». David hacía ingentes esfuerzos por detener el auto, pero nada daba resultado.
Se aproximaron a la curva a toda velocidad, David había perdido el control del auto deslizador, La mujer gritaba y de sus ojos lágrimas caían sin parar. «¡David, noooo!». El auto deslizador chocaba contra la montaña y se prendía fuego...
Sonaba el reloj despertador y Kevin despertó sobresaltado, un sudor frío recorría su frente y los temblores en su cuerpo tomaban el control. «Kevin, amor el desayuno esta listo, baja pronto» El chico escuchaba una voz familiar llegando desde el piso de abajo.
«Hola, tía Lian. Tuve de nuevo la pesadilla, esa visión del accidente me sigue atormentando». Un sollozo se dejaba escapar de entre sus labios.
«Mi amor, ya debes dejar eso a un lado, olvida ese accidente o de lo contrario te traumatizará por el resto de tu vida». La tía acariciaba el pelo rojizo de Kevin.
En ese instante entraba el esposo de Lian y miraba a Kevin, «Oye, muchacho no olvides presentarte a la empresa, necesito que firmes unos papeles, son muy importantes, no lo olvides».
«No lo haré, Barry, voy después de la universidad». David tomaba la mochila y salía de la casa.
Después de la universidad, David se dirigía hasta la empresa "Globo Tech", especializada en tecnología de punta, autos deslizadores, casas inteligentes, electrodomésticos de última generación y demás aparatos futuristas. Se abrían las puertas automáticamente y David entraba en ese lugar, miró para todos y en ese instante un robot se acercaba.
«Cero, cuatro, seis, identificación, por favor, bip».
«Soy Kevin Frasac, hijo de David Frasac, vengo a ver a Barry Sincler». El chico presentaba el codigo de barras implantado en su antebrazo ante ojo cibernético del robot».
«Confirmación de identidad positiva, siga señor Frasac, bip».
En ese instante, un científico despistado corría desesperado por entrar a su laboratorio, sin notarlo chocó violentamente con Kevin y caían al suelo, todos veían la escena graciosa, y las risas brotaban espontáneamente.
El científico miraba a Kevin y le decía «Lo siento, muchacho, déjame ayudarte».
«No se preocupe, estoy bien solo fue la caída». Kevin se levantó y luego ayudó al científico a pararse y rejuntar todos los papeles del piso.
Acompañó al científico hasta el laboratorio, miraba el lugar y los muchos objetos fantásticos con asombro. El científico reía y le explicaba lo que hacía cada objeto, «Por cierto, mi nombre es Popalupulus». Se presentaba el hombre de bata blanca y pelo grisáceo.
«Un gusto Popalupulus, soy Kevin». Luego de presentarse, un objeto llamó su atención. «Oiga, señor Popalupulus, tengo unas gafas de realidad virtual igual a esas. Jajaja».
«No son gafas de realidad virtual, son gafas para ver el pasado, aún lo tengo en desarrollo, pero cuando funcione bien será mi gran triunfo».
«¿Cómo funcionan?», Kevin preguntaba abriendo los ojos azul profundo como dos platos.
«Te colocas las gafas y mediante esta computadora se puede elegir un recuerdo que es captado por los neurotransmisores que envían la información al centro de mando neuronal, luego las gafas proyectan la escena del pasado con detalles desconocidos para el receptor, ayudándolo a visualizar su recuerdo en un contexto más amplio».
«Quiero probar, señor Popalupulus». Le decía Kevin con un entusiasmo desbordante.
Popalupulus estaba reacio a probar su invento con el chico, pero ante las súplicas de Kevin, accedió a hacerlo. El rostro del científico decorado con algunas arrugas daba el consentimiento, procedió a encender la máquina, le dio algunas indicaciones al muchacho y empezó con la transmisión de recuerdos.
«Muy bien, Kevin, tú dirás que parte de tu pasado quieres ver».
«Quiero ver el accidente de mis padres, aún no entiendo cómo pudo ocurrir y además necesito cerrar ese capítulo en mi vida». Kevin soltó algunas lágrimas.
El científico echó a correr el programa y la máquina empezó a funcionar, todo era luces y sonidos extraños. Kevin se colocaba las gafas y empezó a trasladarse mentalmente al punto de su pasado deseado. Las imágenes empezaron a rotar por las gafas.
Kevin miraba el auto por la carretera, el desespero de su madre y la impotencia de su padre. Kevin gritaba para que se detuvieran, pero era imposible el auto chocaba contra la montaña, y una gran bola de fuego devoraba el auto. El chico derramaba algunas lágrimas, cerraba los ojos, pero las imágenes pasaban sin detenerse.
Escenas del funeral, luego miró a Barry, leía un documento, Kevin se enfocaba en el papel, era el testamento de sus padres. Barry golpeaba la mesa y decía «Tengo que deshacerme del chico para quedarme con la empresa de los Frasac».
«No lo puede hacer hasta que el chico sea mayor de edad y le dé el poder sobre todas las pertenencias de los Frasac». Un hombre de corbata y elegantemente vestido le hacía entrar en razón.
«Maldita sea mi suerte, así que me deshice de los padres para nada, argg». Rugía de rabia Barry.
En ese instante, la máquina se sobrecalentaba y Popalupulus corría a desconectar a Kevin de las gafas. El muchacho se desmayó por un instante, pero volvía poco a poco de entre las sombras. Luego de unos minutos, Barry entraba al laboratorio con unos papeles.
«Kevin, te he estado buscando muchacho, por favor debes firmar estos papeles, estoy de afán».
Los colores se le subieron al rostro y Kevin se le lanzó contra Barry, «Eres un desgraciado, tu mataste a mis padres, te haré pagar por lo que hiciste».
Los dos hombres se enfrascaron en una pelea, Barry furioso, le decía «No se cómo te enteraste, pero ahora vas a firmar los papeles quieras o no».
Barry sacaba un arma desintegradora y apuntaba a Kevin y a Popalupulus. «Vamos, muchacho, te prometo que te dejare ir con este loco científico, no hagas nada estúpido».
Kevin tomó el bolígrafo y firmaba los papeles, luego se los pasaba a Barry, quien los miraba y en este miraba escrito: “Vete al infierno”.
Barry furioso apuntaba con la pistola desintegradora y disparaba, Popalupulus se interponía entre el rayo y Kevin, al instante era desintegrado. Barry miraba atónito y en cuestión de segundos el muchacho se abalanzaba sobre el hombre con la pistola, quien perdía el arma y miraba como Kevin lo dominaba.
En cuestión de segundos la policía llegaba hasta el lugar, arrestando a Barry. Kevin lloró amargamente por la muerte de Popalupulus y muy en el fondo agradeció el sacrificio de aquel valiente científico. Unos días después Kevin junto a su querida tía visitaban la tumba de los padres y daba por cerrado un capítulo difícil de su vida.
Después de unos años la máquina de Popalupulus fue perfeccionada y sacada al mercado como la "Time Machine Popalupulus o TMP", en honor a su descubridor.
Edited by Rincón Poético.
Text authored by:
Camilo Torres

¡Thanks for you reading!
This was a good story, @rinconpoetico7. Kept me intrigued to the end and did not disappoint with it's twist on events! One thing I found difficult to follow or believe is how the police were on the scene within seconds. There is no mention of an alarm being raised or a call being made and as far as we know, things happened quite quickly, so this part of the story did not ring true and sadly pulled me out of the immersive state.
Also be careful with your translations. There are instances of incorrect past tense being used quite frequently, incorrect punctuation, and misuse of gender pronouns. It is always worth putting an English translation through a grammar and spelling check before publishing.
Thank you for writing in The Ink Well.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving your meaningful comment. I'll be more careful with what I mention.
A hugs @theinkwell
Happy star week
The jump of scenery at the beginning of the story is interesting: a landscape, an accident and a nightmare. Good way to introduce us to a plot of time and technology. The idea of the glasses is well thought out, not far from what many of us would want to do. Very interesting action arc from start to finish 🙂
Greetings to You My friend @rinconpoetico7 👋
Thank you very much for your kind comment. I'm very glad you liked the story.
Happy new week.