Fiction:The girl in the red dress (La chica del vestido rojo) [EN/ES]

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The girl in the red dress

Erick left his third party of the night and said goodbye to his new conquest, then lost himself in the shadows of the night, never to return or even see his one-night stand again.

In the moonlight, he sang. “I am just a charming gallant. Everyone loves me. Everyone loves me. No one can resist my demolishing charms, tun, tun, tun.”

While he was whistling, in his head there was a revolution of hormones and alcohol. After walking for a while, on a pole he saw a woman bathed by the yellow light of the night light bulb. The curvy figure and a red dress with a slit on one side caught the man's attention.

Erick rubbed his eyes in an attempt to know if this woman was real or an invention of his battered mind. He squinted his eyes to focus better. Indeed, that woman was real, and the casanova was amazed. He thought, “One more girl for tonight is not bad, let's go, lover boy, for that prey. Haha."

With sure steps, Erick approached the girl. He brought out his English charm, which drove many crazy. A few meters away, a chocolate-flavored cigarette peeked out of that red and sensual mouth, a cigarette with a chocolate flavor. He perceived it that way because the smoke entered his nostrils.

She held the cigarette with her middle and index fingers and took the last puff before throwing away the almost extinct butt. She turned her gaze and saw the gallant approaching her determinedly. “Momento, gallant, what are you looking for here?” A sultry, penetrating voice crept into Erick's ears.

“Forgive my boldness. It's just that I came over to make sure if it was a bedecked goddess I was seeing.” Erick's brown eyes pierced the crystalline honey-colored eyes of the sensual girl.

“So you're quite skilled at using your tongue to fob a girl off with your sweet words. Haha.” Her pearly teeth were showing for another first time in the night.

“I didn't take it the wrong way, pretty lady, I just can't figure out what a delicate flower is doing for this hostile jungle.”

Erick tried to break the ice on the woman's beautiful but expressionless face.

“It's none of your business, and I am sorry. I am out of here.” The girl clutched her small black bag and ran out of the place.

Erick thought, “Well, gallant. Not every day is a good day for hunting. Haha.”

The man kept walking and whistling that catchy song. After a few minutes, Erick reached his house, reached into his right pocket, and pulled out his keys with smooth and elegant reliefs.

When the man opened the door, he felt a violent push, frightened he turned his eyes to see the culprit and saw how a shadow was pouncing on his humanity. Erick wanted to scream, but he had the hungry lips of the girl in the red dress on his. A passionate kiss that made him lose his senses in the soft dance of love.

After five minutes of passionate kissing, the woman stepped aside and pulled a white mint-flavored gum from her black purse. She moved her mouth so adorably, that she had bewitched Erick. After that moment, he became a puppet in the hands of the girl in the red dress.

“Sorry I barged into your house, the truth is I'm not impulsive like that.” She kept moving her lips, in a dancing frenzy between the mint-flavored gum and the words of apology so false but believable to the fool in love. She teased her hair, took a deep breath, and continued. “I couldn't help the urge to kiss you from the first instant I saw you, but I couldn't because my boyfriend was around and was stalking me. I finally got the courage to break up with him, and now I am afraid something bad might happen. He is very violent.” A tear ran down her beautiful white complexion.

“Fear not, my beautiful damsel in distress. I will protect you from the beast. I will be your prince charming.” Erick winked at the girl, who smiled coquettishly.

“I knew you would help me and not leave me alone in this predicament.” She took Erick's hand, who felt ants in his stomach. “By the way, my name is Juliet.”

“What a beautiful name, like the fair maiden in Shakespeare's play.” Erick smiled flirtatiously, as his eyes scanned every inch of the woman's contoured body.

“You are so cute, you have me mesmerized with your words, they are bewitching and seductive.” Her hands delicately ran over the face of the man.

The woman was once again pouncing on Erick, who neither quickly nor lazily accepted the woman's lips on his. The couple moved awkwardly around the house as they were still joined at the lips. Juliet took a break from that dance and said to him, “Very delicious your kisses, my beloved, but I need to refresh my lips in something bubbly and sweet.”

“Of course, my beautiful Juliet. Now, I bring you a glass of delicious wine.” He winked at the beautiful girl who sat sensuously on the elegant crimson sofa, and soft music began to play on the expensive sound system. The lights dimmed, and Erick was returning with the glasses and an expensive bottle of wine. “Here you go, my beautiful Juliet.”

“Wow, in addition to being an excellent lover with fine taste.” Juliet took the bottle of wine delicately.

“Only the best for my beautiful guest.” The man's whitish face drew a smile.

The wine glasses were poured, and the couple sipped the sweet liquor that ran fleetingly down their throats. In a small oversight, Juliet spilled the liquid on her dress. “Oh, what a fool I was, sorry.”

“Don't worry, my beautiful Juliet.” Erick ran to the kitchen.

On his way back, Erick handed the girl an absorbent paper so she could dry herself. She insinuatingly slowly ran the paper over her wet dress. Excited Erick pounced on her. “One moment, cowboy, hahaha. Let's have some more wine to warm up.”

Julieta and Erick toasted an unforgettable moment. The liquor entered their bodies, and at that moment, the man began to feel strange. Enormous sleepiness invaded him, and slowly, his eyes were closing, between cloudy shadows he watched Juliet get up and open the door. Strange men were entering the apartment.

“This fool has already fallen, my love.” Juliet addressed one of the men, “This scoundrel thought he was going to get away with it, but I was more of a scoundrel than he was. Haha.”

“Excellent job, honey.” The man kissed Juliet as Erick drifted off into the unconsciousness of narcotic sleep. “Clear the place out, boys. Haha.”

The end



La chica del vestido rojo

Erick salía de su tercera fiesta de la noche y despedía a su nueva conquista, luego por entre las sombras nocturnas iba perdiéndose para nunca más volver ni tan siquiera llamar a su nueva aventura.

A la luz de la luna iba cantando, «Solo soy un encantador galán, todas me aman, todas me quieren, no hay quien se resista a mis encantos demoledores, tun, tun, tun».

Mientras iba silbando, en su cabeza había una revolución de hormonas y alcohol. Después de caminar por un rato, en un poste vio a una mujer bañada por la luz amarilla del bombillo noctámbulo, la curvilínea figura y un vestido rojo con una abertura a un lado, llamaban la atención del hombre.

Erick se frotaba los ojos en un claro intento por saber si aquella mujer era real o un invento de su maltrecha mente, entrecerró los globos oculares para enfocar mejor. Efectivamente, aquella mujer era real y el casanova quedaba descrestado. Pensó para sí mismo, «Una chica más para esta noche no está mal, vamos galán por aquella presa. Jaja».

Con pasos seguros, Erick se fue acercando a la chica, sacó su encanto inglés, ese que a muchas enloquecía. A unos escasos metros, él miró de aquella boca roja y sensual, un cigarro con sabor a chocolate, lo percibió así porque el humo se introducía de lleno en sus fosas nasales.

Ella sujetaba el cigarro con sus dedos medio e índice, dio la última calada antes de tirar la colilla casi extinta. Giro la vista y vio al galán acercarse decididamente a ella. «Momento, galán, ¿Qué estás buscando aquí?». Una voz sensual y penetrante se colaba en los oídos de Erick.

«Disculpa mi atrevimiento. Es que me acerque a cerciorarme, si realmente era una diosa engalanada lo que veía». Los ojos castaños de Erick penetraron los cristalinos ojos color miel de la sensual chica.

«Asi que tienes mucha habilidad para utilizar la lengua y engolosinar a una chica con tus dulces palabras. Jaja». Sus dientes perlados se mostraban por otra primera vez en la noche.

«No me tomé a mal, guapa señorita, solo que no puedo entender que hace una delicada flor por esta jungla hostill». Erick trataba de quebrar el hielo en el rostro hermoso, pero inexpresivo de la mujer.

«No es de tu incumbencia y perdón, pero tengo que salir de aquí». La chica sujetaba su pequeño bolso negro y salía corriendo del lugar.

Erick se decía a sí mismo, «Bueno, galán, no todos los días son buenos para cazar. Jaja».

El hombre seguía caminado y silbando aquella pegajosa canción. Luego de algunos minutos, Erick llegaba a su casa, metía su mano en el bolsillo derecho y sacaba sus llaves con relieves suaves y elegantes.

Cuando el hombre abrió la puerta, sintió un empujón violento, asustado giró la mirada para ver al culpable y vio como una sombra se abalanzaba sobre su humanidad. Erick quería gritar, pero tenía los labios hambrientos de la chica de vestido rojo en los suyos. Un beso apasionado que hacía perder los sentidos en la suave danza del amor.

Después de cinco minutos de besos apasionados, la mujer se hizo a un lado y sacó un chicle blanco con sabor a menta de su bolso negro. Ella movía la boca tan adorablemente, que había hechizado a Erick, quien después de ese momento fue un títere en las manos de aquella chica de vestido rojo.

«Perdón que me haya metido en tu casa, la verdad es que no soy así de impulsiva». Ella seguía moviendo sus labios, en un frenesí de baile entre el chicle sabor a menta, y las palabras de disculpa tan falsas, pero creíbles para el tonto enamorado. Ella se tomó el pelo, respiró hondo y continuó. «No pude evitar las ansias de besarte desde el primer instante que te vi, pero no puede porque mi novio estaba cerca y me estaba acosando. Finalmente tuve el valor de romper con él y ahora temo que algo malo pueda llegar a pasar. Él es muy violento». Una lágrima recorría su bella tez blanca.

«No temas, mi bella dama en apuros. Yo te protegeré de tan abominable bestia. Seré tu príncipe azul». Erick le guiñaba un ojo a la chica, quien sonreía coquetamente.

«Sabía que tú me ayudarías y no me dejarías sola en este predicamento». Ella tomaba la mano de Erick, quien sentía hormigas en su estómago. «Por cierto, me llamo Juliet».

«Que hermoso nombre, como el de la bella doncella de la obra de Shakespeare». Erick sonreía coquetamente, mientras sus ojos escaneaban cada centímetro del curvilíneo cuerpo de la mujer.

«Eres tan lindo, me tienes fascinada con tus palabras, son hechizantes y seductoras». Sus manos recorrían delicadamente el rostro de hombre que se encontraba al borde de la locura.

La mujer se volvía a abalanzar sobre Erick, quien ni corto ni perezoso aceptó los labios de la mujer en los suyos. La pareja se movía torpemente por la casa mientras seguían unidos por los labios. Juliet tomó un descanso de aquella danza y le dijo, «Muy deliciosos tus besos, mi amado, pero necesito refrescar mis labios en algo burbujeante y dulce».

«Por supuesto, mi bella Juliet. Ahora te traigo una copa de delicioso vino». Guiñaba el ojo a la bella chica que se sentaba de forma sensual en el elegante sofá carmesí y una música suave empezó a sonar en el costoso sistema de sonido. Las luces se atenuaron y Erick regresaba con las copas y una botella de vino muy costosa. «Aquí tienes, mi bella Juliet».

«Wow, además de excelente amante, con un gusto muy fino». Juliet tomaba la botella de vino con delicadeza.

«Solo lo mejor para mi bella invitada». El rostro blanquecino del hombre dibujaba una sonrisa.

Las copas de vino eran servidas y la pareja tomaba el dulce licor que bajaba fugaz por las gargantas. En un pequeño descuido, Juliet derramó el líquido sobre su vestido. «Ay, que tonta fui, perdón».

«No te preocupes, mi bella Juliet». Erick iba corriendo a la cocina a buscar algo con que limpiar.

De regreso, Erick pasaba un papel absorbente a la chica para que se secará, ella insinuosamente pasaba lentamente el papel por su vestido mojado. Erick loco por la chica se abalanzaba sobre ella. «Momento, vaquero, jajaja. Vamos a tomar un poco más de vino para entrar en calor».

Juliet y Erick brindaban por lo que sería un momento inolvidable. El licor entraba en los cuerpos y en ese instante el hombre empezó a sentirse raro. Un enorme sueño lo invadió y lentamente sus ojos se iban cerrando, entre sombras nublosas miraba a Juliet levantarse y abrir la puerta. Unos hombres extraños entraban al apartamento.

«Este tonto ya cayó, mi amor». Juliet le hablaba a uno de los hombres, «Este sinvergüenza creyó que se iba a salir con la suya, pero yo fui más sinvergüenza que él. Jaja».

«Muy buen trabajo, cariño». El hombre besaba a Juliet, en tanto que Erick se iba perdiendo en la inconsciencia del sueño narcótico. «Vacíen el lugar, muchachos. Jaja».



Source 1
Source 2

Edited by Rincón Poético

The text of this post was originally translated from Spanish to English with the translator DeepL
Original content


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I felt she was up to something from the start and she played her part so well
Erik deserves what he got.
Three parties in one night? Now he'll learn to go home after the first party.😂


Haha... He certainly didn't want to be a Casanova anymore. A lesson well learned.

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Good day.


Wow, talk about learning a lesson! He's lucky he got out of that situation with his life.

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Thank you for your support and leaving your comment, always welcome, friend.

Excellent start to the week!


The lady in the red appeared to be strange since the beginning. I was expecting her to be a witch but the liquor dropping gave me the hint about what was coming.

Erick got the consequences of his endless lust.


Charms are bewitching and the girl in red took advantage of that. She learned a great lesson Erick. Haha...

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your kind comment.

Excellent Monday.


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