RE: Economics versus Politics and Pundits
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I wonder how many people are like my eldest who "should" be entering the workforce and trying to wrk out "what he wants to be when he grows up" but is currently feeling dispirited, disillusioned and directionless because he knows everything sucks and everything is a sham.
He thinks crypto is cringe though so I'm trying to convince him to come up with something better which he's attempting rather than wallowing (though I think a lot of people will be wallowing and blaming because that's infinitely easier than problem solving and possibly being the one to blame).

We're facing a time of transition and challenge. The old model that past generations followed isn't viable. We need new business models, new money, and a way to subvert the status quo.
I would suggest learning a trade. Auto repair, welding, construction, machining, plumbing, or whatever other blue-collar job suits his inclinations. There's a shortage of skilled labor these days, so the pay is good and the training costs are low. Whether the economy rebounds or falls into a recession, practical skills will serve when degree inflation leaves others struggling.
But we also may be seeing digital opportunities, so I don't want to discount programming, cringe crypto, robotics/automation, or other tech jobs. Maybe he should seek being a digital nomad for a while before deciding on something definite.