Splinterlands Social Media Challenge: Getting the Winning Edge
Once you start playing Splinterlands you start understanding the basics of the game like levelling up your summoner then levelling up the monsters you see performing better in your battles. You will notice initially investing in more cards or higher level cards does give you an edge over new players who lack a big portfolio but as you advance further in the game you will notice that players that you get paired up against also have good extensive collection, levelled up summoners and most of the good monsters.
This means that now just having good cards will not be sufficient to win. You need to think of some strategies which will give you an edge over your opponent with similar cards so you can have a better win rate and get longer winning streaks which will intern help you get higher rewards.
To demonstrate some of the key strategies I have picked up over the years I will use one battle I had recently in a brawl where my opponent had a similar team formation that me but there were some small things he missed out on which gave me the winning advantage.
You can see the full battle here - https://splinterlands.com/battle/sm_taWhZTzHbBOy947pFRcM
What you will notice is both of us chose Water element as every player will have a favourite 2-3 elements which he will build stronger like I prefer Dragon, Water and Earth and when I have a choice I will prefer to use one of these 3 elements. It seems Water was a favourite for my opponent too as he had a good water collection.
Don’t Over-invest in Gold Cards!
I am noticing many new players buying up a lot of gold cards quickly. I understand that gold cards give you a higher reward payout but what you need to understand is that they are more expensive and should be considered once you have built up a strong overall team. I could see my opponent had placed most of the gold cards but what he should have done was first focus on getting higher level cards rather than settling for lower level gold cards.
He had DeepLurker and SwampSpitter in gold but at lower levels than mine which made my cards stronger
Make Sure your Summoner is Max levelled for the League you Play!
I generally play Gold league, sometime Diamond league when I have more time to spend. This means a Level 6 Rare summoner serves my purpose well. My opponent had the same summoner but he had it only at level 4 which put a limitation on his entire team. Even if he had a individual card at higher level he would not be able to use it to the full.
It is better to have 3-4 summoners at level 6 rather than having 7-8 summoners at level 4.
Furious Chicken is More Dangerous than you Imagine!
Another clear edge I had was with the 0 Mana Furious Chicken. It basically gave a free card which will take up some hits and give my other monsters a free hit. The same advantage is with other 0 Mana monsters you may have. Make sure to keep 3-4 of these 0 Mana monsters in the Elements you like. Furious Chicken is a great card as it is Neutral element so can be paired with any element fight.
However you need to keep in mind that despite all the cards you may get and all the strategies you make there is no guarantee you will win a fight. Be prepared for some surprise losses and don’t get demotivated by some losses here and there. It’s just a game end of the day.
As you can see that despite all my advantage the fight went on for 8 rounds and was quite close. One wrong card selection and I could have easily lost it.
If you would like to enter the magical world of Splinterlands then feel free to use my referral link - https://splinterlands.com/register?ref=sambtc