Battle Mage Secrets: Strong Armor
Hope everyone is having a great Monday. I watched Wonka over the weekend and would highly recommend it as it was a nice movie. Anyways I'm going to be doing the weekly battle mage secrets challenge. The theme featured this week is Weak Magic. In this ruleset, all units basically have void armor. All magic damage will hit the armor first.
My Strategy & Tips Up for Weak Magic
Weak Magic has a few strategies. For summoners, Personally, I find Immortalis to be super strong since usually people will try to play armor and Immortalis gives shatter and lets you still play your magic units. Another strategy is to play summoners that give armor like Kelya, and Lux Vega. These summoners usually are weak to magic but with weak magic it's basically protection from magic against the enemy team.
For units, there are two strategies. One is to play units with protected which will give armor to the team and the other is to use units with rust which is the counter to protected. Battlewise I would avoid using magic units and focus more on melee and ranged units. Magic is mainly good only if it can ignore the armor but Immortalis is the only exception for this. If there's no Immortalis I wouldn't bother trying to play any magic units.
The Battle
I played this battle on my scholar account. The battle link can be found here. I played this battle in the last brawl. For those that don't know, I'm playing in wild diamond and I had home advantage. The rulesets for this battle were Melee Mayhem, What Doesn't Kill You, and Weak Magic. It was a 30 mana cap with Fire, Life, Death and Dragon element available.
Discussing My Lineup
Summoner, Quix the Devious - Quix is my summoner mainly for the speed difference. It would actually be better for Lux Vega here but I don't own one.
First Position, Cursed Windeku - This unit was one of the best tanks for a mid-low mana cap. It has amazing stats and good heal and slow which is great with the enrage.
Second Position, *Shadow Snitch - Shadow Snitch was chosen for the affliction. I felt that the opponent would also go for Cursed Windeku so I had this unit to stop the healing. The dodge ability is great as well as I expect ranged and melee attacks so that's a 25% miss chance.
Third Position, Trapp Falloway - Trapp Falloway is a gladius card that I rarely ever use. I think Melee Mayhem and this mana cap made this card a great choice. It has crazy damage and speed for only 4 mana.
Fourth Position, Ravenhood Warden - Ravenhood Warden was to give my whole team armor which is strong because of the weak magic. It was also super great for the inspire since the rest of my units were melee.
Fifth Position, Uraeus - Uraeus was my sneak unit to attack the backline with my Silent Sha-vi.
Sixth Position, Silent Sha-Vi - This unit was one of my big DPS. It has great attack and great speed to attack the backline and with the pierce it's amazing.
Analysis of The Battle
I actually thought I lost this battle when I first saw it because it showed I had a 3% chance of winning. I think Splintertools didn't account for the soulbound and gladius card. Anyways as you can see from the battle I focused melee units due to the weak magic, melee mayhem and the enrage. It was ideal to choose melee units. I only had one range unit to give the protected and inspire. The opponent went for a similar play but his range unit gave rust so it removed all the armor my ranged unit gave. However, my sneak units were able to kill the unit giving rust so I was able to get back my armor which ultimately helped me in getting victory. I had a lot more damage thanks to the inspire as well so I don't think my opponent had a chance to win.
Do I Like Weak Magic?
Honestly, I love playing this ruleset. I love playing with Immortalis and Kelya lineups so honestly this is a perfect ruleset for me. That's really all to it.
Thank You
If you made it here, thank you so much for reading all the way to the end. I appreciate the support and I hope you learned something new! What do you think of Weak Magic?
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Hi, I like your team with "Quix the Devious" and "Ravenhood Warden" with "inspire", nice game.
thank you bro! waiting for u in champ / diamond
Upvote recommended by @luckyali as part of Encouragement Program
Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️
thank you O.O
@shawnnft you're most welcome
No problem and I was able to support you as witness. Apparently I had one inactive witness
Thank you so much @shawnnft
I'll keep up the good work.
no problem u got this keep it up
Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121