Splinterlands Art Contest Week 331: Spirit of the Forest
Here is my entry for the weekly Splinterlands contest found HERE.
Here is the original card art:
Created in Clip Studio Paint Pro on a Microsoft Surface Pro 7+. Here is the timelapse video:
And here is the step-by-step drawing process.
Step One: Rough draft. I use a 40 px pastel pencil to block out the rough shape.
Step Two: Draw line art layer with the G Pen tool
Step Three: Hide the rough draft.
Step Four: Throw down some color. I used a giant rough watercolor brush just to fill the page with irregular green tones. Then slathered in some other shades of green and a bit of gold
Step Five: Set the line art layer as the reference and let Clip Studio do the work with the "colorize" feature.
Step Six: Duplicate the new color layer as a "multiply" layer to darken the entire picture. Then I just add tones to one of the layers. Mostly used the smooth watercolor brush to shove paint around the canvas.
Step Seven: Make a new "add glow" layer to put in some highlights, then sign the bottom right corner
Step Eight: Profit!
If you scrolled all the way to the end, congratulations! You could earn up to $1000! Not from me, but anything's possible...
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Thanks for sharing! - @isaria