Un bello recuerdo de mi adultes y una compresion de las finanzas en el matrimonio / A beautiful memory of my adulthood and an understanding of finances in marriage - Concurso LOH # 145


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Saludos mujeres de ladies of hive esperando se encuentren muy bien y estén disfrutando de una buena semana.

Me encanta el desafío para esta semana ya que son preguntas relacionadas directamente con lo que somos, hemos vivido, en el cual podemos dar una opinión real porque lo he experimentado. Comenzare compartiendo un hermoso recuerdo vivido en la etapa de la adultez "mi matrimonio".

A los 30 años conozco al que sería sin saberlo mi amado esposo y padre de mis hijos. Años antes de que sucediera esto, pensaba que el matrimonio no era para mí, que nunca llegaría a casarme debido a tantas decepciones, incluso deseaba tener hijos y criarlos sola. Pero Dios tenía otros planes para mí, se revelo primero a mi vida por medio de su palabra usando al que sería luego mi futuro esposo para enseñarme estas verdades.

Comenzamos luego una hermosa relación de noviazgo que duro 2 años, en ese tiempo intencionalmente procuramos conocernos más y prepararnos para el matrimonio. Se llegó ese día que también fue muy grato y especial para mí porque como les indique no pensaba casarme, pero lo hice y al dia de hoy contamos con 11 bendecidos años de relación y con 2 hermosos hijos fruto de nuestra union.

Agradezco a Dios por haberme dado la bendición del matrimonio y formar una hermosa familia, soy realmente privilegiada de conocer las verdades de Dios que me guían y tener al que me acompañara el resto de mi vida, mi amado esposo. Soy muy bendecida con él y confió en Dios que guardara nuestro matrimonio y que seguiré disfrutando de el hasta la vejez si Dios nos da larga vida.

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En cuanto a sobre las mujeres y las finanzas en una relación o matrimonio he aprendido que es correcto compartir los detalles de las finanzas con su esposo o conyugue, debido a que cuando se unen, se tiene tal relación que forman una unidad matrimonial para el bienestar de ambos como una familia ya conformada.

Entendiendo que el dinero es solo un medio para conseguir cosas que se necesitan. Si ambos trabajan lo ideal es que manejen una sola finanza, considerando en mutuo acuerdo las prioridades, esto los llevara a una mejor confianza del uno hacia el otro, evitara conflictos, permitirá que los dos estén siempre informados de los asuntos del hogar, se aprovechara mejor los recursos y siempre se estarán cubriendo esas necesidades primarias.

En nuestro caso como matrimonio tenemos una unidad en las finanzas de manera que todo lo que llega es administrado de la mejor manera posible, no hay algo como que esto es mio o tuyo, todo lo consideramos en las prioridades para nuestro bienestar como familia.

Cuándo hay alguna diferencia que siempre surgen, lo hablamos y evaluamos para llegar a un acuerdo, aunque para esto se requiere de mucha madurez porque somos personas diferentes que tambien pensamos diferente.

Dios nos ha enseñado que Él es el dueño de todo, y si Él es el dueño de mi vida también lo es de todas las áreas de mi vida y eso incluye las finanzas, es por eso que intentamos ser buenos administradores de lo que Dios nos da.


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Greetings ladies of hive hoping you are doing well and enjoying a good week.

I love the challenge for this week because they are questions directly related to what we are, what we have lived, in which we can give a real opinion because I have experienced it. I will begin by sharing a beautiful memory lived in the stage of adulthood "my marriage".

At the age of 30 I met the man who would unknowingly become my beloved husband and father of my children. Years before this happened, I thought that marriage was not for me, that I would never get married because of so many disappointments, I even wanted to have children and raise them alone. But God had other plans for me, He first revealed Himself to me through His word, using my future husband to teach me these truths.

We then began a beautiful dating relationship that lasted 2 years, during which time we intentionally sought to get to know each other better and prepare for marriage. That day came and it was also very pleasant and special for me because as I told you I did not plan to get married, but I did and today we have 11 blessed years of relationship and 2 beautiful children from our union.

I thank God for giving me the blessing of marriage and forming a beautiful family, I am truly privileged to know the truths of God that guide me and to have the one who will be with me for the rest of my life, my beloved husband. I am very blessed with him and I trust God to keep our marriage and that I will continue to enjoy it until old age if God gives us long life.

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Regarding women and finances in a relationship or marriage I have learned that it is right to share the details of finances with your husband or spouse, because when you come together, you have such a relationship that you form a marital unit for the welfare of both of you as a family already formed.

Understanding that money is only a means to get things you need. If both work, the ideal is that they manage a single finance, considering in mutual agreement the priorities, this will lead to a better confidence of one towards the other, will avoid conflicts, will allow that both are always informed of the matters of the home, will take better advantage of the resources and will always be covering those primary needs.

In our case as a married couple we have a unity in the finances so that everything that arrives is administered in the best possible way, there is no such thing as this is mine or yours, everything is considered in the priorities for our welfare as a family.

When there is a difference that always arises, we talk about it and evaluate it to reach an agreement, although this requires a lot of maturity because we are different people who also think differently.

God has taught us that He is the owner of everything, and if He is the owner of my life He is also the owner of all areas of my life and that includes finances, that is why we try to be good stewards of what God gives us.


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Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad, imagen hecha con Photoshop

Traduccion realizada en DeepL

All photos are my property

Translation done at DeepL


Que hermosa experiencia. Felicidades por el matrimonio que están viviendo. Cada años se multiplique mucho amor y bendiciones para ustedes. La vida da mucha sorpresa y es hermoso poder leer tu historia. 💟🤗


Si amiga es una bendición la verdad. Jamás me imaginé vivir lo que estoy viviendo al día de hoy, pero así son las cosas gracias a Dios. Muy agradecida por tu lectura y comentario. Gracias


Fue un gusto leerte hasta el final. El amor es un tema que es saludable y la familias lo es todos. Me agrado compartir el texto. Abrazo 🤗


Gracias amiga por tomarte el tiempo y disfrutar de la lectura, te agradezco. Sin amor nada somos, abrazo para ti tambien.


Felicidades por tus 11 años de matrimonio , que Dios bendiga tu hogar y celebren muchos aniversarios más.



Amen amiga muchas gracias, es una gran bendición.


Even with previous disappointments, it may seem that God has finally reveal your husband, something a fried of mine surmised. She had poor relationships in her past and just when she was convinced that there was no one, she was blessed with her ideal husband. What a happy ending, her husband even gave her total charge of all the family finances.
It's great that the both of you are on the same page.


Well that is something that only God can do when we know him, he orders our life and blesses us in many ways. I am happy for your friend, I also know of cases where it is the woman who manages the finances and the household functions properly.


In our case as a married couple we have a unity in the finances so that everything that arrives is administered in the best possible way, there is no such thing as this is mine or yours, everything is considered in the priorities for our welfare as a family.

That's the best way to go, but for that to happen, both parties has to agree. I'm glad to see you have a happy marriage and you're satisfied with how things are going. Good luck :)


Yes, if there is no agreement it does not work, thank God we are doing well this way, thank you very much, I am really happy.



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I love that part where you shared that we are only stewards of everything we have on earth including our finances.
You have a wonderful family sis.

Thanks for participating.


Amen, thank God for that mentality that only He gives us. Let us learn more and more sis



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