Holozing Healer of the Forest Chibi Kawaii [ENG/ESP]

Hello to everyone on HIVE and the Holozing community! Today I want to share with you my fan art of Healer of the Forest from the mystical world of Holozing. I used vector illustration techniques to create this adorable chibi kawaii version.

¡Saludos a todo HIVE y la comunidad de Holozing! Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes mi fan art de Healer of the Forest del místico mundo de Holozing. Utilicé la técnica de ilustración vectorial para crear esta adorable versión en estilo chibi kawaii.

The Creation Process:

The Inspiration

During my lunch hour, while scrolling through Ecency, I came across a fan art of Healer of the Forest that captivated me. I decided to create my own version in my characteristic flat and kawaii vector art style. I took my trusty sketchbook and sketched some concept art of what I wanted to achieve. I focused on the typical features of chibis, such as big eyes, short feet and hands, and a large head.

Proceso de Creación:

La Inspiración

Durante mi hora de almuerzo, mientras hacía scrolling en Ecency, me encontré con un fan art de Healer of the Forest que me cautivó. Decidí hacer mi propia versión en mi estilo característico de arte vectorial plano y kawaii. Tomé mi confiable sketchbook y garabateé un poco del concept art de lo que quería lograr. Me enfoqué en los rasgos típicos de los chibis, como ojos grandes, pies y manos cortos, y una cabeza grande.

Initially, I tried to draw a crown of branches, but I didn't like the result. I opted for a crown of leaves and flowers to give it a more natural touch and allusions to the forest.

Inicialmente, intenté dibujar una corona de ramas, pero no me gustaba el resultado. Opté por una corona de hojas y flores para darle un toque más natural y alusiones al bosque.

When I got home, I opened Illustrator, my favorite vector editing program. I took a photo of my sketch and started recreating the drawing layer by layer. I worked with a palette in green tones and used highlights to improve the proportions that I couldn't achieve with the pencil drawing.

Al llegar a casa, abrí Illustrator, mi programa de edición vectorial favorito. Tomé una foto de mi boceto y comencé a recrear el dibujo por capas. Trabajé con una paleta en tonos verdes y utilicé reflejos para mejorar las proporciones que no logré en el dibujo a lapicero.

I added a halo over the character's head to make her look more like a forest fairy. I also surrounded her with a circle of clovers, similar to the one she wears on her uniform.

Añadí un halo sobre la cabeza del personaje para que pareciera más una hadita del bosque. También la rodeé con un círculo de tréboles, similar al que lleva en su uniforme.

The result is a charming forest healer with big, bright eyes and rosy cheeks, typical of the chibi kawaii style. Her crown of leaves and flowers, along with the scattered clovers, evoke a sense of peace and connection with nature.

El resultado es una encantadora sanadora del bosque con grandes ojos brillantes y mejillas sonrosadas, típica del estilo chibi kawaii. Su corona de hojas y flores, junto con los tréboles dispersos, evocan una sensación de paz y conexión con la naturaleza.

I hope you enjoy my work as much as I enjoyed creating it. See you in the next post!

Espero que disfruten de mi trabajo tanto como yo disfruté creándolo. ¡Nos leemos en un próximo post!

I’m Ernesto, a Cuban passionate about art and writing. Always learning, always growing. Excited to share and learn more every day! I write about art, drawing, video games, nature, and review the things I like. My goal is to inspire and connect with others through my creative journey.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
I apologize if there are any grammatical errors, English is not my native language, I have tried to be as careful as possible.
I regularly create images on Pixabay, which are free of copyright. Access my gallery by clicking here.
All assets, illustrations and banners have been created by me and are original content, unless otherwise specified.
The cover of this article was created using Canva.
