Sapien Loop 2025 Quiz 1 Answers
Hi Everyone,
It is time to announce the winner of the first Sapien Loop Quiz for this year. I would like to begin by thanking all the participants for entering and even more so for taking the time to read my book. I am pleased with the quality of the responses. Four participants answered eight out of nine questions correctly.
How to Play!
For those who did not enter, here is a quick recap of how to play. The quiz contains nine multiple-choice questions. Each question has five possible answers. The participant is required to select the correct answer from the five options. The participant who answers the most questions correctly wins the contest. If there is a tie, the participant who entered first wins. There is also a requirement for the winner to answer at least four questions correctly. This is my way of ensuring that the participants have read the book.
The prize for each contest is 30 Hive Power. The entries of the first twelve participants are upvoted.
For more information about this quiz as well as the questions, click on the link below:
Answers to the Quiz Are as Follows:
Question 1: c
Question 2: b
Question 3: d
Question 4: a
Question 5: c or d
Question 6: c
Question 7: b
Question 8: e
Question 9: e
Apologies for questions 4 and 5; the answers were numbered incorrectly. This did not affect Question 4, but it did affect Question 5. The answer to Question 5 should have been ‘d’ but it was labelled ‘c’. Therefore, I’ll accept both ‘c’ and ‘d’ as correct answers.
Question 1: This question is from Chapter 70: Meeting the G.O.A.T. Prior to this chapter, Demarcus had become invisible several times, but he was unaware he was doing this. Lily was aware he could do this, and she wanted to help Demarcus become more proficient in becoming invisible.
Question 2: This question is from Chapter 12: The Invite. Morgan received a mysterious coded message from Orcille. He turned to Denise to help him. Denise quickly realised the numbers referred to page numbers and the letters referred to the words on the page.
Question 3: This question is from Chapter 12. When Orcille stated that the feast would include the finest Sape meat, Denise told Orcille that she does not eat Sape meat. Orcille angrily told her that she was not preparing a vegetarian option for her. This led to Denise refusing to attend the feast. Darius stood by her and also declined the invitation.
Question 4: This question is from Chapter 66: Debate the Truth. In Chapter 52, Jacob found dead Sapes in the water near his fishing vessel. They had apparently been killed. Jacob was not happy with the explanation given for their deaths. Therefore, he wanted to raise the matter during the political debate.
Question 5: This question is from Chapter 96: Civil War. Merida and Jaslene were being held in enforcer custody in relation to Leanne’s death. Protestors who supported the House of Divine Knowledge broke into the Enforcer Headquarters to rescue Merida, who was the Head Philosopher for West. Merida was in no hurry to leave as she enjoyed the finer things in life, such as scones and tea.
Question 6: This question is from Chapter 66: Debate the Truth. Darren’s popularity increased after the debate. He was the only candidate who showed interest in honestly addressing Jacob’s question.
Question 7: This question is from Chapter 12. After both Denise and Darius had declined Orcille’s invitation. Denise wanted Darius to meet her two friends, Hamlet and David. Initially, Darius considered them weird and had little appreciation for them. Denise wanted to show him that there was more to them than just being different. They had built a great friendship and a very strong relationship.
Question 8: This question is from Chapter 70: Meeting the G.O.A.T. To visit Lily in West, Demarcus needed to secretly travel by train. The difficult part was getting on and off without being caught. Demarcus decided to hide in the freight section of the train and exit with the freight to avoid the passenger exit where he would likely be caught.
Question 9: This question is from my new book Sapien Loop: Frozen in Time. Many of the Downs residents had consumed the contaminated water. The contamination was caused by Pardi’s solution, which was intended to make anyone who drank it infertile. It did achieve this, as well as many other illnesses. Some of them were life-threatening to the Downs residents. Downs was suffering from a serious medical crisis. Orcilla made it her mission to find a cure to all the problems caused by Pardi’s solution.
Overall, this contest had six participants. Four of those participants answered eight of nine questions correctly. Therefore, to determine the winner, I will use the tiebreaker rules, which state that in the event of a tie, the participant who entered first wins the quiz. Therefore, the winner of the first quiz of this year is @micheal87. Congratulations on winning 30 Hive Power.
The Sapien Loop Quiz will return later this month. I suggest you get reading now.
The Sapien Loop Series
I am writing a trilogy of books titled Sapien Loop. The first in the series is Sapien Loop: End of an Era and the second is Sapien Loop: Frozen in Time. I published both of these books as ebooks on Amazon, and I have posted completed chapters to my @captainhive account. I anticipate publishing the third book in early 2027. I expect to title this book Sapien Loop: Worlds Collide. In 2025, I plan to write short stories about some of the characters and their adventures. I will post these to my @captainhive over the course of the year.
Brief Summary of Sapien Loop: End of an Era

This story is based on the fictional planet Sapia and its sole country, Sapey. Sapey is portrayed as a form of utopia for all its citizens. No poverty. No war. Almost no crime. Opportunities for all.
This was enough for most citizens, but not all. In one of the small regions, some of the citizens had become discontent. They felt something important was missing in their lives. Their discontent did not go unnoticed. Some of the Sapey elite wanted to weaponise this discontent to gain more power. This created more chaos than they anticipated. This led to further widespread social unrest.
On top of the chaos, ambition and greed provoked another enemy. This enemy was on a mission to settle both new and old scores.
Brief Summary of Sapien Loop: Frozen in Time
This story is based six years after the original story. The Downs Region is still suffering from a serious health crisis caused by the contaminated water. The main characters are desperately trying to a find a cure for the illness that has been caused by the water.
One of the main characters has discovered frozen humanoids in hidden chambers. It appears they have been frozen for a long time. These chambers connect to a vast network of tunnels. While exploring the tunnels, one of the frozen humanoids disappears. It appears he has been stolen.
The story takes a step back in time to tell the story of the frozen humanoids. How and why were they frozen? This part of the story also explains the fall of ancient Sapey and the birth of the Sapiens. Can those from the past be able to coexist with those from the present?
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Oh how I missed the contest.
Congratulations to the winners.
wow am really excited in winning this and I enjoyed every part of the book because it was fun reading.
Well done getting the win. I'm glad you enjoyed the book.
A massive congratulations to all the winners
It was truly deserved
Question 5 answer is both c and d?
The answer was meant to be 'd', but I incorrectly labelled it as 'c'. Therefore, I accept both answers 'c' and 'd'.
I see