(ENG/ESP) Ladies of Hive Community Contest #219: The most important thing I seek to achieve this year / Lo más importante que busco lograr éste año



Hello to all the ladies in this community! For my participation in this round of the contest, I have decided to answer the second question, since I know nothing about weddings in general (I have never even attended one haha) but I am more than sure that what I would like to achieve this 2025, in fact, is what I have wanted for quite some time and if by some twist of fate, I were to achieve it this year, I would be very happy.


What is the most important thing that you are seeking to attain in 2025?

What I dream of the most and wish with all my heart to achieve, if possible this year, is my total and absolute financial independence. And the thing is, even though I am currently taking care of all my personal expenses, given that my income is somewhat reduced, I have to limit myself in many aspects, especially when it comes to paying my medical expenses, which, luckily, are not serious at all.

Also, although luckily where I live I do not have to pay rent as I did before, I would still like to have the possibility of opting for a better place, which I could pay without problems. And the thing is, although I am relatively comfortable where I live, at the level of "artisan", "seamstress", or in short "artist", I consider that space is very limiting. Every artist needs their studio and in the conditions in which I have to work, I often get discouraged. In the past, I had the possibility of working in a studio where I had enough space to do my things and it was great. I would like to have my own studio, even if it was small. A space that was completely mine to be myself without anyone complaining about the "mess" or the accumulation of things... that would be wonderful.


Foto de Matthieu Comoy en Unsplash

Although I am a thrifty person, I also admit that I can be quite a consumerist haha, although I think it would be more at the level of buying materials and other implements to do my projects, whether sewing or anything else that catches my attention. For this reason, I would like to increase my income in a fixed way this year, to be able to invest in materials and be able to do the sewing projects I want without feeling bad about it. Because currently I have to limit myself to doing only what I can with what I have available and that prevents me from doing more ambitious projects.

Likewise, apart from being able to adequately attend to my medical needs, I would really like to be able to take my cat Ikki to a veterinary check-up and see if something can be done about the castration issue. My cat has a condition called "bilateral cryptorchidism", a condition that makes him sterile and without external testicles. But that does not prevent my cat from having the character of an unneutered male cat and that worries me. The time I tried to take him to have surgery, the operation was a bit expensive for me and the vet recommended that I not do it, to avoid discomfort for my cat.


Being able to have greater financial solvency and being able to access a more comfortable place to live, I think I could try again, since if I had surgery, I could have Ikki with me for the entire healing process, because as the vet mentioned, it is an operation at the level of sterilization or more complicated.

They say that "Not everything is money", but, let's be realistic... having money makes many things easier or less complicated. I am not looking to get easy money or money that falls from the sky, since I consider myself a capable person and I have a lot of knowledge obtained over the years. I only hope that in 2025, I will be able to obtain the tools, the guide or whatever is necessary to improve my living conditions. With that, I know that I will be able to help others, because as a friend told me many years ago You cannot expect to help others if you do not help yourself first


Foto de Alexander Grey en Unsplash

Thank you very much for visiting my post. I hope you found it interesting.

💚 Until next time! 💚



¡Hola a todas las mujeres de esta comunidad! Para mi participación en esta ronda del concurso, he decidido responder a la segunda pregunta, ya que no sé nada sobre bodas en general (ni siquiera he asistido a una jaja) pero estoy más que segura de que lo que me gustaría lograr este 2025, de hecho, es lo que deseo desde hace bastante tiempo y si por algún hecho del destino, lograra cumplirlo este año, sería muy feliz.


¿Qué es lo más importante que buscas lograr en 2025?

Lo que más sueño y deseo con todo mi corazón obtener, si es posible en éste año, es mi total y absoluta independencia económica. Y es que, a pesar de que me hago cargo actualmente de todos mis gatos personales, dado que mis ingresos son algo reducidos, tengo que limitarme en muchos aspectos, sobre todo a la hora de solventar mis gastos médicos que, por suerte, no son nada graves.

También, aunque por suerte donde vivo no tengo que pagar alquiler como estaba antes, de igual forma me gustaría tener la posibilidad de optar por un mejor lugar, el cual pudiera pagarlo sin problemas. Y es que, aunque estoy relativamente cómoda en donde vivo, a nivel de "artesana", "costurera", o en resumen de "artista", considero que el espacio es muy limitante. Todo artista necesita su taller y en las condiciones en las que tengo que trabajar, muchas veces me desanimo. En el pasado, tuve la posibilidad de trabajar en un taller en donde tenía suficiente espacio para hacer mis cosas y era genial. Me gustaría un taller propio, así fuera pequeño. Un espacio completamente mío para ser yo misma sin que nadie se queje por el "desorden" o el cúmulo de cosas... sería maravilloso.


Foto de Matthieu Comoy en Unsplash

Aunque soy una persona ahorrativa, también admito que puedo ser bastante consumista jaja aunque creo que sería más a un nivel de compra de materiales y demás implementos para hacer mis proyectos, ya sea de costura o cualquier otra cosa que me llame la atención. Por eso, me gustaría éste año incrementar mis ingresos de forma fija, para poder invertir en materiales y poder realizar los proyectos de costura que deseo sin sentirme mal por ello. Porque actualmente tengo que limitarme a realizar sólo lo que puedo con lo que tengo disponible y eso, me impide hacer proyectos más ambiciosos.

Del mismo modo, aparte de poder atender de forma adecuada mis necesidades médicas, me gustaría muchísimo poder llevar a mi gato Ikki a un control veterinario y ver si puede hacerse algo con el tema castración. Mi gato tiene una condición llamada "criptorquidia bilateral", condición que lo hace estéril y sin testículos externos. Pero eso no impide que mi gato tenga el carácter de un gato macho sin castrar y eso, me preocupa. La vez que intenté llevarlo a operar, la operación era algo costosa para mí y el veterinario me recomendó no hacerla, para evitarle molestias a mi gato.


Pudiendo tener una mayor solvencia económica y pudiendo acceder a un lugar más cómodo para vivir, pienso que podría volver a intentarlo, ya que de operarlo, podría tener a Ikki conmigo para todo el proceso de curación, porque como mencionó el veterinario, se trata de una operación al nivel de la esterilización o más complicado.

Bien dicen que "No todo es dinero", pero, seamos realistas... teniendo dinero muchas cosas se solventan más fáciles o sin tantas vueltas. No busco obtener dinero fácil o caído del cielo, ya que considero que soy una persona capaz y tengo muchos conocimientos obtenidos a lo largo de los años. Sólo espero que este 2025,logre obtener las herramientas, la guía o lo que sea necesario para poder mejorar mi condición de vida. Ya con eso sé, que podré ayudar a los demás, porque como me dijo una amiga hace muchos años No puedes pretender ayudar a los demás, si primero no te ayudas a ti mismo


Foto de Alexander Grey en Unsplash

Muchas gracias por haber visitado mi publicación. Espero que les haya parecido interesante.

💚 ¡Hasta una próxima oportunidad! 💚




In the world we live in now, money is really everything. It's the hard truth. So good luck to your plans and goals. I hope you achieve them one by one, I'm sure you can do it, especially getting your own studio 😊💓


Okay, unfortunately as they say "money doesn't buy happiness, but it helps to get it" 😆 There are so many things I want to do and thinking that the only thing stopping me is that, is a little frustrating 🙃 But hey, thinking about what I want to achieve and striving for it every day, I hope it's the right way to get it 😌 Thank you very much for reading my post and for your good wishes 🤗✨

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Right, and if we want it, we work for it. The path is not easy but we'll surely get by, I hope 🙉💪😂✨


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Definitely the money is necessary to cover the needs, I wish that everything goes well with your work and you can get it so that you get your study and allow you to have the tools to improve the quality of life,


It's true and when our needs are covered, we can think about everything else 😌 Thank you very much for reading my post and for your good wishes 🤗✨

sue_smile corazon.png


You cannot expect to help others if you do not help yourself first

These are the words of remarkable wisdom. Unless you are strong you cannot support others.

Money is certainly very important as it makes life easier and opens up ways of more fortune. So what are your plans about how you are going to attain the financisl freedom this year? Is it via some business or a job?


That's right, those are extraordinary words 😊 I received them at a time in my life when I felt guilty for not being able to give to others more than I could give at that moment, it turns out I was giving everything of myself and I had nothing left, so eventually I began to realize that I couldn't continue acting that way. I feel like I've become much stronger since then 😌

Well... I don't have what you could call a "definitive plan", I always have several plans that I try to implement as much as possible. Currently with the situation in the country I live in, I am limited to leaving the house for the moment, but I would like to see if I can get an external job where I can put some of my skills into practice. While that is possible, I plan to continue developing my knowledge at home and try to make new sewing products for my online page with the materials I have available. That and see if I can learn new things that allow me to be monetized at the time. I think I'll continue to take the attitude of: instead of worrying, it's better to get busy 🤔

Thank you so much for reading my post and for commenting 🤗💚

sue_smile corazon.png


Sometimes, some words help us rise above our adversity. I am glad you recieved those words.

About your plans, you are sounding optimistic. I am positive that you will achieve your goals.

Good luck !LADY


Hehe, when you get tired or bored of being negative, all you have to do is turn the page and strive to make a difference, after all Nothing changes if you don't change 😌 Thank you very much for your good wishes, likewise, I hope you also achieve all your goals this year 💚



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Thank you so much! 💚

sue_smile corazon.png


That's great @suezoe! We're excited to see your accomplishments on Hive! We keep cheering you on for your next goal!


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