(ENG/ESP) My participation in CCC's Street Art #196 / Mi participación en el CCC's Street Art #196



Hello all street art lovers! With great joy, this week I join the contest #196 with a beautiful mural that I found this week while I was walking through the city of Caracas (Venezuela). I was enchanted by the expression of the girl in the drawing, which made me think of the moment when we try something citrus like a lemon or a sour candy... or maybe when you feel like saying something that you know, it will end up generating controversy (believe me, I know a lot about that 😆).


Unfortunately, the mural has suffered from discoloration due to the intense sun and the paint has also fallen off over time. It was made in 2016 by the graffiti artist Romanok Agreda, I am glad that the photographs from a few years ago show how vibrant it was the color on the mural. Seeing other works by Romanok , I get excited just thinking about the small possibility of finding some of his old works in the city, because it seems that he has not stopped working wonders over time.


And to say goodbye, as a bonus, I show you a nice drawing with the effect of "false windows", which I found inside the facilities of the Garden Center Caracas, where a small event was taking place that I attended. As soon as I saw that wall, I really liked the drawing. I love indoor murals, because in a way, they are better preserved than outdoor ones, but the bad thing is that they are not as visible, so it is up to us to show them to the world.


Thank you very much for visiting my publication. I hope you found it interesting.

Until next time!



¡Hola a todos los amantes del arte callejero! Con mucha alegría, me sumo ésta semana al concurso #196 con un hermoso mural que me encontré ésta semana mientras me hallaba caminando por la ciudad de Caracas (Venezuela). Quedé encantada con la expresión de la chica en el dibujo, que me hizo pensar en el momento en que probamos algo cítrico como un limón o un caramelo ácido... o tal vez cuando tienes ganas de decir algo que sabes, va a terminar generando controversia (créanme, yo sé mucho de eso 😆).


Lamentablemente, el mural ha sufrido con la decoloración propia del sol intenso y la pintura también se ha ido caído con el paso del tiempo. Fue realizado por el 2016 por el graffitista Romanok Agreda, me alegra que las fotografías de hace unos años, muestren lo vibrante que era el color en el mural. Viendo otros trabajos de Romanok , me emociono de sólo pensar en la pequeña posibilidad de hallar alguno de sus antiguos trabajos en la ciudad, porque se ve que no ha dejado de hacer maravillas a lo largo del tiempo.


Y para despedirme, a modo de bonus, les muestro un bonito dibujo con el efecto de "ventanas falsas", que hallé dentro de las instalaciones del Garden Center Caracas, en donde se estuvo realizando un pequeño evento al cual asistí. En cuanto vi esa pared, el dibujo me agradó bastante. Me encantan los murales de interior, porque en cierto modo, se conservan mejor que los de exterior, pero lo malo, es que no son tan visibles, así que queda de nuestra parte mostrárselos al mundo.


Muchas gracias por haber visitado mi publicación. Espero que les haya parecido interesante.

¡Hasta una próxima oportunidad!




As I said in the Weekly StreetArt, great work despite the years, still beautiful. Thanks for sharing these pics on The StreetArt Community.

Have a lovely day


I'm glad I found it before it deteriorated further, street art is beautiful in photographs, but nothing compares to seeing it in person, I think it's similar to going to an art gallery and having the opportunity to be face to face with it. some painting, you take the place of the artist for a second, seeing his finished work from afar and it is a wonderful feeling 😊 Thank you very much for coming to see it and for the support 😉 Also, have a wonderful day 🤗✨💚

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As you say, it's always better to see the work in real life. We're more moved by the artist's work than by a photo, but it allows us to discover talented artists from all over the world.
Enjoy your day too


This mural is very nice friend, I really like the face and expression of the girl hahahahaha

Thanks for giving us this find @suezoe



Yes, it's really lovely!! It's a shame it's not on a main street, because I almost missed it, but my vision has become sharp since I belong to this community and as soon as I saw that face I immediately went to photograph it. That face is too striking, the artist is incredible 😊 Thank you very much for looking at it and for your words 😌💚

sue_smile corazon.png


Good morning dear friend @suezoe
What a brilliant work, I love the expression of the girl's eyes and the shape of her mouth. What a shame they haven't restored it to keep it in its original condition.
Thank you very much for sharing this beautiful work, have a great day


Hello! Very good days! 😃

It is certainly a beautiful piece of work. As soon as I saw it out of the corner of my eye, I rushed over to see it 😌 on the graffiti artist's networks you can see what it looked like when the colors were vivid and it is a visual spectacle... unfortunately I have noticed that no restorations are made to street art, much less when artists move. But, at least I am left with the gratification of being able to see it in person before it is no longer visible 🙃

Thank you very much for coming to see it and for leaving me your opinion 😊 Also, have a happy day 🤗💚

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