(ESP/ENG) ¿Olvidamos qué se siente disfrutar de una película? / Have we forgotten what it feels like to enjoy a movie?
¡Hola a todos los integrantes de esta comunidad y amantes de la escritura creativa! Una vez que vi la imagen para el concurso, pensé en escribir un post divertido sobre las "noches de películas" que todos tenemos de vez en cuando, pero inevitablemente me puse a reflexionar sobre algo que siento, tiene años sucediendo 🤔
Las veces que he ido al cine desde que existo, no se compara a las que vi películas en casa y es que, antes de la época del streming, teníamos que resolver con lo que había disponible para ver y entretenernos, aún si eso significaba ver la película de Aladdin en VHS, por enésima vez, así nos supiéramos los diálogos de memoria 😆
No sé si la razón era porque siendo niños, sólo nos distraíamos con la animación o lo que sucedía en la pantalla, pero parecía que nunca nos aburríamos con las películas, así fueran las mismas. Mis padres siempre nos colocaban una película para dormir y aún de adulta, solo siento que puedo dormirme más rápidamente si tengo algo puesto en la televisión.
Durante la época del VHS, en ocasiones alquilábamos películas para variar o las intercambiábamos con los vecinos, así teníamos variedad para ver. Lo mismo ocurrió cuando llegaron los DVDs. Nuestra posibilidad de ver filmes se había ampliado, pero para los que no teníamos internet, seguía siendo limitante a la pila de Cds que tenías en los estantes.
Del mismo modo, aunque éramos más grandes, mis hermanos y yo seguíamos disfrutando de ver la misma película una y otra vez, hasta que las escenas se grababan en nuestra memoria y hacíamos chistes de ellas en nuestra vida cotidiana si la situación, así lo ameritaba. De esa forma, la película se volvía parte de nuestras vidas y de nosotros.
Ahora, que tenemos cientos de películas a nuestra disposición gracias a la internet, es raro que podamos dedicarle a una película o serie, la misma dedicación de antes y mucho menos, recordar da qué iba con el paso de los días. También, nuestro sentido "crítico" se ha agudizado. En ocasiones, cuando mis hermanos y yo, nos damos cuenta de ello, paralizamos lo que estamos viendo y exclamamos "mejor, dejemos de analizar, es una película" y seguimos viendo.
Ciertamente, esto es algo que sucede mucho en la actualidad. Ya no vemos películas por la búsqueda de entretenimiento a través de la narración de una historia que nos parezca interesante; en cierto modo, buscamos lo que nos es "familiar", que entre en nuestra lógica y si no la tiene o se sale de lo normativo, es cuando inevitablemente lo despedazamos con nuestro juicio... porque todo tiene que tener sentido, ir rápido al asunto, con muchos efectos visuales y referenciar la vida real, porque a pesar de que todo transcurra en otra dimensión o en otro planeta, no nos interesará lo suficiente si no referencia algo de la vida que conocemos.
Por eso, ahora estoy buscando de ver esos filmes de cuando era niña, películas que no pude ver en su momento por la falta de acceso a las mismas o las que vi y no pude entender por ser apenas una infante. Porque sé que allí, hallaré lo que estoy buscando en una película.
Pero, cuando veo estos filmes, apago mi sentido crítico y trato simplemente de sumergirme en la historia, de hallar lo que el autor quiso reflejar a través del guion y si es posible, tomar la enseñanza que la trama tenga para ofrecer... O simplemente, disfrutar de ser un espectador de lo que estoy viendo, sin nada más que eso.
Muchas gracias por haber visitado mi publicación. Espero que les haya parecido interesante.
💚 ¡Hasta una próxima oportunidad! 💚
Hello to all the members of this community and lovers of creative writing! Once I saw the image for the contest, I thought about writing a fun post about the "movie nights" we all have from time to time, but inevitably I started to reflect on something that I feel has been going on for years 🤔
The times I've been to the movies since I've been around, it doesn't compare to the times I've watched movies at home and that's because, before the streaming era, we had to make do with what was available to watch and entertain ourselves, even if that meant watching the movie Aladdin on VHS, for the umpteenth time, even if we knew the dialogues by heart 😆
I don't know if the reason was because as children, we were only distracted by the animation or what was happening on the screen, but it seemed like we never got bored with movies, even if they were the same. My parents always put on a movie for us to fall asleep to and even as an adult, I just feel like I can fall asleep faster if I have something on the TV.
During the VHS era, we would sometimes rent movies for variety or trade them with the neighbors, so we had variety to watch. The same thing happened when DVDs came along. Our ability to watch movies had expanded, but for those of us who didn't have the Internet, it was still limited to the pile of CDs on the shelves.
Likewise, even though we were older, my brothers and I still enjoyed watching the same movie over and over again, until the scenes were recorded in our memory and we made jokes about them in our daily lives if the situation warranted it. In this way, the movie became part of our lives and of us.
Now that we have hundreds of movies at our disposal thanks to the Internet, it is rare that we can dedicate the same amount of time to a movie or series as before, much less remember what it was about as the days go by. Also, our "critical" sense has sharpened. Sometimes, when my brothers and I realize this, we stop what we are watching and exclaim "let's stop analyzing, it's a movie" and continue watching.
This is certainly something that happens a lot these days. We no longer watch movies in search of entertainment through the narration of a story that seems interesting to us; in a way, we look for what is "familiar" to us, that fits into our logic and if it doesn't have it or is outside the norm, that's when we inevitably tear it apart with our judgment... because everything has to make sense, get to the point quickly, with lots of visual effects and reference real life, because even though everything happens in another dimension or on another planet, it won't interest us enough if it doesn't reference something from the life we know.
That's why I'm now looking to see those films from when I was a child, films that I couldn't see at the time because of the lack of access to them or those that I saw and couldn't understand because I was just a child. Because I know that there, I'll find what I'm looking for in a film.
But, when I watch these films, I turn off my critical sense and simply try to immerse myself in the story, to find what the author wanted to reflect through the script and if possible, take the lesson that the plot has to offer... Or simply, enjoy being a spectator of what I'm watching, without anything else.
Thank you very much for visiting my post. I hope you found it interesting.
💚 Until next time! 💚

The VHS era sure was fun!!! It's nostalgic... I first watched Spirited Away on VHS and it has been my favorite since... My cousins and I especially enjoy looking at the VHS rewinder. hahaha I love how shallow our happiness back then was. We enjoy every little thing! <3
Certainly the VHS era brings nostalgia for those of us who had the opportunity to live it 😌 It was always an important event when a new movie arrived home and we didn't get bored of watching the same thing over and over again haha A few years ago, driven by nostalgia, I bought a car-shaped VHS movie rewinder at a garage sale, it's really beautiful. These days I saw it and I hope to send it to be cleaned (because the internal dust doesn't allow it to work), I have some old VHS movies that I recorded myself... but I don't know if they still work, I remember that I have a full Sakura Card Captors movie recorded that I saw on television 😆 The good thing is that, nowadays, the value towards "retro" and "vintage" things is recovering a bit, that comforts me 😌 Thank you very much for visiting my post and for commenting 🤗💚
Waaaa.... being able to re-live our childhood sounds very nostalgic, indeed! I hope the rewinder works... Enjoyyyyyy~!!!!
You're welcome! <3
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