Minimalist Contest: Hoarding For The Future.

Hello friends and minimalist family ❤️!

I know I will be laughed at with this story concerning my minimalist journey, but I needed to tell it so that many of us can learn from it because even while we have chosen to live a life of minimalism, we still have some areas we find very difficult to let go.

I started my minimalist lifestyle early in life because of the way I was brought up which helped me so much in life through my high school, college and work life. Although then I see and regard it as simple lifestyle until I learnt from my senior sister how such lifestyle or living is minimalistlifestyle .

And then because I love fashion which I practice in a simple way but always invest in quality buyings believing while doing it is to achieve quality over quantity. I could always want to buy something unique but expensive because I know for once I will not have too many competitors when it comes to trending fashion style sense that is generally everywhere.

My One Habit/Hoarding.

Who will want to leave her dresses 👗 and her shoes 👠 for her children to grow up and meet them? This was my worst habit as a minimalist because I was keeping some of my best clothes and shoes for my girls especially some nice dresses 👗, believing I was doing the right thing. Why was I doing this? Because I was feeling how expensive these purchases were during my spinsterhood and afterwards. I could not let go of this clothings, shoes 👠, some bags 💼 when I look at them, and kept billing them up. Although they were always neatly arranged, they did keep occupying space in the wardrobe, suitcases and all,

The Funny And Fun Part 🤩.

And gradually my girls were growing, and I was feeling so happy of how they will like to start wearing the clothings and others. But it took another dimension. The jenzy era that is totally different from the millennium that we are.

One weekend when we were all relaxing and I mentioned how we should make out time to check the wardrobe and the suitcase where I have packed all the inheritance ..,.,, hahahaha 🤪, my first daughter started laughing and said mummy who wants to wear those millennium styles of yours? Don’t you know this is jenzy era? Pls look 👀 how to start giving them out 🤩. I could not believe my ears but she was indeed right. How did I not see it coming I asked myself? The computer 💻 age, the innovation era, the AI, they are all changing things even fashion styling.

I became do confused because even my younger daughter likes only Nickers, baggie chinos jeans and T- Shirts 👚 because she is into gaming and sports 🏀. I was caught up in a situation I kept myself. My hubby was just at the corner laughing 😆 at me. I have never been so confused And this practically taught me a big lesson,

I did not waste any time taking an immediate action on how to declutter and give out all the clothings, shoes and bags. I took most if them to the church since we already have donating section where any thing from food to clothings can be donated. And the rest I gave to some junior colleagues at work making sure everywhere was decluttered.

We all have that one thing we love to hoard or let go of. I invite @eunice200 . I know you have that one thing you don’t want to let go girl 👧.

All images are mine.


I can understand how it's tempting to keep clothes for your little ones, especially if they're pricey and high quality. I'd say you never know what the future holds, my mom kept a bunch of old clothes that I love wearing (now). So maybe someday in the future :)
I enjoyed getting to know about your guilty hoarding. Thank you for your entry:)


So tempting, but no body knows the future. Especially how the present era is now. Lots of style change.

Thank you so much for your time reading. Its a pleasure entering for this contest.


But that dress looks amazing on you 😍 It's true, fashion has changed, tastes in dressing have changed a lot. I think everyone has their own charm. And it's nice to wear what we like, something that goes with our personality, and at the same time dare to wear something that maybe we didn't think 💟


Aww beautiful. The computer 💻 era and innovation has really taken over everything. But we will still wear what we like.

Thanks for the compliment. I love this dress so much. Sending love and blessings ❤️😇


The genz choices are different especially with the fashion sense. My siblings would always turn down some of my clothes until the rainy season, they will empty my wardrobe all in the name of wearing a big cloth to prevent cold.

I am glad you gave it out to those who really need them... Thanks for being a cheerful giver.


Hahaha 🤣. That’s a nice one George. They saw the importance of big clothes during the cold period.

We need to give out especially when we have enough,

Thanks for your time. Lots of blessings 😇❤️.
