Before I proceed to answer this question, I would like to state that I have no experience in the field of parenting. My writing is merely spurred out of the definite thoughts of parenting which I have and supported thereof by the firm understanding of values that my parents instilled in me.


To be a good parent, lot more than three qualities are required. There's the need to possess every single positive quality out there. But I guess, I could do some narrowing down to the number asked.

Be truthful and open.

My parents did their best to not shield the truth from us, however terrible or great. It made us, me in particular, feel very much respected and recognized that they could share all that with me. As a parent, it's important to be open and speak the truth at all times. Children understand too. They learn and imitate their parents(you say the truth or a lie, they copy that). This singular act can also make them open themselves to you in sincerity and that makes for a bond.
It's important to not shy away from telling the truth and to not be afraid to say that you don't know a particular thing. Speak to your child, come down to their level and try to reason with them and also pay rapt attention to them.


With handling kids, patience is necessary. They'll err, go against rules, They'll fall, they'll fail, they'll repeat one mistake over and again even after you've given corrections a number of times. A parent should learn to take stuff easy remembering that it takes time to learn, and they will.


This is the foundation of humanity. Every parent can easily teach a child to be considerate, to show respect for oneself and others, pay attention, be sympathetic and to respond to people and situations in a manner that isn't overbearing by simply modeling it. The home is the first classroom of a child and especially at young ages, children readily grasp and absorb what they see and hear especially from their parents.

I did not mention love as it is assumed that a parent loves the child. Not the love that smothers, but love that encourages healthy growth.

These are the three qualities I think every parent should posses. They, in my opinion, form a base for every other one to stand firm.


Thanks for stopping by.


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