Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge: Featuring Arachne Weaver

Hello Splinterlands friends , looks like we have a new community challenge at hand. When I saw the post it got me excited since this is more on dissecting the new reward cards. A lot of us is still struggling on where to fit this new cards in our battle strategy , so this challenge a timely one.

Personally I would say, I'm more of a Death Element User, making life of the opponent miserable through a lot of debuffs makes battling more enjoyable. Imagine bringing down their attacks and stats at a minimum during battle, I think everyone would agree that it's very satisfying.

Anyways for the Reward card I'm reviewing I think is a great addition to the Death element, adding it in a line up makes the lineup more sustainable since she heals other units, and this is an ability that we lack in death. So here is my featured card for this challenge, Arachne Weaver.


  • I currently have this unit at level two, so I don't have access to it's full potential but in it's current state I was able to use him in certain battles of course depending on the situation since she's not always effective every time.


  • This is the skill that separates it from the rest, Corrupted Healing. This skill allows it to heal a percentage of allied units, its better than ordinary healing since it's always based on max healed of the receiver. It has a bad side though, every heal reduces it's max health. Unit must be protected for it to be able to do the healing effectively.


-Due to the low health of this Unit I think this will have a very big problem with units that have the opportunity ability, they will target on any chance that they will get so protecting it is a must.

So Having Units with Taunt or protect is a good pair with this unit.


The Taunt ability allows Weaver to become not targetable during the duration of the life of the taunt allied unit making sure it heals as much allies as possible.

Protect gives her a shield to be able to take those initial damage from any attacks directed to it.

So all in all I think it's weakness for having a low health can be solved by pairing it with units suitable for the situation above.


I've been using this unit in reverse speed ruleset, having that 2 speed is a decent speed for this rule.

If my observation is right this unit is a good healer for any taunt units as well since this unit will only heal those units that took damage only, so if only the taunt unit is taking damage it will receive all the heals. An attribute like that is very useful specially that the death element has only the Pegasus who has the tank heal ability, and I think Weaver's heal is better since it can heal from any positions.


And to show more of how Arachne Weaver can be helpful here is a battle using it.


  • In this match, reverse speed is one of the rules, and as I mentioned this unit is good in this, now countering those low speed mages in Earth Element is becoming Easier.

  • Also one thing to take note when using weaver is protecting it from snipe, so in this battle I placed Muirat ,so Muirat took all the snipe magic attacks of Magi Necrosi.


  • As the much progresses the first recipient of the corrupted Heal is Alvar, now this being the case I think Weave can also be a secondary tank healer in battles with the rule " Fog of War " . Only the unit that took damage will be healed.


Now the next Heal was receive by Muirat confirming that it heals at a random, so I think It will prioritize more tank healing if I have a triage unit in my line up.

I'm learning stuff as the battle progresses, possible combos and on what instances should I use it.


  • On the fifth round I was surprised with what happened Weaver both healed Alvar and Muirat , I was really shocked, so now I guess it can heal multiple damage unit, the question is how many units can it heal at the same time?

  • THis battle is a victory on my side and I learned a lot, I will test more of it in battle, like I said I'm really surprised by the double heal hope I can find out earlier on how many units can it heal the the same time.

It's really fun experimenting with this new units added to the game, And I'm glad they made this challenge . SO I guess this is it for now will sure to share it if I find out more secrets.

TO watch the full battle of and see the double heal for yourself here is the BATTLE LINK.

Contest Link
Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge: Rebellion Reward Card Reviews



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